By Holly
The Others
Part One-Page One
Edited by Holly

It was 2 years since the last time Sakura last saw Syaoran.For two years, she had been waiting for him, hoping he would fufill his promise to come back. She sadly watched the petals on a flower fall off, into the breeze. Sakura cried and threw fits when she learned she had to move away from Japan and to America. She would miss her dear friends, especially Tomoyo. And knew that she would have to put up with that,because her father insisted, it would be better for them. But mainly,Sakura was worried that her Syaoran would come back to her in Japan, and find out that she was gone and miss the chance to see him ever again.

She got dressed in a nice blue miniskirt and and tank top wih fringes at the end and pretty designs, made by the one and only, Tomoyo. Too bad, Tomoyo wasn't there anymore to make her any more dresses. School, was going to start tommorow and today she needed to go shopping for school supplies.

"Hopefully,I won't be late on my first day of school in America." Sakura thought.

Sakura then fixed her hair in two small pigtails and fastened them with blue scrunchies, to match her clothes.

"All done! I'm going to go out and get some school supplies with the money you gave me!"as she yelled to her dad, as she ran downstairs.

"Okay,honey!"Fujitaka yells,from the new study room in their house.

Sakura and her dad had already been in America for a few months and she knew how to use American currency,but it was so much different then back home!

"Home,Japan isn't my home anymore...America is now." Sakura thought.


In a dark room,someone is watching Sakura. A man turns in his chair, and faces the people in the dark room.

"Tommorow, we shall start Phase one of the operation. Soon, I'll get what i want, and you'll get what you want. And that little girl,doesn't even suspect a thing..."

Back to Sakura...

After buying her school supplies, she packed them neatly into her backpack. She looked into her closet and wondered what she should wear tommorow. Most of the outfits were made for her to capture the clow cards and were not ideal for school. Sakura sighed. She never had this problem back home! After all, she would just wear her school uniform to school. If only Tomoyo were here! She'd know what to do!

She opened the bag where some of her clothes were and then Kero popped out!

"Hey hey Sakura!"

Sakura was so shocked, she fainted.


"Did you send him yet?" asked the mysterious person.

"Yes, in fact, I think he's already there."

"Perfect. And this is only the beginning. We'll have more fun when we send out, the others..."

At the Tokyo Tower, Sakura saw some figures. They were so familiar!

"Fly! Release and Dispel!"

As she flew closer and closer, she made out the faces of the people. First there was... Syaoran! Tomoyo! Everyone was there! It didn't feel right. Usually, there was always warmth around her friends, but here, everything was cold. Then she saw it. A flicker of...


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!", Sakura screams as she slams the radio alarm clock by her bad off.

"Ugh. Rick Dees. That guy that talks absolute nonsense with an annoying voice too! And he's been playing Whatsitsname Boys forever! I don't even know what they're singing, but I've had enough! That's it, I'm getting a new alarm clock."

At the edge of her bed was Kero.

"Good morning, Kero."

"Yeah whatever, Sakura. Now go get me some pancakes for breakfast!"

"Kero! Aren't you going to say, Good morning to me?"

"Yeah,after you give me my breakfast!

"I wonder why Kero's acting this way. He's never been like this before. I knew he liked food, but he wasn't this harsh about it. And his voice sure changed. I guess it's been awhile since I heard his voice. And what was my dream about? What did it mean?"

At the secret headquarters....

"Are you sure your plan is fool-proof, master?"

"Of course it is. After all, I made it up." said the mysterious man.

"But what about that plan when you tried to..."

"Oh,shut up! That was a mere little schame to take over the world. Of course it failed! But this, this is big, thus I created a perfect plan. Once I takeover the world of magic, this world will be mine as well! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Sir, Sakura is almost at Database number one, or should I say "her school". She will be meeting the others soon."

"I bet she's so homesick, that she'll fall into our trap as soon as she sees our clones! Sure, they're a little different than the originals, but she won't suspect a thing!"

Back to Sakura...

"Here I am. Room 385. Well,here goes" Sakura thought.


Sakura looked around. Everyone was there. Well, almost. There was Syaoran,Tomoyo, and all her friends! But how could this be? But as soon, as she saw Syaoran she ran up to him, and hugged him.

"Syaoran! You're here! Why didn't you tell me wou would come?" Sakura, almost crying with tears of joy.

"Excuse me? My name is Li."

"Since when did you change your last name to your first name?

"Since never. My name has always been Li Showron. I do not know any Syaoran. You're pathetic!"

Tears welled up in Sakura's eyes. She ran to the bathroom crying. After 10 minutes or so, she dried her eyes. She knew that person couldn't be her Syaoran. But he looked like him so much! With Syaoran's deep brown eyes...

She walked out of the stall, and examined herself in the mirror. Then she saw a girl come in. Astonishing! She looked exactly like Tomoyo.

"Hi! I totally heard that conversation that you had with Li. This is my advice girl,you should, totally like, not listen to him! You know what I mean? He is like, totally like, not worth listening to!" said the Tomoyo look-alike.

"Ummm...thanks for telling me. So,what's your name?"

"It's like, Madison. Madison Taylor that is. And like, what's your name?"

"It's Sakura."

"Whoa! What a totally cool name! Ya know?"

"This girl that talks crazy,is so not Tomoyo," Sakura decided, "I guess I should be friends with her, after all, I need to make some friend. I can always block out what she's saying, it wouldn't matter since I have no clue what she's saying anyways."

"Okay, look at this. ::pulls out a digital camcorder:: Totally sweet, isn't it? Well, this one is like sooooooo much better than my last one, because this one I can ,like, hook up to my computer and I can totally edit eveeything and add in cool stuff,ya know? Like, totally!"

"Uh,neat. ::stares at Madison blankly::"

"Well,it's like time to get to class! So we should like, get going!Move it, girl!"

But soon, Sakura started liking everyone. But it was weird. She felt...possessed.

"Wake up!"


Sakura opened her eyes only to find a pair of big red eyes staring at her.

The girl with the red eyes stood up and smiled.

"Hi! My name is Jade. What's yours? Need some help up?"

Jade stuck out her hand and helped Sakura up. Sakura brushed off some grass and said,"Arigatou. My name is Sakura. That's odd..."

"What's odd?" asked Jade.

Sakura shook it off,"Oh,it's nothing."

"Nothing,it can't be nothing! You're talking about me aren't you? You're saying that I'm odd because I'm so short,huh? Well,guess what missy!? You ain't so tall either! Jackie's gonna come and karate chop your head after he hears about this!"

Jade stormed away until Sakura said," Wait..."

"It was nothing like that. I was just thinking about something. But it's really weird,and I bet you wouldn't believe it if I told you!" Sakura said.

"Try me. I've had some pretty neat adventures with Jackie but nobody believes me when I tell them!"

"It's just that everyone I've met at this school,is the same as when I was back home,except they seem a little different..."

"At least you're not off fighting demons and shadowkahn with your uncle" Jade said under her breath.


"I didn't say the way, I'm guessing you haven't always lived around here. Where did you use to live?"

"In Japan."

"Neat! I'm from Hong Kong!"

"Really? Hong Kong,right?"


"Syaoran-kun... that's where he is right now. In Hong Kong. I miss you Syaoran and I need you here with me..."

::in Hong Kong::

Syaoran was doing some homework, when all of a sudden a jolt of something shook his body.

"I need you, Syaoran-kun...." Syaoran heard.


In his head: Sakura needs me. I must call her. No, I might be disturbing her. Does she still remember? Maybe she doesn't need me anymore. Oh, I'll just call her to check up on her.

He picked up the phone and started dialing long distance.




"Konnichiwa Kinomoto-san. Is Sakura home?"

"Oh,I'm sorry, she hasn't come back home yet. Do you want me to tell her that you called?"

Syaoran stammered,"N-n-n-no. It's okay. I'll call back later."

In his head: You called me, Sakura...where are you?

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