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Usagi, a Saiyan Child: Book 7

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z. It is the property of Akira Toriyama. I do not own Sailor Moon. It is the property of Naoko Takeuchi. I do, however, own this story, or rather, series of stories. The name is mine, the storylines are mine.The characters are not. Well, some of the characters are, but only the ones who never appeared in either show.

A Legacy of Sorrow: Chapter 1


*~*~*Seven Months Later*~*~*

It was a beautiful summer morning. Birds of all sorts were singing, the animals were out of hibernation; the plants were in full bloom to create a mix of magnificent colors around the mountains. The weather was perfect, warm, but not too hot. The day was almost as perfect as one could wish for. If that was true, then why was Usagi so downhearted?


Goku stared at his daughter from the hallway as she gazed out the window in the family room. Every so often she would let out a quiet sigh as if she were waiting for something. Lately, Goku had worried that something may be bothering her, but she insisted that nothing was wrong. But he could tell. He could tell that there was something, major, bothering her. He knew her better than to just accept her rejection of the fact that something may be wrong. If it wasn’t the fact that he could tell by looking into her eyes that was something was bothering her, it was the fact that she just lazed around all day and stared out the window. She had even lost some interest in hanging out with her friends. He had also noticed a decrease in her performance during her training. He just didn’t quite understand what could have been making her hurt inside so badly, but he wished he knew. She wasn’t one to normally keep secrets from him.

He, himself, let out a sigh as he turned around and walked to his room, where his wife was. She looked to be paying the bills, something that always made her extra easy to set off. He wondered if she had noticed the recent change in their daughter. He didn’t know about Gohan, but he knew that Goten had never acted like this when he was her age.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and kept his eyes on his wife’s back. He needed to talk to somebody about Usagi. He couldn’t stand to see her upset any longer. She had been moping around the house for far too long.

"Chi-Chi…" He hoped that him interrupting her wouldn’t upset her too terribly much.

Chi-Chi tried desperately to keep from lashing out at her husband. She knew that he knew she hated to be disturbed when she was trying to balance her books. That was her only motivation to keep from becoming angry. She knew that it had to be something important if he interrupted her. "Yes, Goku?"

Goku was a bit on the stunned side. He hadn’t expected Chi-Chi to be calm in her reply. "Have you noticed that Usagi has been acting a little…strange lately?"

Chi-Chi turned around to face her husband. She could tell by the tone of his voice that he was concerned about their daughter. "Not strange, no."

Goku didn’t know how to take that reply. He’d thought that at least the child’s own mother would have recognized her odd behavior. "Chi-Chi, she’s not acting like her normal self. She’s acting FAR from it, actually."

"Goku, are you turning into a paranoid father on us? Just because your daughter is growing up a little bit doesn’t mean she’s acting strange. Don’t overreact."

‘Growing up? What the hell is THAT supposed to mean.’ "Chi-Chi, hardly think that I am overreacting here. Haven’t you noticed how quiet she’s gotten in the past couple of weeks? Two weeks ago she was her old, loud, fun loving self. And now, she’s like a…a….an old person. She doesn’t do anything anymore. She never asks us if she can go somewhere with her friends anymore. When we’re training, even one on one training, she doesn’t put her whole heart into anymore. She let’s me get hits in on her that I KNOW she can block. And then I end up hurting her. That’s not normal. It’s not because she’s growing up."

"You don’t know much about girls then, do you?"

"I don’t need to know anything about girls. I know about Usagi, that’s all I need. I know that she isn’t acting normal. This wasn’t a gradual change; this was just too sudden to be normal. All she does is sit at that damned window and sigh all the time."

Chi-Chi perked her head in interest. "Sigh?"

Goku nodded. "Yes, sigh. That’s all she does, she’s starting to scare me. She wont even tell me what’s wrong with her."

Chi-Chi didn’t even listen to her husband’s last sentence. She didn’t care. She was still stuck back at the sighing that her daughter was doing. "And she only sits at the window and doesn’t do anything?"

"That’s right. Why, do you know what could be wrong with her?"

Chi-Chi’s face was taken over by a huge motherly smile, as her eyes got teary. "Nothing’s wrong with her, Goku. Our baby girl is just growing up."

"What?!" Goku found that be utterly outrageous. She seemed to be stuck on the growing up bit, though. "What are you talking about? How can you say that there is nothing wrong with her?"

Chi-Chi happily stood up from the desk and grabbed her husband’s hands as she looked into his eyes. "I’ll show you what I’m talking about, Goku. Our little Usagi is just changing, that’s all." With that said, she pulled him up and led him out of the room, down the hallway, and into the family room, where their daughter was still gazing out into the field outside their home. Chi-Chi could hardly hold in her joy as she looked upon Usagi. She leaned over to her husband to whisper to him. "Watch and learn." She let go of his hands and proceeded to approach her daughter. "Usagi…honey."

Usagi didn’t turn her head at all. She hadn’t even really heard her mother speaking to her. She had pretty much tuned everyone and everything out so she could be lost in a bundle of her own thoughts.

Chi-Chi’s thoughts were only strengthened by her daughter’s failure to reply. "Usagi, I know what’s bothering you."

Usagi slowly turned to her mother and blankly stared at her with emotionless eyes. "You do?"

Chi-Chi nodded. ‘Oh listen to that tone of voice she’s using. I just KNOW I’m right. It’s time for you to take a backseat, Goku, and learn the mothers’ touch.’ "Yes, and I just want you to know that I’m here for you all the way."

Usagi wasn’t sure that her mother knew what was bothering her, but she was open to finding out what her mother was talking about. "You are?" She pleadingly looked up to her father for help. She was lucky that her mother was in a pure state of bliss and didn’t notice that or else she could have really been hurt by it. "Mom…"

Chi-Chi clasped her hands together and looked up to the ceiling. "Oh how fun this will be, Usagi. I’m so happy that this day has finally come. I’ve been waiting for it for so long."

Usagi jerked away from her mother with fear that she may have been going crazy. She hadn’t the slightest idea what she was raving on about. "Mom…"

"Oh Usagi, my little girl is growing into a fine young woman."

Goku was beginning to get a little grossed out by Chi-Chi’s talk. He was starting to see where she was taking this whole thing. He hoped and prayed that it wasn’t that. He didn’t want that day to come, EVER. He didn’t want to imagine it either. He refused to think that his little girl was growing up THAT much. "She’s only eleven years old, Chi-Chi."

"You stay out of this, Goku. You’ve had your time with her. Let her be a girl for god’s sake." Her eyes became tearier as she looked down to her daughter. She was too much blinded by her own delight that she didn’t see the fear that she was creating in her daughter.

"Mom…what are you talking about? You’re scaring me." She turned to her father for help. It was official, her mother had finally snapped. "Daddy…"

Chi-Chi calmed down so she could hear what her daughter had to say about the whole situation. "What do you mean? You know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about…him."

Usagi backed away from her mother even more. "Him? Who’s ‘him’?"

Chi-Chi’s smile began to fade. "You know, the boy you’re smitten over."

Usagi stuck out her tongue is disgust. "Eeewww, Mom! I don’t like a BOY! YUCK! As if I’d ever like a boy…Well, maybe in a few years…"

Chi-Chi’s smile fully disappeared as she could feel her face crumbling into thousands of tiny pieces. Goku was not far off with her last statement either. Right about then she would have loved to crawl into a hole and never be found. She felt so stupid. She turned her head and glared at her husband, who, despite the mixed emotions of her statement was cracking up at her mistake. "You…SHUT UP NOW!"

Goku could hardly breath he was laughing so hard. "I can’t help it, Chi-Chi! You should have seen your face when Usagi told you that she didn’t like a boy!! It was priceless! Ahahaha!" He laughed so hard that his stomach ached. "This is just too good. You actually had me believing that she liked a boy, too! Oh man! I’m sorry! I wish I had a camera right about now!" He wiped some tears away from his eyes that had been laughed out.

Chi-Chi clenched her fists as well as her teeth as she growled with anger. "Oh go on ahead and laugh at my expense, Goku." She shot a piercing glare over at her daughter, who was laughing right along with her father. The glare was frightening enough to scare even Vejita. She raised her fist in front of her daughter’s face as a form of intimidation, though she would never dream of punching her child out of anger. Just a ‘love’ slap. "You had better have a GOOD reason for misleading us then."

Goku was now wheezing from laughter. "Who said that she was misleading ‘US’? You were the one who was so certain that it was a boy." He stopped laughing just long enough to say one thing to his daughter in the most serious tone of voice he could. "And just so you know, Usagi, you can’t date until you’ve moved out of the house, when I can’t control what you’re doing. If you do happen to date behind my back, I’ll kill the guy." He laughed even harder at his daughter’s fear stricken face. "Man. You two are just too easy to mess with."

Usagi coward into the corner, far, FAR away from both of her parents. "Uh…yeah…ha…ha…ha. Very funny, daddy." She slowly turned her head over to her mother, who looked to be ready to punch her father. "Is he serious, mom? Is he laughing at me, or was that supposed to be a joke?"

Goku had finally contained his laughter and calmed down a bit. "Don’t worry, Usagi. That’s a ways away. I don’t think you have to worry about it for a while."

"You shut your mouth, Goku. You’ve caused enough trouble for one day. You don’t need to be going and scaring Usagi now. She’s already upset about something."

"I’m not the one who started it. You’re the one who came down here and made a fool of yourself in front of her and insisted that it was a boy that she was love-struck over. I knew there was something else but do you EVER listen to me? No, you and your motherly instinct have gotten yourself embarrassed here today." He shut up once he saw and felt the anger radiating around his wife. That’s when he knew it was time to just drop it and get onto more serious matters. "Ok. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed." He turned his attention to his daughter, who seemed to be somewhat enjoying herself again. That day had been the first in two weeks that he had seen her THAT happy and full of life. "Why don’t you tell us what’s bothering you? We only want to help you."

Usagi sighed as she turned to look back out the window, which only worried her father even more. She wished that she could have told them what was bothering her, but feared that they just wouldn’t understand what she was going through. She wished that the moment that she had just shared with her parents would cover up her hurting, but it couldn’t. Bad always seemed to outweigh the good with her. "Nothing’s wrong." She shamefully replied. She knew that her parents didn’t buy that for a second. She also knew that she wasn’t the only one being hurt by this whole situation. She was also hurting them because she wouldn’t tell them what was bothering her. "I…"

Chi-Chi scooted herself closer to her daughter while she tried to put aside her embarrassment. "Yes? You know we’re always here for you. You can always tell us anything, you know."

Usagi couldn’t bring herself to say what was wrong with her. It was too embarrassing, now that she thought about it more. Her parents, as well as anyone else she told, would probably end up laughing in her face for it. "Nothing." She turned her face away from her parents to hide her true feelings. Had she let them see her face, they would have known the truth. That she did in fact feel sorrow for something.

Goku slightly frowned as he sat by Usagi, opposite of his wife. Though, he wasn’t frowning because he was angry with Usagi. He frowned at the fact that she was afraid to tell them something, which she had never done before. She had always been open with them. "Usagi, it wont help any if you don’t tell us what’s wrong." No response arose from his child. "Look, Usagi. We don’t want to force it out of you but I think I speak for both your mother and I when I say that neither of us are leaving you alone until we know what’s bothering you."

Usagi lowered her head to look at her hands, which were clasped tightly around her tail as tightly as they could be. Right about then she was happy that Hotaru helped get rid of the pain that used to come with the squeezing of her tail. She would have been in more than just mental pain at that moment if she were still able to feel pain in her tail. "I can’t…"

Goku ran his hand across her cheek and stopped at her chin, bringing her face up so he could look into her blue eyes full of tears. "Don’t cry. We won’t laugh at you. We would never do that."

Usagi pulled out of her father’s grasp to look at her mother for reassurance, who softly nodded to agree with her husband. Even that wasn’t enough to cure her fear. "It’s just stupid, forget about it." She let herself stand up, but, before she could walk away, she felt two hands grab a hold of her arms and pull her back.

Goku pulled his daughter into his lap and kept a rather tight grip around her. "Come on, it can’t be too stupid. We’re willing to listen. It’s gotta be something bad. Not much can make you stop being your rambunctious self. For the past couple of weeks you’ve been sitting around doing nothing and for the first time in your life you’ve been quiet. Your behavior hasn’t gone unnoticed."

Usagi sighed for she was defeated. Her parents would only get tougher on her to tell them if she continued to resist. Though, it wasn’t fair to make them worry about her like she had. "Well…" She let her head drop again. "I feel, empty all of a sudden, like something really major and important is missing." She looked up to her mother to see no sign as to what she was thinking. She then lifted her view to look directly up at her father, who was looking at her mother. She took their silence as a want for her to go on. "I also feel that something is going to…" ‘Why is this happening to me?’

Chi-Chi placed her hand on her daughter’s knee. It was obvious that she was having great difficulty with this task, though it was understandable. Chi-Chi could sense her daughter’s anxiety. "Go on…"

Usagi vaguely smiled at her mother’s warm touch. "Something is going to happen and I don’t know what. I can feel IT in the atmosphere around us. Pure evil. It’s scary. It only adds to my empty feeling. I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Things are just too mixed up. I feel that I should know this evil, but I don’t. At least, I don’t think I do. Maybe I do, I just don’t remember. But why would I know it? I don’t think I’ve ever felt it before. But then again, that doesn’t fully explain what I’m feeling inside either, does it?" Before her parents could reply to her question she went on. "No, it doesn’t. It only explains one thing. And that would be that I’m going crazy because I feel this way." She quieted down for a short moment as she let her head collapse into her father’s chest. "This is nuts. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore."

Goku placed his hand over his daughter’s head in hopes to calm her down. She was working herself up almost into a cry. "Shhh…it’s alright." He looked up to his wife with more concern about their child than he ever had. This had to be worse than the time she was being picked on at school, though, this time she hadn’t gotten herself into a fight. "Usagi, we’re both curious, what is it that you’re feeling? You said empty, how so?"

"Well, for starters, I sort of didn’t tell you everything. Not only do I feel like something is missing, but also it’s feeling like there is something foreign in my body. Well, not foreign, but something that seems different. Like a forgotten piece of my soul. I didn’t really feel like this until two weeks ago, when I first started feeling an uproar of the evil all around. I didn’t tell you guys because I was too scared to. I was hoping that it would go away, but it didn’t. It only got worse and worse with everyday that went by. I just feel like there is a spot inside me that isn’t filled with anything, that’s what I mean by empty, too."

"Usagi, I’m sorry but no one else has felt this evil that you’re speaking of." Goku could sense the tears of his daughter coming on.

"I know, otherwise you would be as scared as I am. I don’t know what to do. As far as I know I’m the only person in the whole entire world who feels it." She closed her eyes, causing a single tear, almost like a crystal, to fall to the ground and splash on contact with the floor. "Mommy, daddy, I’m scared." She whispered as she bowed her head and closed her eyes. ‘So much pain and suffering shall not go unpunished. In the name of what’s right…’


‘The tear…of fear for a planet’s life, of fear for its loved ones’ lives. The same tear shed from…’


Goku looked up to his wife in fear of what was going on. With her head, she motioned for him to follow her into the other room. Goku lifted Usagi off of his lap and let her lay by the window. She didn’t seem to even realize the change in positions, as she seemed to be lost in her little world again. Seeing that, Goku became even more worried for his daughter. He quietly walked to the kitchen, where his wife was waiting for him, and sat down at the table, letting his head hang down with fear.

Chi-Chi sat next to her husband and leaned into him to comfort the both of them. "Goku, I think we have a problem on our hands here."

Goku stared blankly at a single loner cup that sat in the middle of the table. "You’ve got that right. We certainly do. Though, I don’t think that we should ignore what Usagi says about an evil coming. I don’t think she would get all depressed just to lie. She’s not one to do that. No, I think we should take this very seriously."

"I know, Goku. But let’s worry about that when it gets here. I just don’t want to see Usagi like this. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it any earlier. What kind of mother am I? I can’t even see when my own child is hurting inside."

"Don’t beat yourself up. Your claims were very plausible. What we need to do is try to find a way to get Usagi’s mind off of this."

"How are we going to do that? She’s like a zombie. You saw how she was lifeless when you moved her. She didn’t even realize that you were doing it otherwise she would have begged for us to stay with her. She’s not going to pull away from her shell. She’s not going to want to even pull away from the protective walls of her home."

Goku gently pushed his wife away from him and stood up. "Well, that’s what we need to do. We need to get her out of this house, for starters. She’s been here for far too long. The only times that she has really left is when we go out to train. She needs to do something fun. So come on Chi-Chi, we’re taking a little trip to the city for the day." Without any further conversation, Goku walked out of the room to once again see his daughter just limply lying by the window. "Usagi."

"What?! She won’t want to go." Chi-Chi got up and ran out of the room to stop her husband. "She doesn’t want to go anywhere. Leave her be."

"She needs to get out." He bent down and patted Usagi on the back of the head. "Come on, we’re leaving for a while."

"Have fun…" Usagi said without any emotion except that of distress.

"No, you don’t seem to understand. You’re coming with us. So come on." He wrapped his hands around his daughter’s ribs and picked her up. "Get ready to leave." He set her down on her feet, to his surprise, she actually stood by herself. "Let’s go." He turned to his wife, who was glaring at him. "Don’t do this to me, Chi-Chi. This is for the best." ‘I am NOT letting her fall into this.’

Usagi slowly made her way to the front door, where her shoes were sitting, and sat down. "I’m ready to go now." She said as she began to put he shoes on.

Goku sighed as he walked to his daughter. ‘I guess that’s the best that I’m going to get from her.’ "Don’t be so glum. Cheer up. We’re going to the city for a while." He was relieved to see a slight smile appear on her face. ‘Good, at least THAT made her the slightest bit happy.’ "Let’s get out of here shall we, ladies?" He opened the front door and walked out just behind his wife and daughter.

Usagi tried to put on a smile for her parents. She knew what they were trying to do and appreciated it with all of her heart. ‘Why? Why? WHY? Why do I have to feel this way? Why do I have to feel the evil? Why don’t I know what it is? I know I’ve felt it before, I just KNOW I have. But from where?’ She tried to forget about her troubles as she skipped to the car. "So where are we going!? Can you buy me something!?"

Goku smiled as he opened his car door and got in. ‘Almost back to normal already.’ "We’ll see. It’s up to your mom." He looked over to Chi-Chi, who was just getting into the car.

"Don’t put this on my shoulders, Goku. This was YOUR idea."


~~Else Where~~

Off in a remote part of the city, two tiny pods were floating in from a distant place. In the pods slept two beings. Two beings of hope.


~~The City~~

*It had been about an hour since the Son family had arrived in Satan City.*

Satan whistled as he walked through a giant crowd of people in the city. He was on his way to teach his martial arts class when he could have sworn that he saw Goku walking on the other side of the road. ‘What is he doing here? Don’t those people normally…fly?’ Letting his curiosity get the best of him, he decided to ditch his martial arts class for more entertainment. He would let his assistant trainer teach the class.

He quickly emerged from the screaming crowd of people that blocked his way to the other side of the road. Sure enough, just as he had thought, Goku was walking down the street, but with two more people than he had expected to be walking with him. He coward away when he saw Usagi with him. He still remembered what had happened at the tournament not even a year ago. He began to back away from the trio, hoping that none of the three would turn around and see him. He hadn’t seen Usagi but for two weeks since the tournament. He had a feeling that she was still angry with him. Yes, she had been exceptionally nice to him during the time at camp with the kids, but Usagi also had her mood swings every now and then. He figured that she still hadn't completely gotten over his whole lying bit, but little did he know of what she had been unconsciously preparing herself for. ‘Wait a minute, why should I be afraid of her? Goku won’t let her do anything to me.’ He turned back around and proceeded to strut over to the family with great confidence.

"Yo! Goku!" He yelled as he ran across the road, barely dodging being run over by a car that came zooming by. ‘Whew, that was close.’

Goku grinned as he turned around to the voice that was calling out to him. He knew that voice all too well.

"Mr. Satan…What can I do for you?"

"Well, I was just hoping that there were no hard feelings between Usagi and I. I mean, I haven’t really talked to her about it since the incident." He looked down to Usagi, who appeared to not have a single thought going through her head. "Hey, what’s wrong with her? She looks like a corpse."

"She’s just a little upset right now. She’ll be fine. I just wouldn’t exactly mess with her right now. And as for the tournament as well as everything after, I don’t think there are any hard feelings left, are there Usagi?" Goku grabbed Usagi by the shoulder and looked down at her. He wondered why she was acting dead again. She had been fine up until Mr. Satan arrived.

She only responded with half of a smile. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say dad."

"Hey, come on. That doesn’t sound like you’re sure of your answer, now does it?" Mr. Satan extended his hand to Usagi and smiled down at her as he noticed a huddle of people around him. Even though the incident had happened months ago, people around the country were still talking about it as if it happened just the day before. "Let’s make it an official truce."

Usagi looked up to her parents, who gave her the ok to go ahead and do it, and looked up to Mr. Satan with a slight smile. She was disgusted with the ‘awws’ that were arising from the spectators around. She reached out and met Mr. Satan’s hand with a firm, FIRM handshake. A little too firm for his liking.

Mr. Satan could feel the bones in his hand crushing as he tried desperately to pull away. "What are you doing?! I’m not THAT strong!"

"Usagi, let go. You’re hurting him." Chi-Chi reached for her daughter. She wasn’t sure what Usagi thought she was doing, but she sure wasn’t going to stand by and allow her to do it. They had gone through it before, when she had a valid reason to hate him. But now, she was just being plain ridiculous.

Usagi pulled her hand away from him, immediately making him gasp with relief. "Oops. Maybe you should work out more. You’re getting a little flabby anyways." She looked up to her mother with an innocent smile. She REALLY hadn’t meant to do that, but she was so distracted that she fell into old habits.

Chi-Chi dropped her worries. ‘I guess it was silly to think she would try something again.’

Mr. Satan chuckled as he rubbed his hands. "I’m not getting flabby. I’m getting in shape." He looked around to the people who stood around them. ‘Damn this kid. Even though we’re cool with each other she’s still gotta make me look like an idiot.’ "Why don’t you see how strong I am? Give me your strongest punch. I’ve been training with Gohan and Videl a lot lately. I’m pretty sure I can hold up to it." He smirked as he glanced over to the spectators. ‘I want to show everyone that I can finally hold up to her.’

Usagi smiled as she pulled her hand back. This would be a great distraction from what was really bothering her. "So, my hardest punch huh? I think I can handle that. But I have to warn you, this may hurt a little bit." Just as she was going in for the hit, she found that her arm was being held from going any further. "What?" She looked back to see that it was her father who was holding her back.

"I don’t think he would be able to stand up to your punch, Usagi." Goku looked up to Mr. Satan. "Just give it a rest. In a few years, you can try to spar with her. But right now…" Goku couldn’t help but laugh. "She’s too strong for you."

Mr. Satan grumbled under his breath as he looked down at the ground. "Yeah, yeah."

Goku tugged on his daughter’s shoulder so she would turn around and leave with him. "Come on, let’s get out of here. We don’t want to waste his time."

Usagi smiled as she gladly complied with her father’s wishes. "Ok." Before she left, however, she turned back to Mr. Satan with a smile. "I look forward to the day that we can spar."


~~Later that Day~~

Mr. Satan grumbled quietly to himself as he walked the back alleys of the city. He didn’t want to risk any more run-ins with the Sons. He hated that even though his secret was out, Usagi still had ways of being able to humiliate him, even if it was unintentional.

Mr. Satan stopped walking in front of two buildings when he heard the faint talking of two people, or so he thought. When he walked to the look in the alley that the two buildings created, he was rather surprised when he didn’t see any people to go along with the voices. He just saw a pile of cardboard boxes, two odd metal egg-like looking containers big enough to hold a small baby, and a couple of cats. "I must be hearing things. I need to stop being paranoid. Usagi has gotten me all messed up now, that brat." Just as he was about walk forward once again, he heard the voices again, which only puzzled him further since no one was around at all.


"It’s time." Proclaimed a female voice.

"Yes, we must find them before it’s too late." Stated a male voice.

"It has started sooner than we had hoped, but time will only tell if they will be able to hold up this time around." The female voice added.


Mr. Satan looked down to the cats and noticed that their mouths were moving. "Hmm, how strange. Two talking cats." Satisfied that he finally found out who, or what, was talking, he turned around to leave, but suddenly turned back around in a flash and stared at them in utter shock. "TWO TALKING CATS?!?!?!" At that moment, the champion of earth, protector of the weak, the fearless, Mr. Satan did the only thing that he could think of doing…he fainted right there and then.

The two cats glanced over at the unconscious figure and stared at him for a moment before they let their eyes meet again. They gave a quick kitty shrug and proceeded to calmly walk over him to start their mission. Before they even really got on their way, they stopped and looked up to the sky at a new formation. "It’s starting." Stated the female cat. "The POWER is there, the FEAR is there, the WANT is there, the cry for HELP is there, and the KNOWLEDGE is there. It is time to stop this game from going any further."


~~That Night~~

During the car ride home from the city, Usagi had gone back into her shell. It wasn’t the ‘the happy times were over now its time to go back to being depressed’ type of thing. No, Usagi sensed a great change in the atmosphere. Something that had somehow gone unnoticed by everyone, but her. She wondered why no one else had felt it.

But there she was, curled up into a ball and leaning against the car door, more scared than she had ever been in her life. The fear she was feeling now was greater than the fear that she had felt when she was first approached the evil of Cell. She let her tired eyes wander up to the rear view mirror where she saw the worried eyes of her father looking back on her from time to time. ‘I’m sorry I’m putting you guys through this. It’s my fear that’s making this whole mess.’


Once the trio arrived home it was already ten at night and the sky was oddly bright. Chi-Chi looked around the area in which the house was built in for anything that could have been producing such a magnificent light, but sadly, she did not succeed.

Goku would know that intensity of light anywhere. ‘Uh-oh.’ He turned to his wife with a pale face. "Chi-Chi…" Without finishing his sentence, as he didn’t want Usagi to do what he would tell his wife, he pointed for her to look up into the sky.

Chi-Chi did as her husband motioned her to do and nearly cried out in fear at what she saw. In the sky sat a beautiful sparkling pearl, known as the moon. The first thing that ran through Chi-Chi’s head was her daughter and her tail. ‘Oh god no. No, no, no. Not now. Don’t do this.’ "Usagi, honey, baby, now stay calm when I tell you this."

Usagi emerged from the car and turned around to her mother, who was already half way to the house along with her father, who WAS at the house. "What is it, mom?" She didn’t like the tone of voice that her mother was using. It only added to her uneasiness.

"Well, just listen to your mother and walk slowly to the house with your face held down. What ever you do, DON’T look up into the sky."

"Huh? Why?" Letting curiosity get the best of her, Usagi disobeyed her mother and looked up into the sky, letting her eyes freeze right on the sight of the full moon.

"Usagi!" Goku, already at the door of the house, dropped the keys to his home and began running to his daughter. "Close your eyes right NOW!" He was too scared to REALLY run to her. He found himself stumbling over his own feet. Chi-Chi, on the other hand, wasn’t able to do anything. She just let the tears come on in fear of what was going to happen next.

Goku stopped trying to run after her when nothing happened after about thirty seconds or so of her looking into the moon. "Maybe she won’t do anything because she’s a Super Saiyan. USAGI LOOK AWAY NOW! DO AS YOU’RE TOLD!" But nothing seemed to be happening to his daughter, to his relief.

Usagi didn’t close her eyes as she was told nor did she look away. She heard her father’s words, but she didn’t want to look away. The sight of the moon was just too breathtaking. But then something began to happen to her. Her body began to glow silver. Not just any silver, however. She was glowing at the same intensity as the moon. Her tail began to twitch, slightly, as well.


From a distance, a black cat watched and was completely astonished at what was taking place not too far from her position. ‘Could this be her?’


Goku once again began to panic as he stumbled forward to get a hold of her. Chi-Chi just continued to stand, completely helpless as well as clueless of what to do. Her daughter was going to turn into a giant ape and there was nothing that they could do to stop it. Obviously, her being born a Super Saiyan only slowed down the process. "What if she turns into…well…you know." She couldn’t even bring herself to say it, it was too horrible.

"Then we’ll cut her tail off."

Not only was Usagi glowing at the same intensity as the moon, but it was a glow fit for a princess. One with little sparkles fluttering around her body. A small light of yellow began to shine from her forehead, as the intensity of her glow grew right along with that of the moon.


~~Another Dimension~~

"The moon has returned. Blasted KID and her MOTHER! Always there to foil my plans! But that’s ok, I still have a chance to get that power within my hands. I will have it at once! Before it is fully awakened!" The dark queen sat on her thrown as she opened up a tiny portal just in front of herself. The portal was only small enough to fit a hand through, but left for stretching if need, which it would need to stretch with what she planned to do with it.


~~Back on Earth~~

Usagi continued to look at the moon. It was as if she couldn’t control the want, the need to look at it. It made her feel complete. She wouldn’t have been able to pull herself away even if she wanted to as she was completely mesmerized by the site of the moon. She was completely at peace with her feelings. Virtually nothing was going through her head at that point. Only one thing at could have possibly torn her away from it at that point, and that would be the two arms emerging from a portal that appeared just above her head. The two arms came from behind and grabbed her tightly around her chest.

Usagi’s trance was broken at once. "HELP!!" Usagi raised her arms up over her attacker’s and dug her nails into it. But the portal acted as a shield to protect whatever was holding her so it didn’t do much good for her to try and attack it.

Seeing this, a million thoughts came running through Goku’s head, but one stuck out the most. He must save her. That was his only objective then and nothing could have kept him from accomplishing it. "USAGI NO!" In a flash of golden light, which was no match for the light of the moon, Goku was powered to Super Saiyan. He wasn’t about to take ANY chances what so ever. He wouldn’t let his daughter be taken away by ANYTHING.

He quickly got his act together and concentrated on what he was doing. It wasn’t just a matter of saving Usagi from herself anymore, now it was about saving her life. He kicked the car away from the scene of the action so he would have more room to work. He ran in front of her and grabbed a hold of her arms. "They aren’t taking you ANYWHERE!"

Usagi began to feel powerless as the arms squeezed around her tighter. She opened her eyes and looked down to the face of her angry father. "DADDY! Don’t let me go! Please!" Her eyes were full of tears, which made her vision of her father blurred, but she could see the anger and fear in his face. She grabbed a hold of her father’s arms with her hands as he continued to pull her towards him, but nothing was happening.

The being on the other side of the portal was much too strong for Goku to go up against with the power of level one. He had to power up, and quick. So, without letting go of his daughter’s arms, he quickly boosted his power up to level two. "I’m not going to let you go! I won’t loose you to what ever this THING is!" Goku could hear his wife screaming out for him to save her in the background.

Usagi would have been powering up right along with her father to resist, but whatever had a hold of her seemed to be sucking her dry of fighting energy. "Daddy I’m scared!"

"Come on Usagi! Don’t give up! Hold on! I’m going to get you out of here, just…hold…ON!" He tugged back on her as hard as he could, but nothing seemed to be happening. At least nothing for him. The person on the other side of the portal was having luck. He looked down to his feet, which looked to be slipping. "No! I wont loose this battle!" He concentrated all of his power to go into his last level of power, if it didn’t work this time, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

Even the power of level three Goku wasn’t enough to pull her away from her attacker. But he wasn’t about to give up. He was going to give it all that he had. With all his strength, he pulled to save his daughter, but the only result was both of them slowly being pulled into the portal. "Fight Usagi! Try to fight against it! Don’t let them win!"

"Daddy I can’t! Some things stopping me! Help me!"

Goku saw the fear in his daughter’s eyes, which powered his anger, which only made him stronger. He couldn’t understand why the power of level three wasn’t working. It had never failed him before, why now? Why at one of the most important times of his family’s life?

Eventually, Usagi’s whole upper body was pulled into the portal, but her pleas, her agony was still heard loud and clear. Goku’s forearms were also being pulled in right along with his daughter.

"Goku! Don’t let my little girl be pulled away!" Chi-Chi was on her knees. Right around the time he had powered to level two Super Saiyan her legs had given up on her.

"Don’t worry, Chi-Chi. I won’t EVER let her go, even if it means that I’m pulled in too."

That’s when Chi-Chi got her act together as well. She couldn’t just sit by and expect Goku to do everything. She needed to help too. Her daughter needed both of her parents and she wasn’t going to sit around and let her down. "Don’t worry Usagi! Mommy’s coming!" She jumped to her feet and ran behind her husband. She grabbed a hold of his waist and powered up as she pulled.

Even her added power did nothing. At that moment, Usagi was pulled completely into the portal, leaving her parents with her last pleas for help. "MOMMY! DADDY!" Just as the portal was closing, a black figure jumped through.

"USAGI! NO!" Usagi’s absence left Goku’s hands empty and without anything to pull, causing both distressed parents to fall back to the ground. Goku slammed his fist into to the ground as he was now, truly pissed. "DAMN IT!" Chi-Chi took one look at her husband with tears flowing down her cheeks and fainted from her loss.

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