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Main rulz:
1)No harrassing or cussing.
2)If you want to do something then e-mail me
3)You need to do something on the rpg at least once every two weeks unless you have a good excuse!
4)Pay Day is on tfriday.
5)Before planning fights tell the person what time in you time zone
6)e-mailing one of the owners for updates.check the e-mail link
7)The trainings are under the planets page!

1)You first need someone to ref the fight so that they can tell me the fight was really occuring.
2)You do not have to take turns in battle. I pefer that you do!
3)You challenge the person you want to figh to a ko match or a deathmatch
4)In a ko match you fight until someone runs out of hp:therefore he is knockedout.after the battle he only has 1 hp.
5)Deathmatch you fight until someone runs out of hp. if he does he is dead.
6)Fastest person goes first unless you want to roll dice(aol/aim)or allow the slower person to go first.

How To Battle:
Future Trunk's hasn't put this up yet so nobody can battle!so don't come crying to me! winning a fight:
Ko match-winners get 2000 stat points and 1000 yen
losers get 500 stat points and 5000 yen
Deathmatch-winner get 5000 stat points and 5000yen
and one of the opponents items
loser goes to king kais to learn kaioken

other rulz
1)You can only learn 2 moves at a time
2)Same goes for quest
3)You can fight in aol/aim chat rooms too!
4) Also there will be battle royals soemtimes.This is where everyone on the rpg fights in the same battle except whoever the ref is. you fight and battle until your knocked out.The last won standing wins the stats that you can win from a deathmatch.
6)If you die 100 times than you are stuck in the other demision

Stats- pl-Power Level
wa-Weapon attack damage