Moon Kingdom Caverns

Have you ever asked yourself why they picked strange names, Names belonging to stones and minerals, for the different characters in Sailor Moon.  Have you ever asked yourself what those names stand for, what they represent ? Well, I think most of us are curious about what they stand for and the powers these various stones are supposed to posses, in this cavern you will find the answers to these questions as well as some lore behind these ancient stones. Follow me, but... be very careful for in the darkness there may be light, but light and darkness both play tricks on the mind....  Follow cautiously as we uncover the light in the darkness that surrounds these wondrous creations of nature. . .

In this world there are several ways to peek into the future and also glimpse what may have happened in the past. Among these are the Tarot cards, ouija board, Crystal balls, and a very old system of Runes. Runes are a specific handful of stones that are put in a bag and either thrown a certain way or drawn out of the bag while asking a specific question that you need an answer for. Among these stones are several that are characters from Sailor Moon. These stones and their meanings when used as tarot are as follows:

Beryl - Trials, tests, and sacrifice.
willpower, courage, and power
Secrets, Female Mysteries, and the unknown
wisdom, knowledge, courage, willpower, and activity.
Energy, men, force, movement, aggression, male sexuality.
Tigers Eye -
Mental activity, thought, and visualization
Success, higher forces, ability, overview, harvest, and completion

  The general properties of these stones however are much more meaningful. They are as follows:

Diamond-Represents spirituality, sexuality, disfunction, protection, courage, reconciliation, healing, and strength. This stone is ruled by the Sun.

Love, money, mental powers, psychism, protection. This stone is ruled by Venus

Jade or*Jedite*-
Love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection, gardening, prosperity, and money.  The lore on jade is that in China it is carved into a butterfly and given to a friend, or acquaintance to draw to that person a special love. This is also ruled by Venus.

Malachite- Power, protection, love, peace, and business success. It is often worn to detect danger.  Legend says that when a person wearing this stone is in danger it breaks into pieces. Thereby giving a warning to it's wearer. This stone is ruled by Venus. 

Ruby- Wealth, protection, power, joy, and anti-nightmare. A lore of the ruby is that it will grow darker than it's normal coloring when danger or negativity approaches it's owner, or when illness threatens. This stone is ruled by Mars.

Sapphire-  Psychism, love, meditation, peace, defense, magic, healing, power, and money. They are supposed to reduce fevers and when pressed to the forehead they halt bleeding from the nose. This stone is ruled by the moon.

Tiger's Eye- Money, courage, protection, energy, luck, and divination. This stone is ruled by the Sun.

Beryl Psychism, healing, love, energy, and anti-gossip. This stone is supposed to protect the wearer against drowning and is ruled by the Moon.

Zirconia *Zircon*- protection, beauty, love, peace, sexual energy, healing, anti-theft.

wings.gif (3200 bytes)**Two things that are interesting between the series and the actual stones:**wings.gif (3200 bytes)

1) It's Ironic that when you look at the Rune Meanings and think about the actual character how very similar they are to each other.

2) In retrospect the evil characters in the series always wear earrings, even the men. However, in real life up till most recently people didn't wear earrings for fun they wore earrings to ward off evil and negative emotions. Think about it !! ^_^