Sailor Fox

"How dare you fiends destroy Mother Earth! I, Sailor Fox, shall banish you from this world with the power of love, freedom & spirit"

Name: Roxy Electron Jaganshi

Age: 14

Birthday: Nov. 4

Sign: Scropio

Blood type: A-

Fav. Color: Turqouise

Hobby: Dancin'

Fav. Food: Sweet Snow

Least fav. Food: Meatloaf

Fav. Subject: Biology

Least fav. Subject: Math

Weakness: too compassionate

Special Talent: can turn into a fox at will

Dream: to be a professional Dancer

Family: Mom-Electron , Dad-Hiei, 5 sisters-Angel, Starlight, Batsy, Melody, Gina, brother-Hunter

Transformation Phrase: Fox Youkai Power!

Element: Fire

Story: Roxy was born a fire/fox/ice demon but grew up like an average human girl. She was givin her wand at 10 yrs by her ill mother. Her father trained her to become a fighter. She left home at age 12 to become a sailor seshi. She met Sailor Mars and trained under her for a year before being offered a spot on the inner seshi's team. She decided not to and started her own team called "The Youkai Seshis" along with her friends, Akina, Ursula, Rami and her sisters, Angel & Starlight. Now she fights beside her team and often helps Sailor Moon.

Creator: Kitsnemajic