Chapter 2


A distant future is singing softly

Trying to grab our attention

But we are not listening

And it roars at full force into our lives.


After an hour of examination and tests, Bulma was able to confirm that Kya was indeed pregnant and that she and the fetus were both fine and healthy. "You’re about a month along. Nameks usually develop faster than humans and Saiyans, so I’m not sure exactly when you’ll be due. I’m amazed you were able to pick up on the baby’s energy so early, Piccolo. Vegeta didn’t catch on to my being pregnant ‘til I was three months along. But then he ignored me a lot during those early days."

Leaning on the wall close by, Piccolo smirked at Bulma’s remark as Kya stepped down from the examination table. And then Piccolo suddenly frowned. There was something wrong nearby. Picking up on it, Kya turned from Bulma to look at him. "What is it, Piccolo?"

"I don’t know. Stay here." With that, Piccolo left the Capsule Corp. building. Bulma raised her eyebrows. "Well, that was sudden. Hope nothing’s wrong."

Kya stared at where Piccolo had been standing, her eyes unreadable. "I hope so, Bulma. I hope so."

Piccolo didn’t have to go far before he ran into what he was sensing. It was obviously an alien but it wasn’t like any alien he had ever seen before. Observing her from behind a rock, he found that she was even stranger looking then he. Her skin was a bright shade of yellow and her long thick hair was a peculiar shade of burgundy. She could be called attractive if you ignored her unusual coloring. The clothes were very revealing and in various shades of blue. She looked around her with navy blue eyes that gleamed cruelly and full burgundy lips that curled disdainfully.

Without warning, she stopped moving and swiveled her eyes his way. Worried he had been discovered, Piccolo was thinking of leaving to go get help when she abruptly disappeared. Several moments passed and Piccolo was beginning to wonder if this woman had the same transmission technique Goku had. Cautiously stepping away from his hiding spot, he piqued his ears for any trace of sound.

He barely heard her before she attacked. Out of nowhere came a kick to his midsection and then a hard punch to his head, effectively knocking him roughly to the ground. Cursing himself as he picked himself out of the hole he made, he looked around for his attacker but could see no one. Confused, he was unprepared for the next attack. A kick to the head drew some blood and another kick sent him down to the ground again. Above him, he could hear a woman cackling in glee. But when he looked, he could still see no one though. What is she, invisible? Piccolo’s eyes widened as he realized what he said. Just great. An invisible opponent. How am I supposed to fight an invisible opponent?

The woman continued laughing. Abruptly, she spoke, her voice revealing a barely contained anger. "Oh, I am so going to enjoy destroying you, Piccolo. Too bad your wife is not here to watch. I would have liked to meet her. And then destroy her too. Oh well. I’ll just deal with you first."

Struggling to sit up, Piccolo froze when she said his name. At the mention of his wife, he began to feel concerned. Just who is this woman? How does she know about Kya? Looking up, he said, "If you don’t mind, would you care to tell me who are sense you already seem to know me?"

The woman cackled again. "And why should I do that? You’ll be dead in a few moments anyway." With that comment, the woman proceeded to pound Piccolo into the ground.

Back at Capsule Corp, Kya suddenly gasped and clutched her abdomen in pain. Bulma rushed to her side. "What is it? What’s the matter?"

Kya continued to gasp with pain. "Its Piccolo! He’s in trouble!"

As soon as she heard the word ‘trouble’, Bulma began shouting for her husband. "VEGETA!! Vegeta, get your butt in here!!"

"Cease your screeching woman! I am here," shouted Vegeta walking into the room. A ten-year-old Trunks followed closely behind.

"Piccolo is in some sort of trouble. He sensed something strange and went to check it out by himself. Kya can feel what is happening to him," explained Bulma hurriedly as she helped Kya to a couch and had her lie down.

Before Vegeta could respond, Kya let out an ear-splitting scream, her body tensing with pain. Bulma turned to her husband. "What are you standing there for? Hurry! Piccolo may be dying!"

"Come boy." Face grim, Vegeta hurried from the building and took to the air. Trunks followed closely behind. "Maybe I should go get Gohan, in case you need help, Dad."

"Fine. Do what you want. But be quick." Vegeta had picked up Piccolo’s ki and another’s and he wouldn’t admit it, but he was surprised by how low it was. Scowling, he increased his speed. Trunks increased his speed, heading in the direction where Gohan usually trained with Goten. That was where they would be at this time of day.

It didn’t take but a few minutes for Vegeta to arrive at Piccolo’s location. And what he saw made him want to question his eyesight. Piccolo was getting seriously beaten by some invisible force. Snarling, he leapt forward and landed a hard punch at the air above Piccolo. He would question what he saw later. His fist connected with something. He heard a grunt and suddenly saw the dirt being torn up a few yards away as if some body was sliding at a good speed across the ground. When it stopped moving, a strange woman suddenly appeared, lying in the dirt, appearing unconscious. But Vegeta knew that wouldn’t last.

Shaking his head, he quickly lifted Piccolo to his feet. "You look worse than the dead. What’s the matter, Namek? Couldn’t handle a weakling woman?"

Piccolo coughed, spitting out purple blood. "You try fighting something you can’t see. How’d you know I was in trouble?"

Vegeta smirked. "Your mate, of course. The way she was screaming, I’m surprised the whole neighborhood didn’t know something was wrong."

Piccolo stared at Vegeta, shocked. He had forgotten about his connection with Kya. He usually closed it off as much as possible when training so she couldn’t feel it. How could he have been so careless? He could have seriously harmed her and the baby. He couldn’t think about it anymore when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. The alien woman was up again and glaring at them with pure hatred.

"Of course. I forgot you had friends. Well. I’ll just have to take care of that. I haven’t fought a Saiyan in quite some time. This should be interesting. Especially sense you are reportedly the Prince of all Saiyans," the woman sneered.

Vegeta frowned deeply. "How do you know of me? Just who are you, woman?"

"Doesn’t matter. I come from a very different place. You wouldn’t understand. You’ll be dead anyway." With that, she disappeared again. The next thing Vegeta knew, punches and kicks were flying at him out of nowhere. What really irked him was that she wasn’t very strong. If it wasn’t for her invisibility, he could have defeated her more easily.

Suddenly a blast came out of nowhere, hitting precisely in front of him and effectively knocking away his attacker. He looked to where it came from. There in the air were his son, Goten, Gohan, and Sixteen. Gohan was the one who had blasted the woman. They alighted to the ground, hurrying to his side.

"What’s going on? What was attacking you? I couldn’t even see it! Was it invisible? Why –?" Gohan’s flurry of questions was interrupted by Vegeta’s irritated "Yes, she was invisible! Now shut up!"

"I think we have a bit of a problem," spoke up Sixteen, pointing.

They all looked to where he was pointing and saw the alien woman was visible again and appeared unharmed. And she was laughing again. Piccolo gritted his teeth. That laugh was beginning to grate on his nerves.

"The energy blast you fired seems to have had no effect on her," said Sixteen.

"But that’s impossible! She should have some sort of a wound!" blurted out Gohan. Goten sidled a little closer to his brother, a little frightened.

The woman cackled with wicked mirth. "You can’t harm me! I’m a Lokim! No one can harm a Lokim!"

"Not with energy blasts, probably. But I bet we can still kill you the old-fashioned way," sneered Vegeta.

"Try killing what you can’t see," taunted the woman. Before they could blink, she disappeared and the next thing they knew, Piccolo was again being beaten by an invisible force. Before any of them could try and step in though, someone else did.

The person moved so fast that they were just a blur before their eyes. Next thing Piccolo knew, he was sitting on his rump, while someone else was trying to fight the invisible woman. He wasn’t complaining though.

Gohan and Goten rushed forward to see if he was all right. Helping him up, they were suddenly distracted by a loud Thump! and a piercing shriek. Looking up, they saw that the newcomer had thrown some kind of paintball at the alien. Now she was covered in green paint and they could all see her quite easily.

"Not so brave when you’re not invisible, are you Xahra?" taunted the newcomer. Piccolo frowned. There was something about her voice.

"Arrrrgh! Damn you, witch! How were you able to follow me?!" shrieked the one who had been called Xahra. She dropped her invisibility, realizing how futile it was to keep it up.

"You should learn to close your portals sooner," was the newcomer’s reply. The two women circled each other warily, looking for a weak spot to attack. Xahra suddenly lunged and began exchanging blows at a pace that was hard for the others to keep track. Piccolo tried to get a good a look at the newcomer but she was moving at a pace that could rival a Super Saiyan. Suddenly the newcomer threw an energy blast, and this time it seemed to have an effect as Xahra screamed as she was blown against a rock face nearby. But she resettled herself quickly. And then the newcomer cursed as she realized her mistake. The blast had taken off the paint, giving Xahra the chance to go invisible.

"Until next time, Namek witch," challenged Xahra as she disappeared.

The female fighter continued cursing as she lowered herself to the ground. Before any of the other fighters could approach her, they heard the whir of an engine. They all turned as one to look. It was Bulma and Kya, in one of her capsule aircars. They landed a few feet away. Kya was first out of the car and ran straight for Piccolo, throwing herself at him and nearly knocking him down. Bulma followed more slowly, looking carefully over everyone to make sure no one had been seriously hurt. She stopped in the center of their group, hands on her hips. "Okay. What happened?"

Not one of them spoke, unsure of how to even begin to explain what had happened. That was when Kya noticed the newcomer. "Who is that?"

The female fighter stepped forward cautiously, tense as a tiger, watching them warily. Now that she was not moving at top speed, fighting, they were able to get an accurate look at her. Her skin was a plant green, similar to a Namek’s but not quite as dark. Her hair was a deep forest green like Kya’s and was styled into a long thick braid that ended at her bottom. Piccolo felt a bit of déjà vu looking at her. She was dressed very similarly to the way Kya used to dress, wearing a sleeveless sky blue tunic and blood red leggings that left her feet bare.

Looking into the woman’s intense black eyes, Kya felt like she should know her. A white mini-dragon with strikingly beautiful amethyst eyes appeared out of nowhere and landed silently upon the mystery woman’s shoulder, which was unusual for a sendragon, if that’s what it was. And then Kya noticed it. Settled between the two antennae upon the woman’s forehead was a blood red tattoo in the shape of a water drop. She stepped forward, unsure of what to do. Piccolo stopped her movement. "What are you doing?" he hissed, eyes still on the strange woman.

"Look Piccolo. She has a Shizen mark on her forehead. No one evil can bear that mark. You know that," whispered Kya.

Before Piccolo could respond to her comment, the strange woman spoke. Her voice was calm and low, reminding Piccolo of Kya’s own mellow voice. The question she asked though, override any thoughts he was thinking, it surprised him so.

"What year is it?"



Author: I think I made that too obvious. Can you all guess who the mysterious girl is? And where (when; hint, hint) she is from? In the next chapter you will all learn who she is and what her story is. Hop to my website to check out a picture I drew of the mystery girl.

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