Sailor Sky

"How dare you show your evil face around here? Feel the wrath of Sailor Sky, you jerk!"

Real Name: Brianna Field

Age: 27

Birthday: April 23

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: B

Favorite Color: Green

Hobby: Working with children

Favorite Food: Italian Ice

Least Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Subject: Biology

Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry

Weakness: Snakes

Special Talent: Warm personality enables her to relate easily to others

Dream: To be a florist

Family: Mother, Father, Husband, Older Brother, Younger Sister, Younger Brother

Transformation Phrase: Sky Power MAKE-UP!

Element of Influence: Wind

Story: Sailor Sky is yet another scout of mysterious origin. She meets Sailor Moon soon after the StarS story, when another enemy shows up to disturb the peace the Sailor Scouts had worked so hard to preserve. The enemy is hiding in the clouds, and Sailor Sky helps the scouts arrive to the hiding place of her rival to defeat the enemy and bring back peace. Afterwards, she returns to her home.

Created By: V-Babe