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Journal Archive

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This was journal diary thing I had on the main page, but since I have a xanga now I make updates on the so much more often then here so yeah...


click below for easy linkage to a date.

December 2003 - January 2004 - February 2004 - March 2004 - April 2004 - May 2004 - June 2004 - October 2004 - November 2004 - December 2004 - January2005


Yay! My last 5 months of school have arrived! Then I will be free to live away from the parental unit's home! Yessss... <.< I've kind of failed on trying to keep this updated... >.< I really need to start kicking myself into gear with it... But, I am feeling stable enough, even with exams next week. Nate asked me to start dating him again, but it's still just dating. So, I have gone on a date with a co-worker that goes by Kenny and might possibly give others the privilege of taking me on a date ;P



I don't feel so shitty anymore and new pictures are up. So it's all good.



I feel like crawling under a rock... I'm so useless... It's pathetic... I just want to die...



The about me page is finally done. I may add more later. Also I dyed my hair back to brown. I'll take pictures once I feel up to it. I also have a sinus infection. Lastly, I feel like a horrible icky person that should just curl up and die.



Long time no update... Whee... Well, I still haven't found one of those e-mail survey things, obviously. And I still don't really feel like doing one myself. So still no info about me. I still have all A's and B's in my classes and I still work at Taco Boy. School is school and work sucks. I hate my boss. She's a bitch. I've been so stressed out its not even funny... and to top that off Nate and I are now just friends... I can't even go clubbing tonight like I wanted to because they are having a freaking concert. There is always other nights, but still that just pisses me off. Oh and I can't find my senior picture proofs. So I can't order my senior pictures. Yay! My life is just ducky! *dripping sarcasm* Aside from all of that though I am dying my hair back to it's original brown. To sum it all up. People suck, fuck them all with a twelve gage.



I'm still looking for one of those long e-mail surveys to throw in the "About Me". If you have one please send it to me.



Ok, here is the big update: condensed. I was busy a lot of the time in June hanging out with friends. Late June early July the family laptop went down, it still has much of my information on it *curses the P.O.S.*. So I was unable to do any updating. July 14th I went down to Ohio and spent a month with Nate at his job. Upon returning to Michigan I spent a week with Dan and Josh, his brothers. Josh and Nate bought a house Dan, Ashley (Josh's friend), and Jen (their cousin) are currently all living there. I recently got a job at a local Mexican fast food place called, Taco boy. I have A's and B's in all my classes but I'm working on getting those B's to A's. I also bought myself a new laptop so that my parents have no choice but to give me a car ( I haven't had presents for this year's birthday and last year's Christmas and it will be the same with the next one's and they will have a graduation gift to give, muahahaha!). That is a summary of what has been happening.

Also new pics in friend's pictures.


All pages under Real People are updated. I'll be getting to the big diary update soon, I swear <.<;; I've also added an about me page.. It's not done.



Friend's pics has been updated.



I'm working on getting everything updated... I'll give a diary update over the past.. 4 months soon...



I've been busy. Sparring will probably be starting up again soon because more people have become interested. So, that's exciting. 4th of July weekend will be exciting too because I will be going to a They Might Be Giants concert.



Yesterday I found out that my friend Quatre passed away last thursday... I can hardly believe it... He didn't deserve it...



Wow, exactly a month since I last updated. Um.. Yeah.. Stuff has happened... Like my birthday was May 19th and I went out and did 18 year old stuff last weekend. Clubs are pretty fun if you dance. Yesterday I went garage sale-ing. I got some cool candle stuff and an awesome dress that was 3$. So, I'm pretty happy about that. I'm also happy about Cammy graduating n.n and about Nate possibly getting a car. So, I suppose I'm pretty cheery over all.



Well, it's been a while since I've updated. School's been kind of stressful with these mandatory test things and projects... But tonight was dress up night at poetry open mic. So I took lots of pictures. Mine are in the "Me" section of real peoples and the others are in the "Friends and such" section.



Prom was last night. I had fun even though I didn't have a date. After the first few songs I started getting into it. About have the time I danced I did so with my deaf friends Kelly and Miegle. It's cool that they use the vibrations to dance. Anyhow pictures are up.



Wednesday was the first sparring session of the year! It was great fun, especially since I got to participate! I decided that because so many pictures are taken each sparring session I will only be putting up ones from the most current session.


Karen, Lorraine, Erin, her daughter Ivy, Ryan and myself all went to the mall today. It was fun we all ran around and tried stuff on (pictures in the real peoples area).



My friend Karen and I went to a shop called "Little Bohemia". We tried stuff on and took pictures! (those pictures are up) And... yeah it was fun.



Happy St. Patrick's day! New pics of me up.



I added some of my drawings in to the graphics section.

I'm feeling kind of depressed. It's been so long since I've seen Nate and it will be even longer until I see him again... I'm happy that he's enjoying his work and stuff but he's not left with enough time to travel all the way up here and then all the way back down. We both hate not seeing each other and it's driving me nuts. Give him Saturdays off you Ohio slave drivers! Grr!



Tuesday, my first day back at school I received a confirmation of a suspicion. Josh, who lived with Matt and his mom for a few weeks before and after the breakup, and I were talking Tuesday and he told me about how Matt had in fact been cheating on me with Donna for at the very least three days. I suspect more like two months, but oh well. I asked Josh why he didn't tell me sooner and he told me that he waited so long because he wanted me to be on the calm side so I wouldn't go on a killing spree (and if he had told me around the time of the break up I would have, so good idea on his part). Yesterday, Wednesday, was good until I was told that spring break would be spent in New Mexico until Sunday. I had made plans for that weekend. Luckily after talking things out we will be doing something else that will have us all back home by the Thursday before Good Friday.



I've been sick with mono and a sever sinus infection for the past week. It sucks so freaking much. I hate it. I just want to get back to normal. They say that mono hits teens the hardest though, so who knows when I'll be better...



Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Nate ended up having to move down to Ohio so he could only spend a few minutes with me... But at least he loved his gift!



Well the tips of my hair are red, but I've been busy and don't feel like putting up pictures. Nate and I have been hanging out a lot lately. I suppose you could say we're dating even. It's good to feel loved.



Well Thursday at 6pm I'm getting the tips of my hair dyed blood red. Also I have pictures from sparring up (follow Real peoples and click on sparring).



I'm feeling better... My hair is now black and I'm going to get the tips dyed white or something.



My boyfriend broke up with me. No one can understand how devastating it was to me. If you think you can, contact me. He broke up with me on last Thursday, the 8th at around 10. He said it might or might not be permanent. I loved him. I needed to know the answer to weather or not it would be permanent... I needed closer. I told him that Sunday. He said fine and that we wouldn't be getting back together. Not even an hour later he started going out with Donna and now she hates me because of what Matt has told her and she won't listen to what I have to say because she has set it in her mind that whatever I say is a lie. I can't even talk to her.

Is there no humanity left!?

I just feel like dieing.



Ah yes a new year full of good times... And I will be helping to decide the future of this nation, for I will be able to vote this year. Mwahahahaha! Yeah... I'm going to start scanning my drawings sometime... So they maybe up by the end of the month... Maybe.



I updated the contacts page. It actually has links now! Whee!



Well... Like it says above... so, um, enjoy...

Last updated: 5/07/2005