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Tears In The NiGHTS...A Dreamers Anime Haven

This Page Was Last Updated: July 12, 2003!

Hello and welcome to the new and improved (well, soon anyways! ^_^) Tears In The NiGHTS! I'm really glad everyone could make it! (The piccy above is of my dream form, Aqua-marine aka Aqua! It was drawn by me but painted/colored by Lynne Triplet aka TRiPPY! The piccy on the side is Aqua's mermaid form! The animation was made by me! Mwahaha, I love animations! ^_^)

I want to warn everybody right off the bat, I'm kind of a busy girl. However, I see everyone else having art sites and such and it makes me want to join in the fun! ^_^ Granted, just about every drawing I do will be up on TripsidE under my section. But still! I just feel that I need to express myself freely. And to do that, I need my own home site! ^_^ Lets take it from here.

This site is gonna be my base of operations. It'll have all the things I hold dear on it. I'd like to have an "About Me" section. That'll be the first for any of my many web pages! ^_^* Definatly, I'll have a fan art section! (BTW, forgive the sentence fragments. I just love to write like this! :D) I also want to put up pictures and info from my favorite animes/games/mangas! And as if that wasn't enough, I'm sure to have lotsa nifty animations for you to look at! ^_^ I've been kinda known as the animations goddess ever since my orignal Tears In The Nights page was put up. (Oh, the joy of first web pagies! *sniffle*) Hmm, I'd also like to show you my other works as well. Maybe I'll even put up my dream journal (seeing as I am the Aqua dreamer!). I can't think of anything else right now so I'll leave it at that, okies? Good! ^_^

For now, however, the site is under major construction. I'll have lotsa goodies up after I get some sleep. It's not likely a whole buncha people will have been here between now and then. Welp, NiGHTers all! -_- zzzzzzzzz (Aqua construction is (c) me!)

Oh! If ya wanna link to my site, here's a lil banner! (Hint, hint Lynne. See, just like the rest of 'em on your main page. Tee Hee! ^_^)

Please look at my Tribute To America Page. Thanks! (Usa Bunny is (c) me.)

I took the Sonic Adventure 1/2 test! :D I'm Tikal!

You are Tikal the Echidna!

Which Sonic Adventure 1/2 character are YOU?
by Ame Tenchi

Have a look around, why dontcha?

What's Been Goin' On? Find Out In The Updates! (New 7-12-2003!)

Learn What All The Lil Bits On My Site Mean...Take A Looksee! (Updated 9-27-2001!)

In Loving Memory...A Tribute Page To America And It's Great Loss...(Updated 9-23-2001!)

Learn All About The Wackines That Is Me! (Updated 9-28-2001!)

Wanna See My Present 2001 Drawing Style? Go Right Ahead! (Updated 9-21-2001!)

Curious About My Older Styles And Drawings? They're Thissaway! (Updated 9-28-2001!)

All The Pictures In Here Were Gifts From Talented Artists! Take A Look! (New 9-28-2001!)

See My Opinions About The Cute Lil Purple Himself In The Great NiGHTS Debate! (Fixed 7-12-2003!)
