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Well here is my humor mp3s. You need the mp3 pluggin to download. You can download it here- Mp3 pluggin Download

    • Humor: MP3's

   GAY CELL?! - Piccolo notices that Cell has only been sucking power from old men, he's thinking that Cell's on the gay side.

   ANDROID 17 RABOTO - Android 17 asking Android 16 to accompany him, but gets a rather odd response.

   ANDROID 19's VOICE - Dr.Gero getting mad at the way he programmed Android 19's voice box.

   GURU's LARGE PROBLEM - Nail asking Guru to walk because of his "large" problem.

   KING COLD AND TRUNKS - King Cold begging for his life in a rather weird way.

   POOR CHIAOTZU - Tien & Yamcha take turns in smacking Chiaotzu arround, little comment by Master Roshi.

   KRILLINS PHONE CALL(PREQUEL) - The prequel to Krillin's phone call.

   KRILLINS PHONE CALL - Krillin makes a phone call to one of the writers and has a Mondo conversation.

   DBZ NARRATOR - The Dragonball Z narrator realizes he hates his life.

   DENDE'S REALITY - Z warriors want to take Dende back home but he replies with something very true.

   MR.POPO'S BEATING - Kami beats Mr. Popo but once he fuses with Piccolo he'll be stronger and give him a better beating.

  MR.HOT PANTS - Krillin is doing a Kamehameha , and he feels something touching him.