
By: Tenshi-Chan

And so the son gave his father his account of his life from his early childhood, of his defeat of Prince Vegeta, of his defeat of Lord Freeza and so on. Nervous he was, but Goku tried to conceal it from Bardock.

Bardock waited until his son finished his story before he spoke again. When the time came, he looked into his son’s shiny black eyes and said, “Kakarot, I am beginning to understand now. You know the story about how I saw Planet Vegeta’s destruction. What you do not know is that I was also given a vision of your future. I pondered over how you were growing into a strong warrior and yet you were different than your brethren. You fight not only because you enjoy it so, but you also fight to protect everything that you love. I envy that, for I could never understand nor think I could ever be like that. You are right that I am afraid. I cannot love as you can!”

“Can you hear your own words, Father?” Goku asked, his eyes narrowed as his facial expressions became more serious than before, “The fact is that you have loved before, even if it was only a hint of it. I know the story about the blood-soaked scarf you wore in memory of your friend. It hurt you when you saw him die in your arms. Then there was the night my son brought you in. You looked up at me with tears in your eyes. The reality is that you do love, but you are afraid to admit it because you think it makes one weak.”

Bardock hid his bead under his hands and began to tremble like a cornered rabbit. “I am so confused, Kakarot,” he whispered, “I am a saiya-jin warrior, and yet these emotions are frightening me. I do not know how to control them. So much is happening all at once. I should have been dead thirty-five years ago, but here I am alive in the future with the son I never really knew. Would you believe at first I didn’t want to know you? I am sorry that ever could have thought that way. Kakarot, I...I...” “Otousan,” Goku answered as he reached out and places his hand on his father’s bandaged shoulder, “I know you’re forcing yourself to say it. I love you too.”

The other saiya-jin gazed up at his son. He shook nervously as a tear slid down his cheek. He thought about his friend Toma and then about his mate Turnipi. His son, Kakarot, had been right that he had indeed loved, but now for the first time he did not hide it behind fear or anger. He was still afraid, but his son gave him a sense of reassurance. He might never find out why he was here, but Bardock made a vow then that he would try to love his son back. “Thank you, my Son,” he whispered and then allowed sleep to overcome him.

A smile returned to Goku’s face as he sat there beside his sleeping father. He leaned over and pushed locks of Bardock’s tangled black hair away from his face. The other saiya-jin stirred a little, but he did not open his eyes. Goku was about to whisper something to him when his own hair stood up as he sensed a strong ki and footsteps coming from behind him. He stood up and turned around to find Vegeta standing a few feet from him with that trademark scowl on his face. “Kakarot,” Vegeta growled, “We need to talk.”


“Vegeta, what are you doing here?” Goku asked, feeling rather uncomfortable with how the saiya-jin prince was eyeing his slumbering father. Vegeta narrowed his eyes and roared, “I’ll ask the questions, Kakarot. For starters, what in the hell is going on here? Where did that come from?” He pointed to Bardock and continued; “I thought my brat was playing some sort of a joke, but I see now that he wasn’t. Did you wish him here?”

The taller saiya-jin stared down at the prince. “No I didn’t,” he replied, “I have no idea how he got here. I contacted King Kai and told him the situation. He suspects that my father fell through some sort of time loop, and perhaps not coincidental. He’ll contact me when he can gather some more information.” “Not good enough,” grunted Vegeta, “I don’t like this. Are you even sure that he’s for real, Kakarot? And how do you know he wouldn’t turn on you and your family? He is a saiya-jin after all.” “So are we, Vegeta!” Goku answered defensively, “Look I don’t understand this, but I am convinced that is really my father and that he wouldn’t harm anyone. Not after today at any rate.” Vegeta snorted and turned away, “You’re an ass, Kakarot,” he said, “But have it your way. Let’s just be fortunate that we no longer have a full moon.” “Alright, Vegeta,” sighed Goku, “I’ll keep an eye out for anything strange, but I suggest we finish our talk outside and let my father rest.” “Fine then,” growled the saiya-jin prince.


Bardock awoke sometime during the early morning hours. It was still dark outside and a storm fell heavily outside. He sat up without much difficulty and peered out into the darkness of the room. His saiya-jin ears caught the sound of whimpering coming from the hall. ‘Blast it,’ Bardock thought, ‘I’ll never get back to sleep with that carrying on.’ He struggled to his feet and discovered that his legs were now strong enough for him to walk, though in a rather awkward and slow pace. Making his way to the door, he opened it to find Goten huddled on the floor. “What are you doing?” whispered Bardock, “You’re part saiya-jin. You’ve got to be strong.” The small child looked at his grandfather with tear-filled eyes. “I don’t like thunder,” he whimpered, “It’s loud and scary.” Bardock shook his head at his grandson. Then his knees began to buckle, and he nearly fell. He caught himself and leaned against the doorway for support. “I need to lie back down,” he muttered. He turned back to Goten and gestured for him to follow. “Arigotou Ojiisan,” Goten whispered as he closed the door behind him. There was no need to turn on a light since both could see rather well in the darkness of the room.

Bardock slid back under his blankets and lay his head back against his soft pillow. “So how old are you anyway?” he gruffly asked his young grandson. The little half-saiyan sat down beside the large saiya-jin. “I’m seven. I’ll be eight in December.” Raising a curious eyebrow, Bardock commented, “I can sense that you’ve surpassed my ki level and yet you’re terrified of storms.” He was quite puzzled at how sweet-natured Goten was, but then again it wasn’t surprising since this was his son’s child.

“I bet you’re not afraid of anything, Grandpa,” Goten smirked. He looked up at Bardock with huge admiring eyes. He then bent forward and gave him a hug. The saiya-jin tensed. The boy was squeezing his waist and smiling. “What in the hell are you doing?” he demanded. “Gomen naisai, Ojiisan,” Goten replied with a frown and large eyes. He let go and inched back to his spot. “I only wanted to give you a hug.” “Why? What’s a hug used for?” asked Bardock, who had never heard of such a thing before. Goten giggled. “You use a hug to show someone you care about them, silly,” he commented.

Shifting himself under his blanket, Bardock muttered, “On Planet Vegeta we fought to show how we cared about one another.” “But I don’t want to fight you, Grandpa,” the chibi-saiyan protested, “You’d probably beat me.” “I don’t know about that,” yawned Bardock, “But right now I want to sleep.” He lifted up part of his blanket and patted to a spot beside him. The little boy obeyed and crawled down beside his grandfather. He curled himself into a ball and closed his eyes.

Bardock placed an arm around him and looked down at his grandson. ‘Deep down I know you’re a tough little saiya-jin warrior,’ he thought to himself, ‘Yes, I can feel that you’ve even reached the level of a super saiya-jin. Amazing how powerful you are at such a young age. That makes me proud.’


The next morning Goku found his wife standing in the guestroom with her jaw dropped to the floor. “Why are you doing that, Chichi?” he asked with puzzlement. Chichi made no verbal response. Instead, she pointed towards the bed with a shaky index finger. “Heh,” Goku chuckled as he discovered his father still asleep with Goten snuggled up against him, “That’s a kodak moment, eh?”

Bardock stirred and opened his eyes. “What are you looking at?” he asked with a yawn, “He got scared of the storm last night so I allowed him to sleep with me.” Goku smiled at his father. “Getting to know your grandchildren, father?” he remarked, “And here I thought you said you didn’t think you could ever be capable of having emotion.” “Oh is that so?” replied Bardock, narrowing his eyes. His tail whipped out and wrapped around his son’s ankles and tripped him. “Shimatta!” Goku shouted as he fell face-first to meet the ground.

Bardock broke into roar of laughter. “Perhaps you were right after all, Kakarot,” he said, “But either way, I’m here and you can’t expect me to lie in sloth all day. As soon as I’m strong enough, I demand that you spar with me and show me how a super saiya-jin fights.” “Very well,” Goku answered as he sat up. He too found himself laughing. He thought that surely Vegeta was wrong. However, only time would tell…

Chapter 3