Sailor Charon

"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, bud! You honestly think somebody like YOU could pass through this gate? I'm not the guardian of this gate but let me tell you one thing: you'll regret the day you messed with Sailor Charon!"

Real Name: Charlie Styx

Age: Several thousand years, exact age unknown

Birthday: November 6

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: AB

Favorite Color: Black

Hobby: Daydreaming

Favorite Food: Sushi

Least Favorite Food: Spinach

Favorite Subject: History

Least Favorite Subject: Science

Weaknesses: Short-tempered at times

Special Talent: Empathy

Dream: To know where she comes from

Family: Unknown

Transformation Phrase: Charon power of darkness, MAKE-UP!!

Element of Influence: Darkness, the night

Special Items: Spiked Staff

Story: Nobody's sure where Sailor Charon comes from-not even Charlie herself! She was befriended by Sailor Pluto and the two are very close. Sailor Charon does her main work by guarding the Gate of Time for Sailor Pluto whenever Sailor Pluto goes to fight with Sailor Moon or just have a life. When she's not doing that, she's fighting monsters at night while Sailor Moon and the others are asleep. She remains an unknown ally to Sailor Moon-and would have it no other way.

Created By: V-Babe