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Marik's Yacht

(Yeah, yeah, I know he's "Namu" here, but I don't look at it in that light because this is how he really looks when he turns good! ^______^ So that's what I think of!)

Wheee!! You have now stumbled upon my precious Marik's page!! XD This cutie has fast become another fave character of mine!!

I will mention now that I like Marik when he's being a good guy. I started role-playing him as such and then got the idea for my Stolen Memories story, where he gets amnesia, becomes acquainted anew with Yugi and the others, gets his memories back, and eventually sacrifices himself to save those his Yami has taken prisoner. Marik's just too cute to be bad!! Hehehehe

Marik: You're hyper again.

Me: Of course I am! **cartwheels.**

I am also an immense fan of sibling cuteness, and due to that, many of my recent stories focus on the relationship between Marik and his older siblings Ishizu and Rishid. I think they have very close relationships, just as strong as Seto and Mokuba! =3

This is actually my fourth attempt to draw all of them together, and it's the first one I really like XD Marik is recovering from being hurt and is just resting peacefully with his older siblings. Group hug! So cuuute ^___^

Also, I decided to have Mokuba and Marik become best friends. I got the idea from a wonderful story I had been reading and knew it was a sweet idea ^^ If I can find that story again, I'll put the name of the author up ^____^

Now, with all that in mind, here's a lil profile for Marik ^^ I don't feel I've changed his character; after all, he did repent at the end of Battle City! I just portray him as I see him, so if you don't like it then I suggest you get out of here XD I won't change my views on Marik for anyone!

Name: Marik Ishtar

Age: 16

Nationality: Egyptian

Strong Points: Nobility, kindness, wise due to what he's been through

Weak Points: Short temper that could lead to violence if he has just cause, sometimes anti-social, stubborn

Description: Lavender eyes, long blonde hair (unusual for an Egyptian, but beautiful! Yes!), and a unique voice. (Which I luv!) He wears a lot of gold jewelry (which looks awesome on him!) and he can usually be found attired in a lavender shirt and black pants.

Personality: He's a lot like "Namu", only for real now ^^ He's kind, sweet, gentle, and caring ^___^ He loves Ishizu and Rishid more than anything and would do anything to protect them. He also is very fond of his best friend Mokuba and would put himself in danger to keep him safe. If someone he loves is being deliberately harmed in any way, he gets very angry and filled with righteous indignation. And I'd say you'd better watch out XD Marik is a very good fighter, and he still carries the Millennium Rod with him. He may give you a good whack with it ^___^ Or if you've done something evil enough, he may mind-control you for a while until he can get things settled down. He still has that obstinate streak and you'd better watch out if you try to force him into anything. X3 He won't like that.

Marik often seems wise beyond his years. The other members of the Yugi-tachi sometimes go to him for advice and guidance when they're struggling. If he knows they're having a problem, he will voluntarily go to them without them needing to come to him. He likes riding his motorcycle, an interest he shares with Tristan, but he absolutely doesn't want any romance at this time. He just wants to enjoy the life he's finally having with his siblings and his friends.

If I was writing a shorter profile of him for like, an RPG site, it would go something like this: Marik is strong, brave, and an awesome person to have as a friend! He's an integral part of the YGO team and has an answer for everything. Sometimes those answers are of a sarcastic or a stubborn nature. He's a courageous, good fighter and very defiant to evil-doers. If the situation arises, he's more than willing to lay his life down for another.

Friendship pact! Cute, yes? ^____^