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Usagi, a Saiyan Child: Book 2

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z. It is the property of Akira Toriyama. I do not own Sailor Moon. It is the property of Naoko Takeuchi. I do, however, own this story, or rather, series of stories. The name is mine, the storylines are mine.The characters are not. Well, some of the characters are, but only the ones who never appeared in either show.

The Power of an Innocent Heart: Chapter 1

It had been a year and six months since Usagi first began to learn how to train and she was about two and a half months away from turning seven. She still wasn't as good as her father at fighting, but in her mind, she was coming along quite nicely. She was now up to 30-pound boots and a 50-pound GI. She was proud of herself. She had learned a lot in such a short time. She thought back to the past year. It started out horrible, but as soon as she showed everyone what she could do, boy, everyone pretty much stayed away from her. She didn't really make any new friends because of this though. But she didn't mind. She had Minako and Makoto. They were enough for her. They had become considerably close over the past year. Nothing could tare them apart, as they were always together. They were the three-musketeers of the school. No one wanted to cross their paths, fearing what may happen to them if they did. There hadn't been much activity from Haruka and Michiru either. Usagi tried to avoid them as much as possible and it seemed as though, they did the same. The whole school heard about what happened that day after school. The day when Usagi took back what was rightfully hers. That's probably one of the main reasons why everyone tried to keep away from them. And Usagi liked it that way. She didn't need them. They had pushed her down and treated her like dirt.

Shortly after Minako and Makoto mastered flying and using Ki blasts, Goku started training them with weights. They learned at an incredibly fast speed, like Usagi had.

Usagi hunched over her part of the table that she sat at and scribbled a few words onto a piece of paper. Her penmanship wasn't very well. She had a hard time with writing and an even harder time with reading. She often had to get help from either her parents, or Minako or Makoto. Her assignment was to study for the big spelling test that they would be taking at the end of the week. Usagi was sure that she would fail. She never got anything above a C+ in spelling. Her mother wasn't too happy about that, but her father always praised her for it. He said that it just meant that she was average and that's the way that he liked her. Usagi smiled as she thought of her father. He was always there for her whenever she needed him and she had promised him that if he ever needed her for anything, that she would be there for him. Usagi could always tell that her mother was jealous with the relationship that she had with her father so she tried extra hard to get along with her. She knew that she was treading on thin ice when it came to her mother. It seemed as though, every little thing she did that her mother didn't like, her mother just automatically accused Usagi of hating her. Usagi learned very fast in her young life not to upset her mother.

Usagi looked up from her paper to look around the room. For once it was quiet. On a normal day, the room would be bustling with noisy kids, all of who wanted an equal amount of each other's attention and would do anything to get it. The teacher had threatened to put anyone who talked that day in detention. He was fed up with his noisy class and couldn't handle the noise anymore. Usagi looked to her right where Minako was sitting. She looked like she knew what she was doing, like she had a handle on the words that they were meant to know. She wanted to ask her how to spell something, but knew if she did, she would be sent to the office. Usagi definitely did not want to get another lecture from her parents about respecting the rules of the classroom. She had been sent to the office 3 times that year for supposedly breaking the rules. Each time, her mother grounded her for two weeks while her father just lectured her about the importance of rules.

Usagi quickly looked back down at her paper and started to write the rest of the words that she knew when she noticed the teacher, Mr. Koch, walk by. < Sounds like coke. > He was observing all of the children's writing skills. He stopped when he got to Usagi. Usagi could feel his eyes on her paper. She rolled her eyes. 'Here we go again.'

He looked closely at her paper and frowned. "Usagi…" The whole class stopped what they were doing and looked to Usagi. Anything that was even remotely interesting, the kids would always stop for. He tried to make out what Usagi had written. "I can't read most of this. And the words that I can read," He leaned in closer to get a better look at the paper, "Are misspelled. Oh wait, there are some words that are spelled correctly." He looked to Usagi before he walked away. "Work on that penmanship ok?"

Usagi watched as he walked away. She could hear the quiet laughter of her classmates. Except Minako and Makoto. They never laughed at her. Usagi shot a sharp glare at the class and they quickly quieted down fearing what would happen if they angered her. She smiled to herself. It felt good to have the upper hand. She leaned back into her chair as she studied her paper. She didn't see anything wrong with her writing. It looked totally readable. At least…to her it did. She looked up at the clock, which read 11:33. Two minutes until lunch. She couldn't wait. She was starving. Usagi looked to Minako and then to Makoto. They were already packing up for lunch.

Usagi noticed Mr. Koch walk up to the front of the room. She put her pencil down in front of her on her paper that she had written all of her spelling words on. She pulled her lunch out of her book bag, which sat on the floor by her chair. "Ok class, at this time, you are dismissed to lunch. I expect you to be back in your seats and ready to continue where we are leaving off." He looked at Usagi, "And I expect you to write your words a little bit better."

Usagi tried to hide her face. She hated it when he singled her out like that. He always picked on her. He knew that it was because she was different then everyone else. She knew that it was because she had a tail. He always picked on kids who were a little bit different. No one in she class seemed to be starring at her when she looked up. They were all to busy running out of the classroom to get their lunches and hang out with one another. Usagi was glad that he did it then, when everyone was too excited to take notice. She stood up from her chair and stretched. She looked to Minako. "I hate it when he does that. He always picks on me."

Minako frowned as she looked at her teacher. "I know. It's like he likes to see you get in trouble. That's why he always sends you to the principal's office. I think he wants to see you beat someone up." She picked up her lunch bag off of the table and waited for Makoto.

Makoto was digging through her bag. "I don't know why he doesn't do that to us. He has a thing against you." Makoto pulled her lunch out of her book bag and stood up. "Oh well, there's nothing we can do about it."

Usagi shook her head. "I can try to tell my daddy. I tried telling mamma about it, but she just told me to 'obey his rules and there will be nothing for me to worry about.' She never listens to anything I have to say. She acts like I don't know what I'm talking about." Usagi began walking to the door with her friends. She wanted to get out of that classroom as soon as she could.

Minako glared at Mr. Koch, right before they had gotten to the door, he threw himself in front of the door, preventing the girls from leaving. Usagi immediately knew that it was because of her. Mr. Koch looked at Usagi and then her two friends. "You two may leave. I want to speak to Usagi." Minako and Makoto didn't budge from their spots. Anything that he had to say to Usagi, he could tell them too. They would end up hearing about it from her anyways. He glared at the two girls. "Alone!"

The girls rolled their eyes as the left the room. Before Minako was totally out of the door she turned around and looked at Usagi, "We will be waiting for you at the usual spot." Mr. Koch slammed the door in Minako's face. She stood outside the door and put her arms on her waist. "That was rude!" She yelled it so it could be heard down every hall way in the school. Before someone came Makoto grabbed her friend by the arm so they wouldn't get in trouble. She began to drag her down the hall and out onto the playground. Minako tried to kick her way out of Makoto's grasp. "Makoto, what are you doing? I wanted to listen!"

Makoto let go of her friend's arm. "Don't worry. Usagi will tell us what he said. She always does. We pretty much know what he's saying anyways. He's just being a jerk like he always is." Minako nodded in agreeance. Makoto DID have a point.


Usagi followed Mr. Koch as he walked to his desk. She didn't have any idea what he wanted to talk to her about, but she knew it was just going to be about something stupid like it always was. She stood in front of his desk and placed her hands on it. "Can we just get this over with? I'm really hungry." Usagi could feel her stomach begging to be fed.

Mr. Koch looked up at Usagi. He hated it when she spoke to him like that. "As you have probably guessed, this is about your grades. They don't look to well right now." He pulled out a green grading book and opened it up to a page with all of Usagi's grades on it. "Now look here." He pointed to her name and then scrolled down the long list of assignments and grades. "You have basically a C to C plus average in all categories." Usagi followed his finger with her eyes. She didn't see what the big deal with a C was. It was good enough for her father and it was good enough for her. He looked up at her. "Most of the kids in this class have a B to A average. You, young lady, have to lowest grades. I'm sure your parents are not sending you to come to school just for you to scribble on your paper." Usagi opened her mouth to protest but he continued before she had a chance to say anything. "I can hardly read any of your writing. You have very poor penmanship."

Usagi had heard this lecture before so she really didn't take any of his words to heart. He pulled out an envelope and Usagi grabbed it from him. She examined it and then looked at her teacher. "What's this?"

Mr. Koch put his grade book in his desk. "It's a letter to your parents explaining you grades and your non-effort to improve them. I want one of your parents to sign it and then I want you to return it to me. If you fail to do this I will make sure you get detention." He grinned. He liked to get her in trouble.

Usagi looked back down at the letter. She cringed at the thought of her mother reading it. She knew that she would make her stop training. She had already threatened her before if she didn't shape up in school. She decided that she wouldn't give it to her mother. Her father would do just fine. He always signed her progress reports. He didn't really care about grades. Just as long as she tried her best. She smiled at her teacher. "Ok. I can do that!" She said it in such a carefree way. She knew that it would make him made if she sounded like she didn't care and that's exactly why she did it. She loved to make people made when they deserved it. She turned around and skipped out of the classroom.


Usagi met her friends out on the playground where they had eaten their lunches for the past 6 months. They were already digging into their lunches when Usagi sat down in-between them. She had a frown on her face. Makoto and Minako knew by her facial expression that their teacher had once again done something horrible to her. Usagi opened her lunch bag and pulled out a plastic container and looked up. "Man he makes me so mad! Why does he always have to pick on me? I never did anything to him." She smashed the container with her hand. "I wish he would just leave me alone."

Sensing Usagi's anger, Minako decided that she had better say something before Usagi hurt someone. She placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Usagi, calm down. It's ok. Just tell your dad. I'm sure he'll do something about it." Minako knew she wasn't getting through to Usagi. She was just too stubborn to listen.

A ball flew up and hit Usagi's knees forcing her to drop her lunch on the ground. She looked up and saw an older kid running towards her and then looked back down at the ball. She picked up her lunch and replaced it on her lap.

"Hey! Could you kick that here?"

Usagi looked back up to the kid. She was one of the kids that used to hang out with Haruka. One of the kids that laughed at her at the beginning of the year before. She smirked. "Yeah, I'll kick it there." She said quietly to herself. She stood up and put her lunch on the bench behind her. She tuned around and walked up to the ball. Still with a smirk on her face, Usagi kicked to ball as hard as she could to the girl. She watched as it missed it's target, flying right passed it, and hit a concrete pillar. It immediately popped when it hit. "Oops," She said with a slight hint of laughter in her voice. "Sorry about that!" She laughed as she turned around and sat down by her friends.

Makoto starred at Usagi as she began eating her lunch. She had never seen Usagi pull anything like that before. "Usagi, what did Mr. Koch say to you?" He had to have said something awful to her. Otherwise she wouldn't have acted like that.

Usagi ate as fast as she could. She was starving. She looked over to Makoto, who was starring at her with her big green eyes. "He gave me another letter to get daddy to sign. He said I'm not making an effort to raise my grades. He also said that I have the lowest grades in the class." Usagi go angrier just thinking about it.

Makoto had no idea why their teacher was so mean to Usagi. He seemed to be taking pleasure in seeing Usagi suffer. Usagi had never done anything to him. She always respected his rules, she never spoke up in class, and she never had any sudden outbursts of energy. "Usagi, you should really tell your dad."

Usagi shrugged, "Well see what happens."

Makoto couldn't believe that Usagi was going to take that from a teacher. Just because he WAS a teacher, didn't mean he could treat her like that. She knew Usagi was suffering from it. She could see it everyday.


Goku arrived at his daughter's school when it ended. It was time to start their training for the day. He waited for them in the main courtyard, where he had witnessed Usagi show Haruka and Michiru just what she was made of. That was the day she had really gotten serious about fighting. It was like she craved the power that came with it. He was proud of her but she had a tendency to loose her temper. He worried about that. She was always picking fights with Vejita especially. She usually ended up getting beaten in the end. She wasn't at his level yet, and he worried that she may get herself hurt one of these days. Goku never could figure out why his daughter had taken so much to Vejita. He was always mean to her and said some pretty rude and obnoxious things but she still loved to be around him.

Goku's thinking was interrupted when he noticed Usagi. She had already changed into her weighted GI and was running towards him with a white paper in her hands. Goku knew exactly what it was. It was a note from her teacher. She had been getting a lot of them lately, always saying the same thing. That his daughter was basically a troublemaker. That she was stupid. It never said it in those exact words, but that's the message he got out of it. He never did like her teacher. "Hi sweetie!" Goku scooped his daughter up off of the ground and held her in his arms. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and then set her down again. "What's this?" He asked as he grabbed the paper out of her hands.

Usagi watched as her father opened the letter. "It's a letter from Mr. Koch, I think it's bad." Usagi hated to give him these letters. They were always bad news and he usually got pretty upset when he read them. The only reason why she even bothered giving them to him was because she needed to get them signed.

Goku read the letter carefully. It wasn't something that he hadn't seen or heard before. His face became angry as he crumpled the paper in his hands. Goku looked down at his daughter. She didn't look stupid to him. Usagi backed away from her father. He had never reacted like that before. "Usagi, I'm not mad at you." He motioned for his daughter to come back to him. She obeyed. "I'm mad at this Mr. Koch fellow. I'm tired of him always sending these stupid letters home for us to sign. I don't care about your grades just as long as you get C's or better."

"That's what we have been trying to tell her all along, Goku." Minako ran up from behind Goku with Makoto. They were watching the whole thing from behind the same bush that he had hidden behind when he watched Usagi teach Haruka who was boss.

"Yeah, we've been telling her to tell you about how he treats her, but she won't listen to us." Makoto looked to Usagi. "It's kind of annoying when one of your best friends doesn't listen to you when you know and they know that you are right." Makoto was always blunt when it came to her feelings.

Goku looked back at his daughter. "I'm not signing this. It outrageous and I know you aren't stupid so there is no need for me to sign it. You'll just have to tell him not to send any of these letters home anymore." He turned around and began to walk to the parking lot.

Usagi got wide-eyed as she listened to her father. She would get at least a week's worth of detention if she told him that, let alone the detention for not returning the letter. She grabbed her father by the leg, stopping him. "No daddy! You have to sign it, if you don't, I'll get detention." She looked up at him, hoping that he would agree to sign it.

Goku looked back and down to his daughter. He frowned. "What? So he's blackmailing you is he?" Goku couldn't just stand by and let him do that to his daughter. He wouldn't let it happen. Something had to be done about this. "Girls, come with me." He began walking back to Usagi's class. He knew exactly where it was, for he was just at an open house with Chi-Chi a few weeks before.

Usagi let go of her father and planted herself on the concrete. "No. You can't. If you do, he'll be even more mean to me." She sat with her legs crossed as she also crossed her arms.

Goku stopped and turned around. "Usagi, something has to be done. Now let's just go and be done with it." Usagi didn't say anything. She just closed her eyes and turned her head. Goku didn't know why she had to be so stubborn about everything. Vejita had warned him that girls are like that. It was just something that he would have to put up with from her.

Minako walked up to Usagi and tapped her on the shoulder. "Come on Usagi. Let's just go. Your dad can't do anymore harm then good." She grabbed her arm and tugged on it. Usagi wouldn't budge from her place.

Goku sighed. He would have to take her by force if she didn't go by will. He walked up to her and stood behind her. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and picked her up. "Let's go young lady."

Usagi hung in her father's arms. She tried to kick him but she knew it was no use. He didn't feel a thing. She looked back over her shoulder. "I just want you to know how much I dislike you right now daddy."

Goku smiled down at his daughter as he carried her to her classroom. "I love you too sweetie."

Makoto and Minako laughed as they traveled behind Goku. Usagi looked behind her. "I'll remember this when you're being carried away against your will." She waved her arms around in the air as they approached the door. "This isn't fair!" Just as Usagi yelled this, they had reached their destination.

Goku set his daughter down on the ground and held onto the back of her neck so she wouldn't stray away. He looked down at her. "Don't worry Usagi. This is for your own sanity." He opened the door and led his daughter in. Minako and Makoto followed them in and closed the door behind them.


Mr. Koch looked up from what he was doing. At that moment he was writing the schedule for tomorrow's class. He saw Goku and remembered that he was Usagi's father. He stood up and took his glasses off and then walked towards his visitors. "Why hello Mr. Son, it's so nice of you to drop by. To what do I owe this visitation?" He looked down to the ground and saw that Usagi was trying to hide herself behind her father. Mr. Koch smiled. "Hello Usagi." Usagi poked her head out from behind her father. Once she made eye contact she quickly bobbed her head back behind his legs. Mr. Koch looked back up at Goku who didn't look too happy.

"It's about this letter I got from my daughter today." He handed Mr. Koch the wadded up piece of paper.

Mr. Koch frowned at the paper that sat in his hand and then at Minako and Makoto. He hated how they always had to be with Usagi, wherever she went. He looked back up at Goku. "Are they with you, or Usagi?"

Goku looked at his daughter's friends and then back at her teacher. "They are with both of us." Goku could feel his daughter's hands clasp around his waist. He knew that she was really hating this right now, but in the long run, it was a good thing that he was doing this for her. He put his hand behind his back and rested it on her head.

Mr. Koch frowned. He hated it when those two we able to listen to what he had to say to Usagi. "Ok, I take it you didn't appreciate this note?"

Goku looked at Usagi's teacher like he was and idiot. Obviously he didn't appreciate it otherwise he would have been yelling at Usagi by now. "I don't agree with it, no."

Mr. Koch didn't like Goku's attitude. "Are you saying you don't care if your daughter gets a good education?"

Goku shook his head. "Of course I care. But I hardly think that C's are bad grades. And as for her effort to improve those grades, you don't know my daughter like I do. I know that she tries very hard to get good grades. She is just and average kid. Stop tying to make her something she is not. I'm tired of you always telling me that she is stupid." Goku was making himself angrier as he went on. He had now pulled himself out of Usagi's grasp and was in Mr. Koch's face. "And further more, I will not sign anymore of those stupid papers telling me how much you think that she is stupid, because I don't care if she is getting C's. I'm proud of her for that."

Koch backed away from Goku. He didn't like how close he was getting so close to him. He laughed. "You are proud of her? How can you be proud of," He pointed to Usagi, "That?"

That wasn't exactly the best thing in the world to do with Goku standing right there. He looked back to Usagi. She was about to cry. He could sense it. He turned back to her teacher and grabbed his arm. He slightly squeezed it. Of course, slightly squeezing to Goku is a major squeeze for 'normal' people. "Do not EVER do that again!"

Mr. Koch struggled to get out of Goku's hold. He was cutting off blood circulation to his arm. "Let go or I will call security." Goku didn't want to start anything so he released the man's arm. Mr. Koch grabbed his arm and started rubbing it. "What are you? Some kind of demon?"

Goku frowned as he shook his head. "No, just a Saiyan!"


"Saiyan?! The Prophecy is coming true. I must warn the others before it's too. The Saiyans are still alive!"


Goku walked up closer to Mr. Koch, "If you ever harass my daughter again, your hide is going to be mine." Goku had kept up with the not cursing in front of his daughter. He had only slipped once and that time she didn't even hear him because she was too busy fake crying.

Mr. Koch stared at Goku in the eyes. He feared him. He was strong. He didn't want to mess with the daughter of a man THAT strong. "Fine. Tell your daughter to write more legibly though. She has horrible handwriting." He rubbed his wrist. It still throbbed with pain.

Goku could deal with that. It was true. She didn't write too well and most of the time he couldn't read her handwriting, but now wasn't the time to comment about it. He turned to Usagi who was leaning against the door with her hand on the handle. She was ready to leave at anytime. He laughed quietly. "See, that wasn't too bad now was it?"

Usagi nodded. It was horrible. She never expected her father to threaten her teacher like he had. She was in for it even worse tomorrow for sure. Of course, if he messed with her, all she would have to do was tell her dad and he would patch things up nicely. "I guess not." She looked to Minako and Makoto. They were laughing hysterically.

Goku walked to the door. "Come on girls, let's go get some training done. We don't want today to be a total waste do we?" Goku turned back to Makoto and Minako who were standing up from their chairs.

Makoto was the first to the door. "Nope. I feel like fightin' today anyways." She made a fist and play swung at Usagi. Usagi blocked the hit with her arm and play hit Makoto in the stomach.

Mr. Koch watched the two girls. He couldn't believe that Goku was training such young girls to be fighters. He looked at Usagi and then back at her tail. He had always wondered why she had a tail. Now he knew. Her father wasn't even human. He glared at the three girls as they walked out of the room. He would have to watch himself around them if he wanted to stay in good health.


Goku led the girls outside and stopped when they got to the parking lot. "Ok girls. Let's get running." The girls were now at the point in their training when they could run long distances and not get so worn out as much as they did when they had first started. "Come on, today you have to try and run faster. I'm upping my expectations on you."

Minako rolled her eyes. It would be a piece of cake. She knew she could run faster then they had been going for the past couple of months. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go."

Usagi nodded to her friend. "Yeah, let's just get this over with. I'm going to beat you guys when we get there too." She started prepping herself for the run. Not that she needed it. She could run two miles in about ten minutes, sometimes even shorter. She went slowly to be with her friends though. Soon after her training began, she learned why she was so quick to learn new things. Her father had sat her down and told her how she was a Super Saiyan. When she had asked him why, he just blushed and told her that he would tell her when she got older. She couldn't wait to find out.

Makoto snorted. "Yeah right Usagi, I can beat you. I beat you just last week." She stretched her legs. She had stopped taking her martial arts class after the incident with Haruka and Michiru. It was a waste of time. She learned more from training with Goku in a week then she had learned with her two years put in at that school. "I beat you before, and I'll do it again. Well, actually, Today." She smiled.

Usagi grinned. "You really believe that don't you? Well, we'll see just who the better fighter is."

Minako listened to her friends arguing. She couldn't just sit around and let them talk big with out her. "You guys are both full of it. I can beat both of you no problem." It was true too. Minako had, on more than one occasion, beaten them in a sparring match.

Goku laughed as he listened to his pupils argue. He loved to watch them. It was like a big game to them. They had never been in a serious fight with anyone like Cell, or even Majin Buu. He hoped that they would never have to encounter that. "Come on ladies, let's stop talking big and actually show each other what you've all got." He watched them all look and glare at each other. He loved that. He could sense their hunger for a fight. "Let's go!" He didn't wait for them before he started running. He had set the pace faster then normal.

Usagi, Minako, and Makoto stopped what they were doing and ran after Goku. He always stayed right in front of them so they could always have him clear in their view. Makoto and Minako kept up to the new pace very easily. Goku always kept the pace right at their level. He didn't want to overexert them. He didn't want that to happen after what happened to Usagi the year before.

Goku looked back over his shoulder many times to make sure that he hadn't lost anyone. He didn't want that to happen again either. He smiled as he thought about his news. He couldn't wait to tell the girls. They would be so happy. They would finally get to try out their strength in a real fight. Usagi would especially be happy. She had been begging him to do it ever since she first heard about it. < I'll tell you later. He, he, he > He would wait until after their training for the day so they could fully concentrate on what they were doing.


"Are you sure we should do it, Kiro. Are you sure it's the right thing to do?"

"I'm sure. I hate to do it, but the prophecy has never been wrong before. We must. I'm sorry to have to do this. Let's do it the most peaceful way we can."


Usagi shot a Ki blast at Makoto who barely dodged it and shot one back at her in retaliation. She looked down at her leg where it had nearly hit. "Almost Usagi, you have to work harder then that to hurt me thought."

Usagi jumped up into the air to dodge the green blast and was greeted with Minako's hand. She wrapped her hand around Usagi's face. She had been waiting for someone to jump in the air for her to grab. "Got you now, Usagi." She laughed and lifted her knew to Usagi.

Before Minako had a chance to make contact, Usagi stuck out her hand and blasted Minako. She couldn't see where she hit her. Minako released her hand and let Usagi go. Usagi was the one laughing now. "Don't mess with the master."

"Yeah, that master would be me!" Makoto came up from behind Usagi and shot a Ki blast at her. Usagi didn't have time to dodge and was hit.

"Oww!" She grabbed her back with her hand as she turned around to look at Makoto. "You shouldn't have done that." Usagi hurled herself at Makoto. She grabbed Makoto by the hair and started to pull it. Makoto yelled out in pain as she looked around for Usagi's hair that hung down from her Odangos. When she finally found some she pulled on it.

Minako watched as her two best friends yelled and pulled on each other's hair. She smiled to herself. "They make this all way too easy." She concentrated all of her energy into one giant Ki blast and released it on her friends. She watched as it spiraled to them at full speed. It made a direct hit. Neither of them was watching Minako. They were too busy pulling their hair to realize. They fell to the ground, both with the other's hair still in their hands.

They continued to go at it back and fourth even as they were falling. When they hit the ground, they were still going at it. Usagi would through a punch and it would hit its target. Then Makoto would throw a punch and hit her target. They both wrestled each other on the ground. They got into little spats like these often.

Goku sat back and watched as Minako landed beside him. Goku looked to his left at the little girl who stood by him. "These two crack me up. This always happens. They always end up fighting for real. One gets mad at the other and it's all over. I just love these little cat fights."

Minako laughed. "Yeah, but at least they aren't really mad at each other. They are over it as soon as the spar ends."

"Yeah, after I pull them apart, which it looks like I'm going to have to, AGAIN." Goku had them fighting each other for about two hours now and it was time to quit. He walked up to them and softly kicked them. "Girls, it's time to stop for the day." They didn't listen to him. They just continued to roll around as they fought each other. Makoto had gotten a hold of Usagi's hair again, while Usagi was continuously kicking and punching at Makoto. Goku sighed. He waited until Usagi got top again and pulled her off. Or at least, he tried to. She didn't let go of Makoto and Makoto didn't let go of Usagi. Goku pulled both girls off of the ground. "God, not again." He shook Usagi up and down hoping that Makoto would get the picture and let go. She did. She let go and fell back to the ground. Goku held Usagi up as high as he could. "You aren't getting her Makoto." He could feel Usagi struggling to reach Makoto in his hand. Makoto jumped up to where Goku was holding Usagi up. Goku also jumped in the air. As she flew up, he also flew up. "Give it a rest Makoto."

Makoto finally gave up and landed, Goku did the same. He knew better then to let Usagi down at that point though. Usagi looked down at Makoto and stuck out her tongue. "You can't get me na, na, na, na, na."

Goku looked up at his daughter. "Usagi, cool it for a while." He set Usagi down. "Don't try anything." Usagi knew he was serious. He looked back at Minako and waved for her to come over, once it was safe. "I have some good news for you guys."

Usagi loved surprises from her father. They were always good. "What?!"

Goku looked down at the girls as they eagerly awaited his answer to her question. "I have entered you in the Tenkai-Ichi Budaki Tournament that will be taking place in the city in about tree weeks. It will prove just how much you have learned. It will also show your weak spots. That way, I will know what to train you on."

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