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Usagi, a Saiyan Child: Book 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z. It is the property of Akira Toriyama. I do not own Sailor Moon. It is the property of Naoko Takeuchi. I do, however, own this story, or rather, series of stories. The name is mine, the storylines are mine.The characters are not. Well, some of the characters are, but only the ones who never appeared in either show.

The Secret of Mamoru: Chapter 1

Usagi sat outside Capsule Corp. with Rei waiting for her father and brothers so they could go back to the tournament. Usagi knew that she couldn't fight anymore. She had been gone for far too long. Her fourth fight had already passed. He mother had made a fuss about her going back, but she wanted to see Mamoru again. She wanted to show him that she could hold her own against him. She was refreshed. It took some begging, but her mother finally agreed to let her go. She looked over at Rei. "Do you live around here?"

Rei was in a daze. She hadn't really heard Usagi's words too much. She was thinking about what had just happened. It was amazing. She had seen many fights in her short life, she had seen many people get beaten up, but she had never seen anything like that. It fascinated her to the full extent. She wanted to know more about them. She wanted to know how they were able to take such beatings. She wanted to know how Usagi was able to glow, she wanted to know how she had been able to use her energy to attack the man named Kiro. She had so many questions. She looked over at Usagi, who was curiously staring back at her. "Huh? Did you say something?"

"Yeah, I asked if you lived around here. Or do you live in Tokyo?" Usagi kind of hoped that she lived around here. Rei was a very interesting person to her and she wanted to learn more about her. She wanted to stay friends.

"Me? I live at the Hikawa shrine. It's not too far away from here. Do you know where it is?"

Usagi nodded. "Yeah, me and my class went there this year for a field trip to learn more about our culture. It was pretty cool. Is that why you are able to talk to and control fire like you do?"

Rei shook her head. "No. I actually don't know why I am able to do that. It's really weird. I'm the only one in my family who can do it. Everyone at school thinks I'm weird because I always get weird feelings."

Usagi knew the feeling of being though of as weird all too well. "Everyone at my school thinks I'm weird because I have a tail. Except Minako and Makoto."

"Why do you have a tail anyways? If you don't mind me asking. Is it because you're one of those Saiyans?" She asked as she pointed down to her new friend’s tail.

"Yep. Daddy says, that if there was a moon and I looked at it, then I would turn into this big giant monkey ape thingy and try to kill everyone." Usagi couldn't imagine herself as a giant monkey. She couldn't imagine anyone as a giant monkey. "But I don't really mind being teased anymore. I got used to it."

"You kind of have to when you're around it everyday."

Usagi just kind of nodded in reply. "So, where do you go to school?"

"I go to a private all girls school. It's kind of boring. You aren't allowed to do anything fun there and there are way to many rules." Rei longed to go to public schools. Many of her friends went to public schools and she wished that she could join them.

"That's too bad. Too bad you don't go to our school. That would be cool. Then we could talk to each other every day."

Rei looked down at the ground. She wanted to stay friends with Usagi, but that would be really hard to do if they didn't go to the same school. "Yeah it would."

"Do you fight?"

"Huh" Rei looked up at Usagi.

"Do you fight?"

"Not really. I haven't had anyone to teach me really." Rei knew somewhat how to fight, but only the basic stuff that she had picked up from watching the tournaments.

"Maybe we can teach you. You know, Minako Makoto, daddy, and Me. It would be fun." It was perfect. Usagi had found the perfect way for them to stay in touch with Rei.

"I don't know if grandfather would let me. He might though, since he's such a big fan of your dad's."

"Who's a big fan of mine?" Goku asked as he came out with a towel wrapped around his neck. His hair was dripping wet with water. He had just finished taking a shower and was now ready to take a shower.

Rei looked up at Goku. "My grandfather. He's been watching you fight ever since he was about four years old. He's a little disappointed that you haven't been there in a few years. But he was really happy when Usagi told him that she was fighting."

Gohan walked out from behind his father and picked up Usagi. "Speaking of tournaments, how did you do?"

Usagi's face filled with a giant smile as she remembered the tournament. "I won every fight I fought. Which is three."

Gohan smiled. "That's really good Usagi. You are really turning into a good fighter you know that?"

"Thanks Gohan. And guess what, they were really hard to beat too. I nearly lost the last fight, then they person almost grabbed my tail and I got mad so I kicked him which knocked him out. I showed him who was boss." Usagi giggled. She liked the thought of winning against someone who was bigger then her.

Gohan laughed as he set his sister back on the ground. "Well little sis, it sounds like you've accomplished a lot. You won three fights and single handedly saved all of us."

Usagi looked up at her brother who seemed totally serious about what he just said. She pointed to herself. "I…I…I did what?" Usagi hadn't thought of it that way. She saw it as her being attacked and then Kiro stumbling over something. "I didn't do anything."

"Gohan’s right," Goten walked out of Capsule Corp. to join his family. "What you did was save us all today. It was your power."

"Speaking of power," Everyone turned their attention to Goku. "Usagi, do you know what happened to you today?" Usagi shook her head. She had no idea what that was that came out of her but she had herself convinced that it wasn't her. "Neither do I. That wasn't your normal energy that we felt today. That was an energy greater then your own. But we will worry about that later. Right now we need to get back to the tournament and tell the others what happened."

Rei couldn't wait to get back to tell her grandfather what had just happened. She finally figured out what all that evil that she was sensing was. She was a little relieved. For a while there, she was getting intense feelings that she didn't know what to do with. "Great, I think we can find them if we find grandfather. They might have gone to him to tell him what happened to me. We can probably find him at the fights."

"Great, you wouldn't know how to fly would you?" Goku knew she probably didn't, She looked rather surprised when Usagi used her Ki attack on Kiro.

"Uh, no." Another mysterious and interesting fact that she learned that day. People can fly and shoot things at other people using their own energy. 'What else am I going to have to learn about these people before I even begin to understand them? This is too confusing. Oh well, at least I'm not getting a negetive feedback from them. They aren't evil. We have already established that.'

"I guess you'll have to use Nimbus then." Goku called for Nimbus to come.

Rei stared at the yellow cloud before her. Did he really expect her to ride it? He had to be crazy. It looked like a giant ball of cotton candy. "Is it safe?"

"Of course, watch." He picked Rei up and sat her down on the cloud. "You must have pure heart because Nimbus is letting you sit on it. Only pure hearted people can sit on it."

Rei began to poke at the cloud for a moment. It seemed sturdy enough. "I guess I can do this. It looks like it could be fun."

Goku looked down to his daughter. "You tired?" Usagi looked up and nodded her head. Although her energy had been replenished, she was still worn out and didn't want to do anything more for the next week. "Ok, climb onto my back."

Usagi smiled. She loved to fly on her father's back. He always went extra fast for her. The faster the speed the more she loved it. "Cool." She jumped onto her father's back and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist so she wouldn't slip off. "Let's go!"

"Ok." Goku jumped into the air and Usagi quickly repositioned herself so she was sitting on his back. He looked over to Rei, who looked like she was having a good time. "I told you it would it's safe. Now look at your, you're having fun." Rei smiled over at Goku. He was entirely right about that. She had had so many new experiences in one day it was a little on the overwhelming side.


They landed in the front of the stadium, where there were still plenty of people running around like maniacs and they would continue it until late that night. Goku stood still long enough to let Usagi slide down. "Let's go to the arena first."

Gohan and Goten nodded in agreement. They followed their father across a large. Gohan couldn't wait to tell Piccolo what had happened. Piccolo would surely have to like his little sister now. He knew that the main reason that Piccolo didn't like Usagi was because she couldn't fight and he couldn't train her to be a better fighter either. He knew it was up to Goku to do that. But now that Usagi had proven that she had a great power deep within her, Piccolo had no choice but to like her now. He looked down at his sister. She looked as if she hadn't had a care in the world. She acted like nothing had happened. She was just talking and laughing with her new friend Rei. He walked up to his father's side. "Dad, do you think she will be ok?"

Goku looked over to his son. "What do you mean Gohan?"

"Dad, Usagi just went through a very traumatizing experience. That was her first experience with something like that. I know she looks fine on the outside, but I know that deep down, she is probably still scared. I know I was when we first fought Vejita and Nappa. I tried to act like I was fine, but I was still scared."

Goku looked forward again so he wouldn't run into anything. "I know she probably still very frightened. But that's a fighter's life. She will learn to cope with it, just as you did. Don't worry about her. She will be fine. Not many things are able to keep Usagi down for too long."

"I hope you're right." Gohan said as he looked back to his sister.


When they arrived at the arena, Rei led everyone down to the front where her grandfather and she usually sit when they view the fights. Sure enough, he was there, where she was expected him to be. She looked to his right where Piccolo, Minako, and Makoto sat. The girls looked rather pale. Probably from everything that had just taken place not too long ago. "Grandpa!"

The four looked over. Piccolo literally jumped out of his chair from being startled. He looked at Goku and smiled. "So, you're ok now."

Goku smiled back at him. "Yup!" He put his hand on his daughter's head. "All thanks to Usagi here."

Piccolo looked down at Usagi. "What?"

"It's true. Grandpa, all those bad feelings I was getting were because of these people right here. Someone was trying to kill them."

Her grandfather looked down at her. Minako and Makoto tried to explain to him what had happened but most of what they said he could never make out. He had asked them over and over but they were too excited and spoke too fast. He didn't bother asking Piccolo; he was a bit intimidated by him. "Oh?" He looked at Goku and his face immediately began to glow with happiness. He put his hand out. "You must be Goku."

Goku returned the greeting and put his hand out and smiled. "Hi. Yeah I am. Rei here says you like to watch me fight."

"That's true. You are a wonderful fighter and I've been watching you ever since you were little. I watched little Usagi here, she takes after you, a lot."

Goku looked down at her and then back up at the man whom he had just me. "She is becoming great. She saved us all today."

"About that Goku…" Makoto was quite curious on how she had managed to win any fight against anyone. "How did she do it? Why were they doing it?"

Usagi listened as he father began to explain to everyone what she had done. She looked around for Mamoru, but did not see him. She knew he was still at the tournament, she could feel his Ki. She wished that she knew how high his level was, but her father had not taught her how to know how strong someone is. He hadn't gotten to that part of her training yet. All she could do was recognize the person's energy signature. He taught her that just in case they ever got separated and she needed to find him. In light of not being able to know how strong Mamoru was, Usagi was still pretty sure that she could beat him now. She looked around to everyone. They all looked like they were too deep into her father's story to pay attention to her, which is exactly what she wanted. First she tested out a few things. She took a few steps back away from the group. No one noticed so she took a few more steps. Still, no one noticed so she turned around and ran away from the group, out of the arena.

Usagi looked around the main quad of the stadium for Mamoru. She could feel that he was close to her but she just couldn't put her finger on where he could be. There were too many people around too. It was now busier than it was earlier in the day. There were too many adults around and Usagi could not see past any of them. "Great, how am I supposed to find him now?" She walked to the wall that formed to boundary of the quad where there were fewer people. She scanned the area with her eyes, being careful to make sure that she didn't miss a spot. She squinted when she saw a figure in black walking towards the arena. "There he is. That's gotta be him." She left her spot by the wall and ran back into the crowd, this time she knew exactly where she was going. Usagi saw him walking not ten feet in front of her. She pushed through the crowd as fast as she could. "Mamoru! Wait up!"

Mamoru stopped dead in his tracks. He knew exactly who was calling for him to stop. He turned around. "Odango." He sneered. "What do you want?"

Usagi stopped herself before she crashed into Mamoru. "I've come to finally show you that I can beat you."

Mamoru laughed at her. "Oh? Well, if I recall right, you didn't show up for your last fight today. That shows how chicken you are. I don't think, no wait, I KNOW you can't beat me. So just buzz off. I have a fight in fifteen minutes that I want to prepare for."

Usagi frowned. If only she could tell him why she had to miss her fight he would understand. But he didn't need to know. That was her business. "I can beat you. I just couldn't make it to my last fight." She got into her fighting stance and waved for him to do the same. "Come on. Let's go. Right here, right now."

"Look, I know you want to fight me, but I don't want to fight you right now. It wouldn't be any fun for me. Well, the fact that beating you into a bloody pulp is rather entertaining, but I want a challenge. So just get out of here. I'll kick your ass later. When I have more time and when you become a greater challenge to me." Mamoru turned around.

Usagi scowled at him. She had not come back just for him to walk away. She was going to fight him and show him just how much stronger then him she was. "Come on, afraid I'll beat you? That's why you won't fight me isn't it?" She put her thumbs to her head and stuck her tongue at him while she waved her hands around. "Mamoru's chicken. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na…"

"That's it!" He spun around while building up at Ki blast around his fist and let Usagi have it right in the jaw, causing her to stop her taunting.

Usagi fell backwards and landed on her back. She rubbed her jaw with her hand as she looked up at Mamoru, who had raised his leg and was about to kick her. 'Uh-oh…' She closed her eyes and awaited the hit. All of a sudden, she felt her brothers and father's Ki. She opened her eyes and her father was now standing in front of her, acting as a barrier between her and Mamoru. To his left was Goten, and to his right was Gohan. "Daddy!"

Goku didn't turn his head. He just kept scowling at Mamoru. He had watched him hit Usagi. That didn't help his anger towards Mamoru. It made things worse then they already had been. "Are you Mamoru?"

Mamoru smirked as he looked up at Goku. "Who wants to know?" 'What a freak. Look at this guy's hair."

Goten grabbed Mamoru by the front of his GI. "Just answer the question kid!"

Goku placed his hand on Goten's shoulder. "Don't resort to this right now Goten. I still haven't talked to his father." He looked to Mamoru. "Look, I'm Usagi's father and I wanted to talk to you about what you did to her. That wasn't very nice."

"Yeah, and we're still really pis…I mean angry." Goten probably would have laid into Mamoru right there if his father wasn't there. He had seen Usagi when she first came to Capsule Corp. with her wounds and still had a fresh picture of it in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he became angry with Mamoru. He considered Gohan lucky for being asleep when it happened. He wished that he did not have to see her like that either.

Mamoru looked up at Goten. He didn't see him as a threat, actually he didn't see any of them as a threat. He could read their power levels and they were all considerably low. But what he didn't know, is that they had the power to hide their energy. "Look, Odango there is a little wimp. She couldn't fight if her life depended on it."

Usagi stood up and stayed behind her father. She grabbed his leg and poked her head out just enough to see Mamoru. "You just wait and see how good I can fight. I'll take you on right now."

Gohan looked back at his sister. He knew that she was serious. When he was sick at Capsule Corp., he had heard her talking about how she wanted to beat him up very badly. "Usagi, you can't fight him right now, ok?"

"Look, my daughter has a name and it's Usagi. Not Odango. Got that?!" Goku was getting a little agitated and was ready to talk to the boy's father. "Look, just tell us who your dad is and we…"

Mamoru crossed his arms. "I can't do that. My father won't let me tell anyone who he is. So, just run along and leave me alone. And take that dumb ass with you all right?"

Well, that was about all that Goku was going to listen to from this boy. No one swore about his daughter in his presence and got away with it. Before he really knew what he was doing, he tightened his hand up into a nice little fist and punched Mamoru right in the cheek. He watched as he fell back to the ground.

Usagi smiled, as she was also VERY surprised that her father would ever do something like that. "Daddy…I thought you aren't supposed to hit someone unless they hit you first."

Goku frowned. "Usagi?"


"You didn't see that." He lowered his fist to his side. He didn't feel regret for what he had just done for Mamoru had done far worse on Usagi and was about to try it again.

Usagi was a bit confused as to why he told her that she hadn't just seen what she knew she very well had. "But, yes I did."

"No you didn't."

Goten patted his father on the back. "Way to go dad. Way to show him whose boss." He tried to keep his laughter from surfacing, he couldn't. That was probably the most humorous thing that he had seen in a long time. He never thought that his father would do something like that. Of course, Mamoru had pretty much degraded Usagi.

"Dad, seriously, that was awesome." Gohan himself was even astounded that his father would do that. Although he hadn't seen Usagi after her fight with Mamoru, he was still pretty mad about it. Usagi didn't deserve to be beaten up. He saw her when she was bandaged and he saw her scabs too. From what he could tell, she had to have been in a lot of pain.

Mamoru slowly stood back to his feet. His face stung with pain. He hadn't expected someone with such a low power level, to be able to hit so hard. "Wait until my father finds out about this. He's going to show you what happens when someone messes with me."

Goku continued to scowl at Mamoru, never taking his eyes off him. "You go ahead and do that. Now YOU get out of here and never bother us again."

Mamoru didn't want to risk being hit again and complied with Goku. "You will never live this down Odango!" He turned around and ran away.

"Usagi, I don't want you to talk to him anymore. I want you to avoid him at all costs. Understand?" Goku watched to make sure that Mamoru didn't turn back.

"But daddy, I want to fight him."

"No!" Goku snapped. "You can't beat him. Right now, he is stronger then you. I don't want you to go anywhere near him. If you do, he will probably hurt you again. Until I know that you are stronger then him, I forbid you to go anywhere near him if avoidable."


"Don't argue with dad, Usagi." Gohan had learned that when his father was mad and he told you to do something, that you had better do it without and buts. He learned that the hard way when they were fighting Freiza, right after he had first become a Super Saiyan.

She looked to her brother. "All right. I won't." 'I guess that I will just have to get stronger sooner then.'

"Let's go back to the others." Goku was relieved that Usagi didn't find Mamoru earlier. One more second and she would have fallen victim to another one of his attacks. He would have totally gone ballistic then. But, he felt pretty comfortable with what he had done to him. In a way, he deserved it. He was just looking out for Usagi.


Back at the arena Rei was telling Makoto and Makoto what she saw. "So anyway, after I opened my eyes, I saw Usagi lying in her mom's lap. One minute she was crying, and the next thing we all know she's glowing silver. It was kind of cool actually." She looked over her shoulder to see Usagi returning with her family. "Hey guys!"

Piccolo, who was watching the current fight, turned to see Goku. "Am I needed here anymore?"

Goku shook his head. "You can go. I know you had other plans for this week. Sorry about all this."

Piccolo smiled down at Usagi for once. It was a real genuine smile. "You did well today kid. Keep up the good work."

"Bye Piccolo!" Usagi chirped. Piccolo said his goodbyes to everyone and jumped into the air. "I think he actually likes me now."

Minako smiled. "That's so cool. And to think, just earlier, he was so mean to us. Now he's even complimenting you Usagi."

"Yeah, I guess he's all right." Makoto found Piccolo to be a person of many mysteries. There was something about him that she found strange, yet, interesting at the same time. "I hope we meet again."
She looked over to Rei. "So, what are you going to do now, Rei?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. What happened today was really weird, but for some reason, I feel like I have really accomplished something. Like I have fulfilled something." She looked around at her three new friends. "I hope this isn't goodbye. You guys seem really cool, and powerful to boot."

"Of course it's not goodbye. Remember, we were going to ask daddy if he could train you." Usagi turned around to look up at her father. "Can you daddy? She already kind of knows how to fight."

"Key words in there being KIND OF." Rei didn't want to make Goku mad at her for wanting to learn how to fight. "I don't need to know much. I just want to learn the basics. You know, just so I can defend myself."

Goku smiled. "I'd be happy to teach you. It won't take that long, but don't you want to learn how to fight with Ki blasts." Goku couldn't imagine anyone not wanting to learn how to fight with Ki blasts, but, it was her choice and he wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want to do.

"Well, I guess I'll have to find out what happens. But, you will teach me, right?" Rei was getting somewhat excited about that. She would get to keep being friends with Makoto, Minako, and Usagi.

"Ok. That's understandable. And, yes, I will teach you. We can start next week. I think I want to relax for a week. I think Usagi wants to rest too. We have all been through an awful lot in the past few weeks." He wrapped his arm around Usagi's shoulders. "What do ya say to a weeks vacation?"

Usagi looked up at her father. "I say 'yippee!'."

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