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Monique's Arabian Photography

Monique's Arabian Photography

*Warning:this is part of a game called Adventures With Horses*






Welcome to Monique's Arabian Photography!!!

Here you can book Monique to come and take pictures of your breathtaking arabian! It is fast, easy and fun.

All you have to do is e-mail Monique ( and say you would like some pictures of your horse.
You need to include the COLOR of your arabian!

It costs $500.00 per picture that you use and $2,000.00 for her to send you a list of pictures tat are availiable to use.

*It is $500.00 per picture that you use from the list she provides and you need to e-mail her as to which pictures on the list you plan to use so she can take those pictures off the list so no one else can use them!!!!

Monique can also personalize your pictures selected. (This may depend on Monique's current workload)
(Put your horse's name on the picture)
(Combine 2 pictures to create one)