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Alright everyone, here's the deal.  Cartoon Network is debating on whether or not to use Bruce Faulconer's music for the DragonBall GT series.  This issue should not have even been brought up for discussion considering everything that Mr. Faulconer's music has done to help the series.

There is no debating over who will be doing the voices.  It is final that the American voices we hear in the DragonBall Z series today will also be in the GT series. Even though a lot of people do like the Japanese music. It just will not flow with the American voices like the American music.

Many people started watching the series on Cartoon Network when they picked up in the middle of the Namekian Saga.  This is when the new voices and new music were introduced.
Since then the DragonBall Z series has exploded in popularity.  Mr. Faulconer's music has added so much to the series.

The American music was made to go with what is happening in the episode and to fit the same tone as the American voices. Let's keep this music in the GT series so we can continue to watch our favorite show at it's greatest.  Please vote to keep this music for the GT Series as well!

We thank everyone in advance for all of your support!

Should Cartoon Network keep the original Japanese music for DragonBall GT, or continue to use the American music we hear on the DragonBall Z series?

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Hosted by WebEnalysis
Please click here for some samples of the american soundtrack.

Some of my favorites are:

Goku Battles 19
A little help froma friend

Vegeta Super Saiyan