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Fanart Galleries

Welcome to the far art galleries!! This is where I showcase the fan art sent in to the Zarbon Shrine.
Since this Fan art Gallery is growing so large I have decided to divide it up a bit. Everyone wh has sent more than one pic will have their own little page. All the single pics will be on this Misc. Art page.
I really want to thank everyone who has sent in such wonderful fanart. Keep it up guys!!
The Galleries

Leda Chan's Art
Jen's Art
Chiba Ama's Art
Leah Chan's Art
Blairz's Art
Zelda's Art
Makuri's Art
Miyukio's Art
Zarbunny's Art
Josh's Art
Lee's Art
Julie's Art
RB's Art
Holly's Art
Spara's Art>
Brandi's Art
Kenshin's Art
Misc. Fanart

Submitting Fanart
If you would like to submit fan art, then I would be glad to put it up for you. It dosen't have to be of Zarbon, so you can send anything. Please e-mail it to me and title the topic "Fanart submission". Please make sure that it is either in jpg, bmp, of gif format, and try to size it down a little so that it's not huge.


