Author: Okay, this is where my story starts to get a little PG-13, so I’m just warning you guys now so you can still have time to leave if you don’t like death and blood. After this though, it should go back to being PG.


Chapter 5, Part I


A sacrifice is made

A life is lost

And the last chance is taken away.


Kyloa hung in the air, feet dangling above the ground, as panic swept through her and she began struggling against Frozena’s grip on her. She tried to concentrate to become air, then water, but the panic she felt inhibited from her being able to calm her mind enough to change.

Piccolo felt helpless as to what to do. He was suddenly struck with the thought that if Kyloa died, he might not be able to handle it. He tried not to dwell on this startling and strange thought and tried to concentrate on the situation in front of him. Kyloa was in trouble and needed help.

Gohan tried to attack Queen Frozena from the side but with one swipe of her tale, he was thrown aside, landing hard on his bottom several yards away. And then Goku suddenly remembered something that Kyloa had said a while back:

" . . . When she finds out her son Cooler, Frieza’s brother, is dead, she’ll probably go after Goku as well."

All at once, Goku knew exactly what to do. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he yelled, "Hey Queenie! If you think what she did was bad, wait ‘til you hear what I did!"

Piccolo whirled to face his friend, instantly afraid of what Goku was about to do. "Goku! What are you doing?"

Goku winked at him. "Trust me!"

"What are you babbling about you silly monkey?" Queen Frozena still held tight to Kyloa, who was beginning to turn blue. Gripping the Queen’s scaly arms, Kyloa tried to alleviate her grip. "Goku, please. Don’t."

But Goku wasn’t about to listen to reason. "Ever have a son named Cooler? Because I destroyed him!"

For one moment, Queen Frozena literally looked frozen. Then she let out a fierce yell and threw Kyloa aside as she charged towards Goku. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a gentle toss. Unable to stop herself, she was heading straight for an enormous boulder. Just as Kyloa reached the boulder, she disappeared. No one was sure what happened. A moment later, Kyloa appeared, falling out of the boulder and landing abruptly on her back.

Piccolo was instantly at her side, helping her up and checking her over for any major injuries. Kyloa, once on her feet and steady, shrugged impatiently out of his arms. "Don’t worry about me! Help Goku! She’s going to kill him!"

Kyloa’s words weren’t far from the truth. Queen Frozena was pummeling him, not giving Goku a single chance to retaliate. Sixteen and Gohan flew in to try to relieve Goku but Queen Frozena wasn’t letting up an inch. They were both almost instantly thrown away, Sixteen impacting the ground and creating a large crater. Gohan crashed into a nearby cliff, effectively collapsing it around him. He uncovered himself from the rubble a moment later, showing that he was okay.

Piccolo zipped in to come to Goku’s aide but he didn’t fare much better than Sixteen and Gohan. Piccolo scowled as he landed yards away on his rump. They needed to regroup and attack her all at once. Standing up, he froze in horror as he looked at Goku. Gohan and Sixteen, who had come to attack with him, stood stock still with pretty similar looks of horror and appall.

Several yards away, Goku was not fighting. He stood motionless, skin frighteningly pale and eyes wide with shock. Queen Frozena stood before him in a triumphant stance, eyes gleaming cruelly. Frozena’s arm was buried halfway through Goku’s abdomen, creating a disconcerting picture.

"Oh no," whispered Kyloa. She swayed on her feet but Piccolo was there, placing his hand on her shoulder, to keep her steady, although he felt quite nauseous himself at the scene before him.

"Dad!" shouted Gohan, grief-stricken. He tried to rush forward, but oddly enough, it was Vegeta who held him back. He gave Gohan a half-pitying look. It was already too late. Tears streamed down Dende’s face at the sight before them. Krillin flew forward, finding comfort in being near his strong wife.

Queen Frozena slowly removed her arm from his abdomen with a loud, unsettling squelchy sound. Goku fell to the ground, eyes and mouth wide open, but no breath leaving his lips. Queen Frozena held up her arm, which was covered in Goku’s blood. Clutched within her hand was a small red object. Upon closer inspection, the fighters realized what it was. It was Goku’s heart.




Author: *Holds out her fingers in a cross* Don’t kill me! But someone had to die and Goku got the short straw. Besides, he’s always saving the day. I think it’s time that someone else saved the day, like maybe Piccolo.

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