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5/24/02 I'm Back!

Hello anybody who actually goes to this site. I'm not dead. I have just had a lot of school work to do. But now since school's almost out I'm getting back to work on the site. Well...i got up Vegeta on the character page. Plus, there is a better looking background now. I also got an emulator up on the emulation Page. Check it out. And if you haven't noticed already, I've got a new and cool looking header. It's Flaming! It's Blue too! Well, it's really late...and that's all for now. See ya next time.

5/2/02 Emulation Page

Hey whats up! I just got the emulation page up today. I have only got up one game/rom so far, Dragon BAll Z Super Gokuden 2. I still need to get emulators up on there but it'll probably be up tommorow. That's all that's new. Im still working on my other pages so don't worry. I'll try to get all the sections up by June. That's all for now, bye!

4/30/02 Character Page

Hey I'm starting to get the character page up today.I might not finish all of it but at least it's getting started. So I'll probably at least have Goku up there so check tommorow. That's All!

4/29/02 Hey!

Hey everybody! I just got this site up. as you might see its about dragonball z.i might need help on this site but i dunno, it might just be crappy anyway.well, jsut keep checking up for new updates. Thers gonna be stuff like pics, maybe games, a character page, and i dunno the rest just yet but keep coming back to see whats here.c ya!

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