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Thanks for coming to CJF Inc!
It's still under moderate contruction, but alot of things are up for you to check out, or there will be very soon! We need some help in choosing some of the up coming sections. Go vote and let us know what you think!

Vote for the upcoming sections!!

Just for a little background on this little site.
It used to be part of a webring of sites devoted to anime/manga and everything related to them, started back in 99. But as time went on the sites started disappearing. DBZ Diminsion is still a part of the ring, but angelfire wont grant access to the webmaster (me) for a unknown reason. Soo it just sits there as a resource. But, since I can't update that site anymore, I'm moving some of the more original content and sections over here and adding all new ones!! So for those of you that were a fan of DBZ Diminsion, most of it's sections are going to be revamped here.

Started 1999
So keep coming back to see what else is going on!!

-Anime Fanatic-

Copyright 1999 - 2005