By Mari
Meiling's Amulet
Part One-Page One
Edited by Holly

Sakura's friend, Rita, told Sakura and Tomoyo about a shop to buy amulets.

Of course, the 2 girls were thrilled. After school they headed to the shop.

But who else who they meet there except Meilin. Meilin was dancing and laughing. When she turned around, she saw Sakura and Tomoyo.

"Come for amulets?" she asked evily. " Well. HA HA! The shop is CLOSED! Ha ha!" Meilin continued to dance and laugh as the other two groaned.

"Too bad." said Tomoyo. "Let's go."

Meilin ran away to go home before Tomoyo could take one step around. "I got an amulet!" screeched Meilin as she ran.

Unfornatley, Meilin's celebrating was a bad idea. As Meilin slept, her amulet glowed green, than red, than black. Suddenly, a huge black ghost-like thing came out of the amulet and came back down on Meilin. Meilin glowed green, than red, than black.

The next day at school, Meilin just wasn't herself. Actually, she was kinda of scary. As she passed Sakura on her way to her desk, she whispered under her breath, "I am going to get youuuu, Sakura." Sakura was a little scared at this threat.

At recess that day, Sakura was happily chatting with Tomoyo, when Meilin stomped over. Sakura stood up to greet her, but Meilin wasn't about to greet her back. She grabbed Sakura's shoulders and shook her a little.

She stopped to say, "Sakura. Sakura. I have to see you tonight. Meet me at the bridge. And you better be there. Or else." Then she whirled around just in time to see Li walking closer to them. Meilin simply walked away without another word.

Sakura walked up to the bridge nervously, wearing her fairy costume, clutching her wand tightly, Kero floating by her side.

"Kero. I don't think Meilin was talking to me today."

Kero frowned. "Then who was talking to you, Sakura? it was Meilin, that's what you said."

"Oh, sure. It was Meilin. Meilin's body. I don't think it could have possibly been Meilin talking."

" Wha.."

Kero was about to ask what she was talking about when Meilin appeared at the opposite side of the bridge.

"Uh-Uh...Uh..Hey, Meilin...."

"Let's cut the greetings!" snapped Meilin. "Let's get this over with!"

Sakura stomach felt like it was full of rocks.

"Kero." she whispered. "Sure. Me and Meilin don't get along, but I can't hurt her!"

But it was too late. Meilin was already about 1 foot away from them.

"Meilin." Sakura asked quietly. "What are you doing?"

Meilin didn't answer. She was sprinted back to her side of the bridge. When she reached her destination, she whirled around and screamed

"Say good-bye, Card Captor Sakura!"

She ran, she ran so fast, she looked like a bullet. She was 2 inches away from the horrfied Sakura when she took a great leap in the air. For Sakura, time stood still. Meilin seemed like she was paused in mid-air, not one cemimeter from Sakura's head. Then, to Sakura's unfornate, time began again and Meilin crashed down to her, making Sakura hit the hard, concrete bridge.

Sakura immedatly felt pain as as Meilin spoke.

"I am going to finish this!"

The pain Sakura was feeling was unbearable. She starting to go unconcious. Her eyes started to droop.

In a matter of seconds, Meilin's laughs were the last thing Sakura heard before she was out cold.

Read Part Two!

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