TNK's Anime girls in fur

The Night Knight presents:

Anime girls in fur

Sailor Moon in a white lynx skirt

No animals were hurt or killed in the making of this site. So you PETA members can relax since, by definition, this is all fake fur

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Note: Any pictures posted by me (they have _TNK next to them) can be posted on another site as long as there is also a link to this site.


As far as I can tell, this site is the first of it's kind. So here's a Q&A for the curious.

What is this site about?... Well, if the title wasn't specific enough, this site features pictures of women from anime, video games, real life, and other media wearing fur coats, fur wraps, etc.

Don't you know that fur is made from-... Stop right there. Read the subtitle again.


Why did you make this site?... Because it features three things I like: Cartoons, Women (I'm a guy, just so you don't get any false hopes.), and Fur. I like it when women wear fur. I think it's a little sexy. You may think that's weird, (Although I do not see the appeal of mud wrestling. To me all the mud does is obscure the two half naked chicks going at each other.) but think of a woman in a tight angora sweater or a fur bikini. See what I mean? However, I'm a liberal so I acknowledge where fur comes from. But this site solves that dilemma.


After you look through here, you can mail me at with any comments on this site or any specific pictures. Just make it brief until my account gets more space. And don't send me any pics yet for that reason. By the way, if you think some of the sketches suck you don't have to tell me as I'm going to replace most of those.



January 18, 2003: My first major update. The few of you following this site so far have noticed a few tweaks here and there, but now I've added a few more colorized pics and changed the title because there is already a site called Animink. (I just wont change the address yet. It would be too confusing.)

March 19, 2003: Added a few more pics and added some detail to others, adjusted the navigation pics, changed the homepage a little, and added a pseudo 3D page.


It is nice to see something original for a change.. _dragon


I just wanted to let you know that I think your site is very unique.  For as long as I've been online, I doubt I've ever seen anything like it!  Very excellent, work, especially the opening animation of the girl in your Gallery. 

I must admit I'm a bit jealous of your talent. In any case, nice work, please keep the site up!

A Fan, _Velvet Tigress


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Note: Any pictures posted by me (they have _TNK next to them) can be posted on another site as long as there is also a link to this site.


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