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Welcome to Blue Grapefruit! (another anime page but much more stranger)

News for December 7th:I've just started this site so it might not be too much of...well...anything really. -_- I'll be updating it as much as I can for the first two weeks! Just to let you know I'm confused on how to make a web page. I only know HTML codes! Most of the drawings will be by me (Sara) or one of my friends. (I'll have them put their name on it ^_^) Most of this site-as you can tell by its name- is going to be weird. Mostly because I watch too much Excel Saga??? *^_^* Yes by the way, most of the fan art done by me right now will be in black pen until I can order markers. What's new:I don't really have much of anything new yet, but I'll get some games, music, galleries, reviews, fan art, quizzes, and whatever else I can find to put up on here. If you think of anything interesting for this site, please e-mail me at

My info
Escaflowne Compendium
Folken Fanatic: A Folken Shrine
If you're really bored and need to be cheered up go to this site. (this site is mature in places!)
Folken's Relm
Lesmin's Escaflowne Jukebox
Red Guymelef
Find out how to write your name in Japanese
