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         Outlaw Star......

\\\Outlaw Star Synopsis./

It's 0158 of the Toward Stars Calendar and Humans have reach the stars. But what they found were Alien Races some were peacful and some not.

In space three groups vie for power:

"The Space Forces" They attempt to bring peace to space.

"The Prirate Guilds" The most powerful in space, they posess
superior technology limitless wealth and powerful TAO magic

"The Outlaws" A group of Individuals that aren't organized but cooperate out of the neccessity in the cold depths of space. They each seek somthing some fame, treasure, and others Revenge.

But our story starts with Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking who take a job as a body guard wich then starts there big adventure aboard the Outlaw Star..........

\\\Outlaw Star Character Biographies./

Gene Starwind
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 154 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Gene is Outlaw Stars main character. His hobbies are shooting things and drinking..... alot. He spend quality time with women. Gene runs a business with his partner Jim Hawking, which consists of Bounty Hunting and Body Guarding.

James 'Jim' Hawking
Age: 11
Height: 4ft 6in
Weight: 71 lbs
Blood Type: A
Jim is Genes partner and refers to Gene as 'aniki' this mean Brother or Mentor. He is a very good mechanic. Jim is attracted to his car of wich he named Ehefrau which is German for 'wife'. He se Melfina as a Mother figure, so well I guess he is pretty normal.

Age: 18
Height: 5ft 3in
Weight: 132 lbs
Blood Type: Unknown
Melfina or Mel is a andriod which was in a suitcase (opened by Gene and Jim) which was supposed to contain somthing valuble. Mel is a verym human like andriod, she can show emotion, eat, and feel pain. She is trying to find out who she is and why she was made.

Aisha Clan-Clan
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 3in
Weight: 115 lbs
Blood Type: Ctarl B
Aisha used to be the Ambassador Plenipotentiary of the Ctarl-Ctarl Emire. Ctarl-Ctarl are very stong car like people. She can transform into a very powerful cat beast or she says she can.

'Twilite' Suzuka
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: Unknown
Blood Type: A
Suzuka (Aisha calls her Su-zu) is an Assassin/Mercenary. Suzuka wears Japanese type clothing. She insists on keeping her word and killing her victims on time and not a minute later. She uses a Wooden Sword which is very powerful it can cut through walls and other stuff.

Hot Ice Hilda
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 132 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Hilda is the one that really starts the story off. She is the one that leads Gene and Jim to Melfina. She is the person that finds the Outlaw Star and shows Gene the way of the Outlaws.

Gilliam is the Outlaw Stars onboard computer. There are a ton of them and they look like soda cans with eyes and arms. They glide around on tracks set up throught the ship and give out advice to everyone.

\\\Outlaw Star Episode List./

Episode 01 - Outlaw World
Episode 02 - The World of Desirees
Episode 03 - Into Burning Space
Episode 04 - When Hot Ice Melts
Episode 05 - Beast Girl Ready to Pounce
Episode 06 - The Beautiful Assassin
Episode 07 - Creeping Evil
Episode 08 - Forced Departure
Episode 09 - A Journey of Adventure! Huh?
Episode 10 - Gathering for the Space Race
Episode 11 - Adrift is Subspace
Episode 12 - Mortal Combat with El Dorado
Episode 13 - Advance Guard from Another World
Episode 14 - Final Countdown
Episode 15 - The Seven Emerge
Episode 16 - Demon of the Water Planet
Episode 17 - Between Life ad Machine
Episode 18 - The Strongest Woman in the Universe
Episode 19 - Law and Lawlessness
Episode 20 - Cats, Girls, and Spaceships
Episode 21 - Grave of the Dragon
Episode 22 - Gravity Jailbreak
Episode 23 - Hot Springs, Planet Tenrei
Episode 24 - Galactic Leyline
Episode 25 - Maze of Despair
Episode 26 - Return to Space

\\\Outlaw Star CD Discography./

Track 01 - Come on!
Track 02 - Through the Night
Track 03 - Go
Track 04 - Desire
Track 05 - Chase
Track 06 - Crisis
Track 07 - Hack
Track 08 - Flight
Track 09 - Uneasiness
Track 10 - Silence
Track 11 - Power
Track 12 - Freedom
Track 13 - Edge
Track 14 - Gentle
Track 15 - Tension
Track 16 - Fear
Track 17 - Loneliness
Track 18 - Jasmaine
Track 19 - Suzuka
Track 20 - Jungle
Track 21 - Another Day
Track 22 - Eye Catch
Track 23 - Grand
Track 24 - Over
Track 25 - Asiatic
Track 26 - Expectation
Track 27 - Tears
Track 28 - Hiiru No Tsuki
Track 29 - Daybreak
Track 30 - Jade

\\\Outlaw Star Other Information./

Casters and Tao Magic


Caster Shells are used in a Caster gun. They range from 1-9, there are three of them when used in the right order will drain the life out of your body. These are used mostly by Gene when his other guns wont do the trick. But the problem with these are that there hard to find and very expensive.

When these are used against Tao magic, both things just cancel out and nothing will happen. For example when Gene fires a Caster at Tao magic both will hit each other and cancel out.

Tao Magic

Tao Magic is used by Space Pirates. They use it to destroy enemies. But before using this they must recite some chants with there fingers crossed. This Magic is extremly powerful and its only match is a caster shell.

Space Pirates are the only ones capable of using this. They use it through out the series to try and get the Outlaw Star (OS) back but are always unsucsessfull in doing so.

\\\Outlaw Star Pictures./


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