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♠The Inky Phone♠

Stylish and modern, low maintenance, no phone bill--crystal balls are the way to go!

Welcome to The Inky Phone, the one and only place from which I, your loving webmistress, can be reached! Also here will be my MSN and AOL Instant Messanger linky-things, so you can talk to me when I'm online!
However, there is ONE stipulation that I will insist on. I attempted to enforce a keyword system before, which I will now drop; but any e-mail I receive that does not tell me which site it concerns WILL BE IGNORED. That includes submissions, people. So please tell me which one you mean, for both our sakes?

Click here to send me E-mail!

AOL: TsukinoJi

MSN Address Linky: (sign-in name: Chibi J)

Hope to see lots of mails--they validate my existence! ^^

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