By Holly
Cardcaptor Eriol
Page One
Edited by Holly

After Sakura finally confessed her love to Syaoran everything was going smoothly. In fact, Syaoran and Sakura decided to go to Hawaii together for a while. Well,it seemed to be going smoothly but Tomoyo wasn't sure about that.

Tomoyo was happy that Syaoran made Sakura happy even though Sakura didn't have the same feelings toward Tomoyo as TOmoyo had for Sakura. Tomoyo sighed as she thought about that. She was a bit sad but cheered up when she knew she could always watch Sakura on all the videos she took of her. Tomoyo would be delighte to go to Hawaii with Syaoran and Sakura and tape Sakura and catch all her kawaii moments, but Tomoyo knew it was wise to just stay in Tomoeda. TOmoyo knew a lot of things but she was extremely observant.

"Sakura-chan, who am I suppossed to tape when you leave?"

"DOn't worry, TOmoyo-chan. I'm sure you'll manage."

"I know but, promise you'll bring me back something? And promise you'll miss me."

Sakura laughs. "Of course I'll miss you! And I already know you miss me already.I'll try to bring you back something. If Kero-chan doesn't rip it up or eat it thinking it's food!"

"I'm happy to hear you laugh before you leave. I think you've got to go now. The plane's taking off soon."

"Bye Tomoyo-chan! I'll only be two weeks!"

"Bye Sakura! Bye bye!"

Sakura ran off to Syaoran who was waiting for her by the gate.

Tomoyo's bodyguards then took her back home. At home, Tomoyo went to the special chest she and her mom shared. She unlocked it and delicately took out the eraser that led her to meeting Sakura. The very first things Sakura had given to her. She held it delicately and smiled.

Tomoyo went outside for a walk. She decided to go to the park and sit on the swings, that she knew all too well. She had sat there many times when Sakura wasn't with her thinking about her life and what nwas to come. She looked up at the swings and froze. Someone familiar was on it. Blue hair,glasses...Tomoyo gasped.


"Konnichiwa Tomoyo-chan. Care to join me on the swings?"

"O-o-oh, yes of course."

"So what brings you back here,Eriol? It's been almost a year or two since I've seen you!"

"I had forgotten something and I came back to get it."

"Ah, I see.Well, Sakura and Syaoran just flew off to Hawaii. You knew, right?"

"Yes, I knew.But what I came back for didn't concern them."

"How's Mizuki-sensei? Or should I say Kaho?"

"Kaho is fine. But our relationship didn't work out as I predicted it would. There's always things that forget to happen. She still helps me when I need it though."


It was turning into night now and TOmoyo shivered.

"Are you cold TOmoyo? It's getting dark, perhaps you should go home."

"But I want to talk to you Eriol!"

"You health is much more important, Tomoyo."

"Then, at least tell me where you are staying? I'll come visit you at the hotel!"

"But I'm not staying at a hotel."

"What? Were you planning on staying outside in the cold?"

"It's okay, I can stand it."

"No, it isn't! I insist you at least stay at my house. I won't leave you out here!"

Eriol looked down. "Fine. I shall stay at your house."

They walked in silence to TOmoyo's house. TOmoyo knocked on the door. Her butler answered the door and she went upstairs. She pointed to the guet room right down the hall from her room.

"There's your room. Knock on my door if you need a anything."

"What abou tea?" Eriol asked.


"I always need at least one cup of tea each day. So, care to join me?"

What a stupid excuse to spend time with her, Eriol though.

TOmoyo smiled. "Okay."

They went to the guest room and TOmoyo had the maid bring up some tea. They settled down on the ground and Eriol spoke.

"You miss her, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sakura. You miss her. I can tell."

"Yes,I do. But I'm happy that she's happy, too. She's with the person she loves."

"BUt now you can't tape her kawaiiness anymore."'

"That's right."

Tomoyo thought for a moment. She still had a bunch of costumes for Sakura to wear and many scenes for Sakura to create so she could tape her. But only Eriol was here to accompany her...

"I've got it!" Tomoyo exclaimed.


"I know exactly what to do! Will you promise to help me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

TOmoyo slightly blushed. "Well,I really miss Sakura, and..."

"Go on"

"I have a bunch of costumes for her and since you're here..."


"You could dress up in those costumes so I could tape you like I would tape Sakura!"

Eriol then fell backwards and sweatdropped.

"You want me to dress up and be like Sakura?"

"Sure! Please? Just for fun. It'll give me something to do!"

"Okay, I agree."

"Looks like we ran out of tea! So that means it's time to go to sleep. I'll see you at breakfast Cardcaptor Eriol!"

Cardcaptor Eriol? How do I get myself into these things?, thought Eriol.

"I definitely wasn't expecting this." Eriol said aloud.
Sorry, I won't be updating this fanfic. Well, unless some really wants to know what happens.

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