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Usagi, a Saiyan Child: Book 6

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z. It is the property of Akira Toriyama. I do not own Sailor Moon. It is the property of Naoko Takeuchi. I do, however, own this story, or rather, series of stories. The name is mine, the storylines are mine.The characters are not. Well, some of the characters are, but only the ones who never appeared in either show.

Piccolo, the Mouseketeer: Chapter 1

*~*Two weeks Later*~*

After Usagi had gotten back from the camp, where things started to make a change for the better, not much contact between the two groups went on. Usagi and her friends continued to train Hotaru, with the help of Goku and Chi-Chi every so often. Usagi had celebrated her eleventh birthday, which the Pack had willingly attended.

Michiru and Haruka began to discover more and more about themselves after taking a short leave of absence from the Pack for time to be alone, as a couple, while Mamoru frequently visited Monoko and her mother.


Chi-Chi furiously glared at what she currently held in her hands. She had just received the mail for the day, and in it lay something very important, something inexcusable. She walked into the house and threw all the mail, except for the important letter, on a small table near the door. Not even giving it a second thought, Chi-Chi stalked to he husband, who was resting comfortably in a recliner. She stiffened her hand and slapped him on the back of the head.

Shocked wide awake, Goku jumped out of the chair, ready to be attacked. He looked around for any possible threat and calmed down when there was none. A soft tapping could be heard from behind, so he turned around to see the fuming face of his wife. "Chi-Chi, why’d you do that"

"This is ALL your fault, Son Goku!"

Goku groaned at his wife’s harsh tone. He hated it when she used his last name, it always meant more trouble than normal, though, this time he had not known of anything that he could have done wrong to annoy her. He just rubbed his head and frowned up at her. "What did I do now?"

She waved the letter in front of her husband’s face much too fast for him to see what it could have possibly been. "Do you know what came in the mail today? DO YOU?" By the looks of the envelope that she held right along with the document, Goku had a pretty good idea of what could have come. "Usagi’s report card came, that’s what." Backing away from her husband, she began pacing the room as she continued on with her rants. "Never in my life did I think I’d raise such a stupid child."

Annoyed at that statement, Goku stopped her in the middle of a step and took the paper from her hand. "What’s the problem? She passed all her classes."

Chi-Chi’s face reddened with anger at her husbands ignorance. "Passed, she got a C minus in everything!!! She BARELY passed. There’s a note here from her teacher that the only reason she didn’t get a D in English and math is because there was a curved grading scale used. He even commented that she was lucky to even advance to the next grade, and wants her to retake the re-tests to confirm that she shouldn’t take summer school. "

Goku scanned over the grades written on the paper in his hands and grinned. "Now that’s not all true. She got an A in two classes."

"AN A IN GYM DOESN’T COUNT, GOKU! And the only reason she got it in computer programming is because of all the time she spent with those stupid video games. Those aren’t real academic classes anyway. You don’t need this to excel in the world. You need math, and proper reading skills. I mean look at this. She barely understands reading at her class’ level, yet she reads HER COMICS all the time."

Goku sighed. "Yes, but doesn’t she read them with her music. Didn’t we figure out that music allows her to block everything out so she can concentrate on her work?"

Remembering Ami’s explanation, she frowned. "Yes, she does OK with listening to music, so she can concentrate. But she’s using it as a crutch. She needs to get focused on her studies, and stop blaming music on every thing." Chi-Chi’s expression took a firm look, which had Goku cowering in fear. "That’s it! It's time she learns a lesson that these horrible grades are simply unacceptable. She's NOT going to Disney World with everyone."

Goku was utterly shocked at what he had just heard come from the mouth of his wife her own daughter whom she claimed to love. Not only was Chi-Chi angry, but Goku, too, was approaching her a level of anger, though for a different reason. "Chi-Chi, she’s earned that trip and you know it. She went through a lot to get it, including losing her arm. Don’t take it away from her. It's not fair."

Chi-Chi didn’t wait more than a few seconds before she barked her response. "FAIR?! Is it fair to expect these grades? No Goku, I will not allow her to waste her life away like this. She has to be punished for these horrible marks. The retest is in about three days and Summer School starts the Monday after this weekend, that’s when the trip is planned. If she fails it, then she grounded for sure. She will be spending her entire vacation in summer school. For that matter, she’s grounded for these unacceptable marks as well."

Goku groaned. He didn’t want to see the face of his daughter when the harsh news hit. She was sure to be disappointed, but what could he do? Once Chi-Chi has her mind made up, that’s it. There really was no way of changing it without years and years of hard begging on his part. "Fine, but you're telling her. It's your choice, you disappoint her."

If she could have, Chi-Chi would have frowned harder at her husband. "Don’t try to make me feel guilty. You know it's the only way to make her learn."

Goku snorted to show his disagreement, but he didn’t dare say it. "I still don’t see what the big deal about school is. It's just a bunch of useless facts that you forget as soon as you graduate."

Glaring at her husband, she began to really chew him out. "And that’s one of the biggest problems I’ve had with all our children because of this. YOU! You give them the ideas that this means nothing. That school is stupid, just because you didn’t go. Well you forget mister that I had to teach you how to read and how to do math or you wouldn’t even be able to read a paper. And the kids don’t respect my decisions on this because of you. They think its ok to just blow me off. Sneak out when my back is turned, and YOU just laugh it off. Well guess what buddy, Since you are as much at fault at this as Usagi is, You’re not going either."

Goku’s face shattered into thousands of pieces and dropped to the floor at that one. "NOOOOO, Chi-Chi! I have to see Piccolo in Mickey Mouse ears! PLEASE?!"

Chi-Chi struggled to keep a firm in her decision at the thought. "NO! If you have any respect at all for me, and my beliefs in schooling being important, you STAY!"

Looking ready to cry himself, Goku slumped his shoulders in defeat. "OK." He quietly answered.

Chi-Chi smiled to try to hide the guilt that she was feeling. She hated to upset him like that, but they BOTH had to learn sooner or later. "Good, she’s over at the Tree house with her friends right now. Call her up on the intercom and get her back here. NOW!"

"Why can't you do it?"

"JUST DO IT!" Chi-Chi yelled, causing Goku to jump.

"Ok, ok. I'll do it if it’ll make you happy. I just talked to them a minute ago anyway." Goku walked slowly into the living room, where the intercom sat by the sofa. ‘She's gonna kill us.’ He could hear the footsteps of his wife following him, as well as the faint sound of children talking. "Shh." He said as he stopped cold in his spot.

Chi-Chi, not expecting him to stop there, ran right into him. "GOKU DON’T JUST STOP! HOW MA…" She stopped her ranting and looked at the intercom machine, where the voices were coming from. "Goku you idiot! You left it on AGAIN!"

Sighing at his forgetfulness, Goku reached for the call button, when Chi-Chi, frowning, grabbed his hand and put her other hand on his mouth to shush him. "Be quiet." The girls on the other end of the Com seemed to be talking about Usagi’s grades, which had come a week late.

Goku pulled his wife’s hand away from his mouth. "Chi-Chi, we can't just eavesdrop."

Chi-Chi grinned. He had kept his voice down so the kids weren't able to hear what he had said. "Oh right. Like you’ve never used your Saiyan hearing to eavesdrop on her and the kids before." Hand behind his head, Goku just laughed on nervously, unable to deny.


The girls had made a habit of gathering at Sanctuary at least once a day during the summer days. They went there to get away from their daily lives of sparring as well as dealing with their parents, but now, they were having, what Usagi thought to be, a crisis. Her report card was already a week late. Not that she was complaining because she had actually had a peaceful birthday. But she knew that the closer to her trip to America came, the more unlikely she would be able to convince her mother to let her go if she had bad marks, which she was sure she would. She needed time to beg and convince, which she was certain she wouldn’t get.

"Usagi, you do great in your studies. I'm sure you did fine on the test."

Usagi looked up to Ami, nearly in tears at the thought of giving up her trip. "You don’t understand Ami, I can’t do tests. It's bad enough that I can't study without music, but I get so nervous when tests come up."

Rei; "That’s not true. You can do tests just fine. Remember? On our practice tests that Ami had us do, you were the only other one to score an A minus with a range of 89 to 95 on most, and even better with a 99 on a few of the Math tests."

Usagi sighed. "Well that was easy. That was with my music. But I can’t use it in school. I tried to use a Walkman with a single earphone once and got yelled at. Even mom and dad were annoyed, even though they know I do better with music. I got a lecture and no ice cream for a WEEK…A WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. I mean it’s not like I was cheating and had the answers on it. It was just instrumental music."

Minako tried to give a cheery smile as well as words of hope, but that soon fell through. "Well I’m sure your mom will under…Ok, maybe not."

Usagi buried her face in her knees. "I’m doomed. If I know mom, she’ll make me miss Disney World."


On the Son’s side of the COM, the sound of Usagi crying was heard. Goku accusingly glared down at his wife, who, in return, just smacked him, halfheartedly, in the chest. It was more of an anger created because he was right.


Makoto; "Com’on Usagi, your mom is not that mean. She knows all you went though for this. I mean, you had your arm chopped off. That has to at least count for something."

Usagi lifted her head with tears still trailing down her cheek. "Not with mom it doesn’t. She wouldn’t care if it were chopped off, just what my grades are. I mean, its not that she doesn’t CARE. She just has a thing about grades and freaks out when I bring home bad marks."


Chi-Chi had latched onto her husband’s arm and dug straight into his skin. She was annoyed that her daughter would be so rude as to talk about her behind her back, even if it WAS somewhat true. She was about to interrupt when she heard the voice of her daughter again.


Usagi grabbed her tail and squeezed it almost as tightly as she could. "But she’s right. I AM stupid."


Chi-Chi let go of her husband, who seemed to be in shock, a state in which she too found herself falling into. Her previous statement to Goku, about raising a stupid child, was coming back to haunt her. She slowly put he hand to her mouth. ‘Is that what I'm telling her? I'm sending her the message that I think she's stupid? What have I done to my little girl?’


Ami had had all the lies that she was prepared to take. She jumped up with anger in her eyes. "THAT’S NOT TRUE! I told you, the tests I gave all of us were harder than the ones we took and you PASSED them with flying colors!"

Usagi, once again, found herself sighing in exasperation. There was still one very important element that they were forgetting that enabled her to pass them. "But it’s the music that allows me to shut everything else out. I really can’t think with out it."

The room went silent. No one really had anything that could successfully rebut that, except for Makoto who had remembered one tiny little fact, which could help in a big way. "Well maybe those music classes you and Ami are considering will help. Maybe after you understand music a little better, you’ll be able to put your musical knowledge to good use."

Usagi slumped over again. "Maybe, but it's too late to do any good for this year’s tests. But, I really want to learn the guitar and piano."

Rei found herself nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I’d like to learn Piano myself."

Minako’s face brightened at the chance to change the subject to music. "No, give me the guitar, too. And singing any day."

Usagi giggled. "You're always singing, I guess we shouldn’t expect anything different from you."

Minako joined in with Usagi’s giggling. "What's wrong with singing? It's fun."

Usagi smiled. "Yeah I like to sing, too."

"You two have great voices." Makoto got a smirk on her face. " Me, though., I’d love to learn the drums. Now THAT would be great."

Minako grinned. "Hey we could make a band if we did that. That way I would have experience when I become a superstar."

"Always wanting fame and glory, Minako?"

Minako blushed as she nodded. "Of course, Makoto."

Rei thought about the idea for a moment. "That sounds like fun. My uncle has a studio that we could play around with for a few days a month. We could have one of those garage bands. Me on piano. Ami on harp. Makoto on drums. Minako on guitar and singing. Usagi on guitar and also singing. And the rest of us as back up."

Minako slightly nodded her head. "But we need a lead. We can't have two leads, can we? Oh wait…I know, why don’t we all switch back and fourth?"

Ami, who had pretty much stayed silent while her friends thought up their wild dreams, looked down to the ground. "I don’t know."

Makoto grinned. "Don’t worry, Ami, we’ll talk you into it." The five of them burst out with laughter.

Rei was the first to stop laughing, as a question had popped into her head. "Hey Usagi, you always remember an entire song right away, why’s that?"

Usagi stopped her laughter and turned to Rei. "Music, it’s easy to remember." She stopped long enough to sigh as the fun had stopped all too soon for her. "And here we are back at my stupidity."

Ami sighed with much frustration, again. "Usagi you’re not stupid. You just can’t concentrate in school."

"It’s not that mom isn’t right about school. Maybe not to the extreme that she takes it, but she’s defiantly right in her arguments with Daddy."


Back at the Son house, two very shocked parents fell to the ground.


"WHAT?" All the girls yelled out at once to let their surprise be known.

Usagi was confused. "Huh? Oh yeah. I know, I should hate school, and I do. It’s not nice to go somewhere where you feel your stupid, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect it. I mean Dad’s wrong in thinking that it’s not really important. Where would the doctors come from? Computers and all the other jobs that need schools?"

Stunned, Makoto was the first to respond to Usagi’s feelings. "Where did this come from?"

Usagi smirked. "Common sense…"

Rei sighed in relief. "Good." She had almost expected her to reply with…

"And comics too!" Usagi giggled as all of her friends tumbled over.

Makoto; "Even math helps with cooking. I also need to know how to read and write to save my recipes."

Ami: "True, Plus history is kept better this way, instead of word of mouth."

Minako smiled, thinking only of one thing. "Yeah and music history, and songs, and CD’s came from it as well."

Rei nodded to agree with a crooked grin. "Schooling is a big part of religions and keeping the works documented."

Usagi dipped her head down. "Like I said, she’s right. And I am an idiot."

Ami sighed. "Usagi, we just need to help you study in class. The music should help, and seeing that your grandfather, the Ox King made the hall at the music school, we shouldn’t have too much trouble getting you in. And maybe we can even find a way for you to have music to listen to in class."

Rei: "Yeah, Usagi. You had a good idea with the Walkman, we just need to ok it with the teachers and people at the office. Maybe if we can explain to them that you do much better with listening to music that they will let you."


Back at home, Chi-Chi had heard all that she had wanted to. She didn’t want them to get any ideas. Without even okaying it with Goku, she pressed the ‘call’ button on her side of the intercom, startling the girls. "Usagi, can you please come home, dear? It's important."

Fear that the dreaded results are in, Usagi hesitantly pressed the button on her side of the intercom to receive the message. "Ok mom, we were about to all go home anyway." She quickly let up on the button and slowly, but numbly rose to her feet. "I have to go." She looked up to her friends.

Minako gave Usagi what she thought would cheer her up. "Well look at it this way, Usagi. If it IS your report card, at least you don’t have to worry about when it's coming anymore."

Usagi, knowing that her friend was only trying to help, hunched her shoulders over. "I know, but then I'll have to worry about what punishment they’re going to give me."

Ami looked on, as there wasn’t much else she could do. "Don’t worry. Everything always turns out for the best."

Usagi sighed as she walked, accompanied by her friends, to the door. "I hope you're right, Ami, I hope you're right." She leapt into the air and took off in the direction of her home. It wouldn’t take her too long to get there, meaning, it wouldn’t be too long before her punishment would be given to her.


Landing just outside her house, Usagi took a deep breath and opened to door to walk in. She knew exactly where they were once she sensed the house for their Ki. They were in the living room, waiting for her, both with a most serious look on their faces. Her mother for one reason while her father for another. An uncomfortable silence took over the room as both parties stared at each other.

"Uhhmm, Yes mom?"

With eyes of guilt, Chi-Chi looked down upon her less than curious daughter. "Your report card came in the mail today. You barely passed your subjects."

Usagi looked down to the ground, knowing full well was would be coming next. She felt like crying. She had worked so hard to earn a trip to America and now she would have to give it away because she was, as she thought, stupid.

Chi-Chi held the paper out for all to see. "They want you to retake all your tests, and if you do as poorly again, they want you to attend summer school."

Looking up in horror at that dreaded curse to humanity, she gulped. She had known that she was going to do poorly, but there was no way that she ever thought that she would have to take summer school because of it. If she had to go to summer school, it wouldn’t matter if her mother had planned on taking the trip away or not. That would determine everything, though, she refused to say anything.

"For myself, I was going to forbid you from going to Disney World if you passed or not." Tears finally started to fall down Usagi’s face at that. "But I’m not going to. I think instead of summer school and lost trips, I’ll talk to your guidance councilor and see about finding away for you to use your Walkman in class. Just melodies, no voice."

Looking up in shock, Usagi looked into the tearful eyes of her mother. "Huh?" She wasn’t sure where that had come from, causing he to drop into confusion, until she thought about it for a second. "The COM was on again, wasn’t it? That’s why you know so much."

Goku chuckled at her intellect, which was nowhere near as dumb as many like to believe. She was smart in subjects other than school, which would help her progress beyond what school had to offer. Though now he understood that to be successful, you need the information given to you in school as well as things you learn outside. "Smart guess there. Yes it was, and it made us both realize that we were both wrong."

Usagi perked up with excitement. "Does this mean no summer school and I can go to Disney World?"

Goku and Chi-Chi turned to each other with one thought in mind as the sadly forced themselves to shake their head. "I afraid that’s something we can’t promise, Usagi. Though your father and I understand, we have to obey the laws, and you have to pass this make up test to go." Seeing Usagi’s head fall again, Chi-Chi continued. "But we are, like I said, going to see your counselor and try to have you take it with music. And we’ll help you study for it. It’s in three days."

Hope flared up in Usagi’s eyes. She knew that, if given the proper time, she could take the tests no problem with her music as her aid. "Then when I pass, can I go?"

Chuckling at Usagi’s sudden confidence, Chi-Chi grinned. "Then we can ALL go."

Usagi ran to both her parents and gave them each a giant hug. This time, it had been her mother who had gotten her out of the bind, instead of her father, something she would never forget. "YAY."


The day before the exam, Chi-Chi had talk to the school’s guidance counselor in hopes to help her daughter succeed in the test. The conversation was long and tedious, in Chi-Chi’s eyes. She was presenting her point very well, while the guidance counselor seemed to want to think of it as cheating, which it was not. It was a tool to help her study and retain the information, as Chi-Chi tried to prove.

In conclusion to the long hour and a half conversation, it was more like yelling and defending her daughter on Chi-Chi’s part, a deal was made. Usagi would be able to listen to music as long as it was the counselor’s choice of music as well as her player, to avoid cheating. And also, the Superintendent, the Principle and her father, who was the former principal, were going to attend the oral exam.

The counselor had also made quite a few suggestions on her teaching methods, causing Chi-Chi to be embarrassed at how many mistakes she had made. She should have made herself available to help her kids with their questions, instead of just giving them books and expecting them to learn from that alone. Knowledge may be written within the pages of the book, but what to do with that knowledge comes from those who are willing to teach it.



~~The day of the Exam~~

Usagi was so fearful that she hardly ate any of her food. Her stomach was too upset to hold anything down anyway. Her friends had been over before they left to wish her luck, but had to leave short after as they were not allowed in the testing area unless they wanted to take it, which none of them did.

When they had arrived at the school, Usagi was much more nervous than before. She found herself barely able to hold her sanity for much longer. What she needed was music to help her calm down.

Usagi and her parents were taken into a small room with her teacher, counselor, principal, and some mean looking old guy, who glared at her.

Chi-Chi sat down in one of the two chairs that sat against he wall next to her husband. "Just do your best Usagi." Goku just gave Usagi a goofy grin as well as a thumbs up.

Chi-Chi could feel a great uneasiness in the room and oddly enough, it wasn’t coming from her daughter. ‘What the…?’ She let her eyes travel across the room to an old man, who seemed to be afraid of her for some reason. ‘Do I know him?’ She tried to think back, WAY back to when and where she could have possibly known him. Obviously, it wasn’t recently since everyone she knew was young. It had to be from when she was much, MUCH younger. Maybe when Gohan was still a child…and then it hit her.

Not even caring about what sort of spectacle she was making, she threw herself out of her chair towards the old man. "NOW I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" She yelled out with rage in her eyes. "You're that jerk who beat my Gohan! You're that tutor who said my husband was no good! Just a punk!"

Fear suddenly claimed his eyes as he stood up from his chair and backed away from the furious mother. "Tha…that’s not possible. You're too young to be her."

Grinning, she stalked towards him. "My family ages well, Mr. Shuu, was it? Well, well, well. Looks like someone was a bit wrong on my Gohan, doesn’t it. You said he was stupid and would become a criminal. Instead he’s a great scholar, greater then you, and known as the savior of the Earth. HA, in your face." She let her emotions get the best of her and she stuck her tongue out at him.

Scowling, Goku stood up. He remembered all too well what Gohan and Chi-Chi had told him about this man. "You hit my son? How could you just beat a child just because he was different than you?"

Usagi watched her two parents with a grin. She hoped that they were going to chew him out. She remembered what had happened in the past when she was there. Mr. Shuu had been there and yelling at Gohan the first time she had been at the house, before her identity was spilled. ‘Go mom!’

Mr. Shuu cowered away from the two angry parents. It was bad enough that the mother could throw him out a window. He didn’t want to see what the father could do. He felt a sudden relief when his daughter stepped up. "Enough. Leave my father alone. We’re here to test Usagi, not hear lectures from you over my father’s said actions. He’s a great man and teacher and I won’t stand for this. Now behave or leave."

Glaring, Chi-Chi was able to control herself, and for one of the first times Goku’s temper rose at the thought of one of his kids being hit by this jerk. "Doesn’t matter. My Gohan has proved him wrong, and my Usagi will prove you wrong as well."

Frowning, the principal let that drop. She didn’t want to create a controversial environment that would upset the test taker. "Now I did not want to have music in this test for want of not distracting the student, however Mrs. Wright, her councilor, convinced me that it was the right thing to do, and she has brought the music."

Mr. Shuu was put out by this whole situation. "Humph. Music when studying. Never in my day. A good rod is what she needs."

Chi-Chi and Goku glared at him. One of their children had already been wrongfully beaten and this was definitely not a cause for Usagi to be disciplined. However, before either could say anything, the principal interceded. "I know your thoughts on this. I ask you to behave. I agreed to let you come after you mentioned the possibility of this being related to that person you always talked about. Now that we know that they’re the same one, we can get on with it."

"Now, Usagi. Your teacher will give you a hundred question oral test in each subject, except for the two you passed."

Before she could go on, Mr. Shuu interjected with his thoughts again. "The brat only passed them because you don’t need brains for them." A quick wave of an angry mother’s fist in his face shut him up from saying anymore.

The principal tired to ignore her father’s words. "You need to pass all this with at least a C to stay out of summer school."

"Yes ma’am. I get to listen to music though, right?"

"YES YOU GET TO LISTEN TO MUSIC. Though I think it’s the wrong thing, I was out voted on it." Usagi looked to her parents and noticed that they were both smiling back with their encouragement. She nodded to let her teacher know that she was ready and took her seat at one of the desks.


Over the next three hours, the tests were given Listening to both the teachers and the music flowing over her like a gentle wave of warm water, she easily responded to the questions given. She was somewhat shocked that they weren’t nearly as hard as the tests that Ami and her mother had given to her over the last three days.

The teachers, the Superintendent, the principal and her father were all very shocked at the results. The only two adults there, who were not, were her parents. Out of five hundred questions, for spelling, mathematics, science, geography, and history, she had only missed a total of about twenty questions. They appeared to be sporadic due to the music. In all her tests, she got A’s and A minuses, a great achievement. The extra three days of non-stop studying with her mother had really helped a lot.

Mr. Shuu wasn’t the least bit fooled though. "This child is obviously a cheater. I mean how else could she change her grades so easily. MUSIC? HA! She should be expelled for insulting this school and the educational system as a whole."

Tears came down Usagi’s face. She knew that she wasn’t a cheater, but she couldn't fight against an adult She had learned long ago not to contradict an adult. This time, things were up to her parents.

Before anyone else could respond, however, two very enraged aura’s were felt in the room, and seen by all those who did not have the ability to feel Ki signatures. Her parents were furious. Goku was more than upset by the man’s rants, but Chi-Chi was livid. And who wouldn’t be. She had been through this before and was NOT about to see it again. "You rotten, no-good jerk! How dare you call my daughter a cheater! She doesn’t cheat. It’s us that didn’t understand her problem and just brushed it off. But given her grades, everyone knows she didn’t try to cheat back then when she wasn’t under a microscope."

"Humph. As if you two barbarians such as you and your husband could possibly understand how devious a corrupt child can be."

Goku unconsciously powered up and was ready to blow at any second. He had never heard such nonsense. Though, he controlled himself when he saw that Chi-Chi was nearing Mr. Shuu. He grinned. Chi-Chi would show him who’s boss.

Stalking even closer, Chi-Chi grabbed Mr. Shuu by the collar and lifted his now quaking form off the ground with one hand. She narrowed her eyes to glare harder, putting more fright into his heart. "Listen you jerk, you have insulted my children for the last time. No more. You are just a peacock, who is frightened by anything that doesn’t meet your ideas of normal. Leave my children out of your pathetic ways. And count yourself lucky that you’re so old and shriveled away or I’d give you a reminder of what I did when you hit My Gohan." She tossed him down into his chair. In return for her kindness, she received a glare from the old man.

Before he could respond, his daughter interceded. "That’s enough, father. You're out of line." Ignoring her sputtering father, she turned to Usagi, who had made it over to her parents as they tried to calm themselves for her sake. "I apologize for his actions now, and in the past. He was always a ruthless teacher. That’s why he was asked to hand in his resignation instead of waiting for mandatory retirement as he intended."

Chi-Chi looked down to her daughter with a warm smile and giggled to her satisfaction be known. She then looked back up to the principal.

"Well this has been enlightening. I’m not sure why, but it seems that Usagi was right on music helping her. She has passed all her tests and the new grades will be put on her record."

Usagi’s fears evaporated at that moment, leaving her with the feeling of jumping for joy. Mrs. Wright spoke up at that time. "Since we all agree with this, I think that authorizing the Walkman would not be a wrong move. She will only be able to listen to instrumental music, however, and must keep it low enough to not be heard by anyone else. We don’t want her disturbing the other students."

Goku chuckled. "That won't be a problem with her Saiyan hearing."

The Principal rose back to her feet and walked to the excited family. "Congratulations, Usagi, and enjoy your summer."


When the trio arrived home, they found all of Usagi’s friends waiting. Impishly, Usagi signaled for her parents to play along. Grinning at each other, they gladly agreed. Before the trio landed, Usagi wiped the smile off of her face and brought out some forced tears.

Usagi let her eyes fall as she dropped to the ground and picked up lucky, who licked her face to cheer her up. The other five girls took one look at her parents, who also looked upset, and immediately knew what was bothering her.

Hotaru took the liberty of trying to cheer her up first. "Usagi, well, if you can't go then I don’t want to go either." A smile cracked on Usagi’s face, though not because she was being cheered up, she didn’t need that, but because she could hardly hold in her laughter that was taking place inside her head.

The other girls agreed that they wouldn’t go unless Usagi was able to, which warmed her heart to the max. She was about to tell them the truth when her mother spoke up. "Come, Usagi. You have things that you must do before the night is up."

Usagi nodded with a grin. "Right, mom. I have to pack for…Disney World since I aced all my exams!" She laughed as she looked around to her flabbergasted friends. "Gottcha!"

"USAGI!" Rei playfully yelled out. "GET HER!" The five darted out for Usagi, who jumped into the air and soon, a game of chase ensued in the air.

Chi-Chi and Goku just shook their heads as they walked into the house.


The coming Monday, the kids were up before dawn and more than ready for their new adventure. Hardly believing that they had a full week at Disney World in America, they were too excited to sleep, waking up their parents in the process of trying to make sure they had everything that they needed.

It was agreed to meet at the Son’s first, and the first to arrive were the Mizuno’s, the Briefs, and the Tomoe’s. Usagi was the first to greet the group since her parents were a bit sluggish due to the fact that she had been annoyingly loud earlier on in the morning.

She took one look at Vejita and freaked out. "WHAT?! Why’s HE coming?!"

Vejita frowned. "Don’t sound so surprised BRAT."


Vejita actually lightened up his frown to a grin. "If you think, brat, that I’m going to miss the jolly green giant in Mickey Mouse ears, you’re sadly mistaken." More then a few giggles were heard from this comment. All are waiting for the grand show.


Yamcha and his students came next, soon followed by Rei and her grandpa, And Minako and her protesting parents. They came so not to look bad for her friends’ families. Makoto came over alone. She was lucky to even be going. Her father wanted her to stay back and train with Mr. Satan, whom he still believed to be earth’s savior, but her mother convinced him otherwise. Goten, Gohan, and Videl were the next group.


Ten Minutes after Goten, Gohan, and Videl arrived, an unexpected member was added to the group. Makoto was stunned at the sight of the member. "MOM? Are you here to take me back?" She asked, fighting back tears.


Smiling, Mrs. Kino realized that she had not been standing up for her daughter as much as she should have. Not only that, but she also realized that she had not been spending nearly enough time with her. She just shook her head. "Nope, since your dad’s gone on business for the month, I thought I’d join you. If you’ll have me?!" The last said with a bit of fear of her own. Wide-eyed, Makoto threw herself into a hug with her, grinning madly as were all her friends.

Vejita looked into the sky with annoyance. "Where’s the Namek? We can’t wait all day."

Goku grinned when he felt the Ki energy of Piccolo and his pack. "Look’s like they’re on their way."

Chi-Chi looked up into the sky to see the protesting Namek overhead being pulled by Mamoru, Haruka, and Michiru. "There’s the man of the hour. We thought you weren’t going to be able to make it."

Piccolo struggled to break free of his students’ grasps, but the three of them combined was just too much for him to handle. "I’VE CHANGED MY MIND. I WON’T DO THIS."

"Now father. You were the one who was talking about honor. Surly you won’t break your word."

Haruka smirked. "Surely you wouldn’t want to disappoint the children, would you?"

Usagi grinned. "Yeah, Piccolo. You wouldn't want to disappoint us children, would you?" The entire crowd burst out laughing at the less than willing Namek.

Piccolo glared down to the whole lot. "You’ll pay for this."

Laughing, Goku walked up to him. "Be a good sport, Piccolo. You have no one to blame but yourself for this."

Vejita had one thing to add to that. "Yes, and you see you at your best. HAHAHAHA."

Piccolo growled. "Fine, let’s get this over with."

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