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(as you can tell, I was lazy and didn't format this page. err...yet.)

Because of some...problems I've had recently with my stuff, I just have a couple guidelines for using my work-

1-NO Direct-Linking. Technically it's not possible anyways because of Angelfire's image filter, but still-just don't. It's not cool.

2-Wallpapers may NOT be put on your own website without my express consent and a link back to this page. (they can, of course, be used on your desktop. That's the point.)

3-If you are going to use one of my banners, buttons, backgrounds, etc., etc., on your page, you MUST have a link to my page (and not in some obscure place, preferably on a links page or the front page if you don't have a links page) and you must credit the fact that you got your banner/whatever from here.

4-If you use something on your page, please e-mail me...I love seeing my stuff on other webpages! If I like the page I'll probably also put it in my links section.

5-Finally, if you see someone using one of my works without a link on their page...Tell me about it! (My E-mail address is on the front page several times, so I won't bother putting it here) I'd really appreciate it.

Just a couple of guidelines to keep the webmistress a happy webmistress...Thank you all!

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