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Ho-Ha! yes!..'tis a updaaate!..^__^ *does a little sugar fueled dance*

i got 8 new pics on page2 of the art section, they're mostly drawings from over the past few months..i haven't had much time to sit down and seriously get some drawing done.
*re-remembers she still has 3 pic requests to finish*..this is why i've mostly stopped taking requests..i keep forgetting about them..^^;;;

e-mail me @ if you wish to tell me about anything
(such as broken links and the like)

Animations! *unfinished*
Me blah o.o;; *unfinished*

all artwork is Copywrite (c) Becca-An/Rebecca Kember, all characters Copywrite (c) to Becca-An/Rebecca Kember, other characters are Copywrite (c) to their creaters and players
Sonic the hedgehog and etc are copywrite to Sega.
site design and layout are (c) Becca-An / Wolf
anyone who breaks these copywite rules gets maimed..o@