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"The Copy of Renarimon"

The last time, Elena was assigned a science class parnter. For the worse, Elena seemed to get a crush on him. When Elena and Salamon arrived in the Digiworld, Freezamamon fought with Salamon. Elena thought Salamon was no match for that big thing. Elena was scared but she believed Salamon could help. Then, out of nowhere, a pinkish light surrounded Salamon completely. "Salamon digivolve to.......GATOMON!". It became a stange catlike creature with weird gloves. It fought off Freezamamon. This time, Elena took Gatomon home. When she was on her way home, she found a rose from someone to Elena. "It was Lee, " Gatomon said.





"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gatomon yelled.

"Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid cat! If you were in the corner instead of above my head, I'd throw this pillow at you!" Elena growled.

"Yeah, yeah, sure! Now, you better get dressed, it's time for school!"

"What school? Like I don't have better things to do!" Elena shouted rebelliously.

"And, uh, Lee?" Gatomon asked, hoping to encourage her to go.

"Ahh...Lee..," Elena sighed as she was in love, "well, as long as it's for Lee!" Elena threw on a black tank top and black jeans.

"Why the jeans? And why do we look like a goth today?" asked Gatomon.

"It's not a goth look! I have like a million black tank tops! Why not wear them!? And these jeans? Well, I'm just looking for something to attach the Digivice to. All my other good pants are dirty from the incidents in your so called 'Digi Word'! Anyways, how do I look?" Elena explained and asked.

"Like...this thing!" Gatomon pointed to a notebook.

"A NOTEBOOK?!" Elena excalaimed.

"Well, it's black and you're all black so you look like it!" Gatomon said happilly.

"You know, never mind. See, today's Wednesday. My mom has a day off from work, from her job, meaning that she will be vacuming the whole day. She is just obsessed with vacuming and stuff. She hates it when I bring in 'Trash' from the street, and what do I tell her about you? 'Hey mom, I just got sucked into another world two days ago and this thing came back with me! Can I keep it?' You have to come with me. And then, we can go shopping, so you can eat stuff. When we get back, I'm making you a little place to seep and eat. We'll go grocery shopping on Thursdays, and you have to finish all the stuff by Wednesday, so my mom doesn't see the closet! Now get in my bookbag and let's go to school!" Elena gave a long speech.

"Wow! Look out the window!" Gatomon yelled.

Elena groaned.


As Sarah turned the other way, Elena started to talk to Gatomon, who was zipped up in the bookbag.

"Now, remeber, as of now on, no talking, no eating my lunch, which I'm guessing is already gone because I can usually smell it! And whatever you do if you coem out of that book bag, don't talk!" Elena said.

"Aww.. no fair! I save your life twice and I don't even get to talk, but oh that lunch sure was nice! Hehehe!" Gatomon chuckled.

"Who are you talking to Elena?" Sarah asked in disbelief.

"Uh...I, uh...." Elena just couldn't figure out something to make up!

"Gosh, Sasaki! You get weirder and stranger every day!" Sarah commented.

"Well, yeah, whatever!" Elena didn't care, but she knew she couldn't keep it up forever!


"So children, H is to Hydrogen as O is to Oxygen, you need two H's which is what the 2 stands for which would make up H2O..." Mrs. Takeyoshi explained.

Borrrrring, Elena thought, but where could Lee be? She looked into the empty seat next to her. The end of the class was approaching. The phone rang, and Mrs. Takeyoshi answered it.

"Yes, Mr. Fuji, yes, yeah, uh huh, yep, okay, why, yeah, sure, okay, bye!" "Now, boys and girls, as you all know, Leyeru Pawoyama or as most of you like to call him, Lee, isn't here today. He has transferred to another school in Osaka. Elena, your new partenr will be Kirieko Moshikawa. She's and exchange student from Hiroshima, but still as Japanese as the rest of us." The teacher explained.

Elena thought, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lee...replaced but this preppy, blue haired freak? Please, someone tell me I died in the Digiworld yesterday. Elena pretended to be looking for something in her desk, but instead, she was crying.

"Ahh, cheer up Elle!" Gatomon said loudly.

"Ack!" Elena pushed Gatomon far in her desk.

"What was that noise children? And Kirieko, no nail polishing in class!" Mrs. Takeyoshi asked.

"But Mrs. Takeyoshi..., everyone did it in Hiroshima! Just let me reapply my lipstick!"

"That's it! I'd give you detention, but since it's your first day here, I'l let you off easy! In my class, no make up!" The teacher scolded Kirieko. "And you Sasaki! It was your job to stop her in the first place! If this happens again, both of you get detention!"


"So, uh, Elena, I was thinking, maybe we could like hang out sometime," Kirieko said as she showed Elena her schedule.

"You have Gym now! It's a few doors down to your left! Go now! And it looks like we only have science together so..." Elena was happy that she didn't have to spend time with her.

"I was thinkin' like maybe after all the classes you know"

Elena had to think of something fast. "Uh, my little brother has a really bad case of, uh, pneumonia, so uh, I have to stay home and take care of him because my mom works, uh, second shift, so uh, I can't! Sorry! ^_^!"

Sarah said, "Oh, no! I have gym now too! Hey, what are you gonna do when she finds out you have no siblings? And I'm so sorry about Lee."

"Nah, that's okay! And besides, I'll tell Kirieko we took in a foster child at this time. Now, I'm gonna go do stuff on the computers! Bye!" Elena said. "HEY GUYS! MR. FUJI TOLD LEE WHO TOLD ME WE HAVE AN ASSINGMENT TO DO, ALL OF US COMPUTER PEOPLE! NOW LET'S GO TO MR. FUJI TO SEE WHAT IT IS!" Elena tried to trick the group into getting out of the room! When the coast was clear, she took out Gatomon. "DIGIPORT, OPEN!"


"Ow! What is it like, we have to fall from the sky every time we get here? Remind me to bring a parachute with me next time we come here! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROACHES!!!!!!!!!"

"Hehehe! Come on Elena! This is my good friend Vilemon!" Gatomon chuckled.

Vilemon ran to Elena. He danced around her three times. It was similar to some kind of a monkey-ish Voodoo dance. Then it came a lot closer to Elena. Gatomon looked at a plant.


Gatomon could see she was right. Then, Vilemon started kicking Gatomon.

Gatomon was trying her hardest to beat Vilemon, but she just couldn't!

Then, Elena noticed something. Her Digivice was changing it's shape. It became different all of a sudden. It started glowing pink.

The light went to Gatomon. "Oh, I feel so strong!" Gatomon yelled. "LIGHTNING CLAW!!!!!!" Gatomon scratched it's whole face up! The Digimon broke into a million pieces. Gatomon absorbed it's data. "Goodbye, friend" she said softly.

Elena hugged Gatomon. "How come you destroyed this Digimon, but not all the others? And you even took his data! He was your friend!"

"I know, and it makes me sad just thinking about it, but there was an evil force implanted in him permanently, and forever. I could use his strength, and I think the reason why I was so powerful is because you digivice changed." Gatomon said, sounding very sad.

They walked through the Digiworld, hoping to walk the guilt out of them. Then, Elena saw what even she couldn't believe! It was Lee!

"Lee!" She ran up to him to hug him. But when she ran through him...

"Gosh, Elena, can't you tell? It's a hologram!" Gatomon yelled.

"But what would a holgram of Lee be doing here?!" She asked.

"Well, there's writing engraved under it!" Gatomon reads.

"What does it say?" Elena desperately asked.

"According to this, Lee was just a hologramic copy of many people put together." Gatomon said.

Then, a blue human like Digimon looked at the hologram. It said something in it's own language. Then, it turned into Lee!

"Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a crush on a Digimon?!" Elena flashed her digivice at the not-so-blue thing. It disappeared, and broke into millions of pieces. Gatomon didn't absorb it's data this time.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" both Elena and Gatomon asked at the same time, as they saw a strange Digimon.

"Are you, Renamon?" Gatomon asked.

"SILENCE! My name is Renarimon! I am the most powerful Digimon in the entire Digital World! You have destroyed two of my creations! And you must be the girl Project Leyeru Lee Pawayama was sent after! You two are not worthy of my time and plan to spread evil across the Digital World, so get out of my sight! And if you ever come back to the Digiworld, the consequences will be dire, for you and your measly little Digimon!" Renarimon yelled.

"Here, you can have your filthy rose back!" Elena threw the rose she found the other day at Renarimon. Renarimon pushed it away.

"WINDY BLOW!" Renarimon screamed. She only blew a little, and created a big whole that sucked Elena and Gatomon back to the real world.


"Young lady, these kids have informed me you lied and told them to come to me! Lying must be punished in this school," said Mr. Fuji, "I'm giving you a week of detention during free period."

"Oh, great!" Elena said. She was on her way home.