By Crystal
Ploy of the Heart
Part One-Page One
edited by Holly

It was miserable out, much like Syaoran's mood.
He was in Hong Kong again and missed his friends, especially the girl with emerald eyes.
It had been six years.
They were all sixteen now.

He had the same amber eyes and chocolate hair. He was handsome and strong but shy. His sisters convinced him to invite their American pen pal to come and stay with them for a few months. He didn't know anything about her but of course he had to pick her up on that day, too. All he knew was that she was 19.

He sighed deeply. He went to the airport to pick her up. She was sitting on a bench quietly reading a large Japanese book. Syaoran had her paged and she rose and walked to the desk. She was tall and strong looking. She had sapphire eyes and chocolate hair. Her hair was in a neat bun with strands of hair hanging in her face. Her face was kind and soft looking. She bowed and introduced herself.

"Hello my name is Clow Raye but most people call me Raye or Clo anyways."

"Mine is Syaoran Li. I'm called Syaoran. Nice to meet you." He nodded.

Li noticed she had a strong aura and felt powerful.

She also noticed his aura and powers.

He took some of her bags and they left. The trip was silent. She followed Syaoran to his home. When she entered she took off her shoes and bowed to everyone in the room.

There was Syaoran's sisters and Meiling.

"Hello" she said.

"Hello" everyone replied.

Then Syaoran's mother emerged from her other room.

"Hello" she greeted pleasantly.

"Hello" she replied and introduced herself.

She told Syaoran to help Raye to her room.

"Hai" he replied.

He motioned for her to follow and she did.

"Here" he said.


He nodded. He told her to unpack and come to the kitchen after.She did and as she left she smelled something. She followed it and was in the kitchen. Syaoran was cooking.

She butted in," Would you like some help?"


She rolled up her sleeves and went to work.She was good and fast. She had training. Syaoran could hardly keep up. He stared at her.

She noticed and said," Is there a problem?"
"Uhhhhh no."

"Do you want me to slow down?"

"Lie. It's just that you're really good."

"Oh. I'll make desert if you like if it's okay."


"I'll set the table while you finish dinner okay? Then I'll make desert. OK?"


She went to set the table. He wasn't paying attention so he burned himself.


She walks in," Are you okay?"

"Hai, I burned myself that・s all."

"Oh run it under water."


She went and got a cleaner and bandages.

"Hold still this will sting."

"Ow ow ow that stings."

Syaoran blushes. "Hai."

"Well I'll make desert ok?"


He walked out.

"Don't tell me I・m falling for her," he thought.

She was so kawaii. They ate and when it came time for desert,Syaoran realized he didn't know what it was. It smelled so good though. It was a yummy looking cake with creamy frosting with confectioned sugar sprinkled on top and raspberries too. She gave everyone a piece.

"This looks great," said Meiling.

"Arigato.Syaoran are you going to eat it?"

"Oh yeah." He smiled. "Mmmm," he said. "Chocolate my favorite."

"I know your sister told me."


"She told me about you in some of the letters."


"Umm Syaoran-chan are you okay?"

"Hai" he said slightly blushing.

He was so mad at his sister. He ate in silence and left the table. Raye went to clear the table but Syaoran's mother stopped her.


"Go talk to Syaoran."

She turned to his sister first.

"Gomen if I got you in trouble."

"Syaoran are you there," she knocked on his door.

"Hai, come in," he was on his bed reading but the book was upside down.

"Syaoran I know you weren・t reading."

"Hai I was."

"Ummm then why is the book upside down?? Uhhhhhh. Ok I wasn't"

"I wanted to apologize for embarrassing you."

"It's ok."

"Do you sense that?" she asked.

"Yeah, ok time to confess"

"I'm Clow Raye and I'm Clow Reed's guardian."

His mouth dropped. Wings emerged from her back and she was transformed into a kawaii outfit.

She smiled.

"Ok, I'll change now."

"Oh sorry."

She waited outside his window. He was out in 5 minutes. She flew to him.

"You can fly?"

"Hai, all members oh the Reed family can."


"Hai. You can you just need to find your wings. I guess I could carry you."

She wrapped her wings around herself. She became a large white tiger.

"You going to get on or stare all day?"

"Oh yeah."

He hopped on.

"Hold on tight, I fly fast."

Syaoran didn't like flying. He gulped. She was fast. She landed on a tower here get off.


She changed back to Clow.


"She was beautiful" he thought.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

She suddenly said "You・re attracted to my magic and the fact I・m like Sakura. You really love her."

"Huh, how did you know?"

"I can read minds you baka."

"Oh." He smiled slightly embarrassed.

Then he looked at her costume it was light blue to go with her eyes. It was like his,only it had a moon, sun and star on it. It had gold stitching and on the back was a symbol like the clow but different.Her hair was down it was long to the end of her back.It blew in the wind. She and Syaoran stood there.

"It's coming from there" she said.

When she jumped,Syaoran hurried after her.Then he saw it a necklace around her neck. It was beautiful. It was a cherry and peach blossom. Then he realized Sakura meant cherry blossom and Touya meant peach blossom.

"Go Sword card" she said.

He heard this and he looked around but no Sakura. Then he saw it in her hand a sword... she didn't have it a second ago. She was going at him he unsheathed his sword and she stabbed behind him. She held him close. She withdrew her sword and chanted...

"..Ancient forces of the light

give to me your aid

powers from far and wide know my plea

send forth the wand


A wand was now in her hand she pushed him out of the way.

"Raye card... I command you return your might!"

"The invisible card" it said.

"Syaoran are you alright?"

She saw blood on her side. He had stabbed her. She gripped the wound. She clenched her teeth.

He ran to her side

"Are you okay?"

"Hai Syaoran-chan."

She closed her eyes. She woke up on the tower Syaoran by her side ready to cry.

"You・re awake."


"Heal card release! Heal my wound."

Syaoran gasps "I・m so sorry Clow-san." He bows.

"No need to bow" she said.

"Lets go home."

"Fly card, give Syaoran wings."

He gave a nervous look.

"Come on Syaoran let's go."

"Ok" he replied.

Syaoran flew well like he knew to all along.

"See Syaoran-chan you can fly like I said."

They landed on the roof.

"My windows over there" he said "we can sneak in."

"Oh no I locked my window" he said.

"No problem" said Clow.

She held her hand to the window it unlocked. She changed back after Syaoran.

He said "Oh that necklace, where did you get it?"

"Oh a boy from Japan gave it to me. Why?"

"It's beautiful."

"Arigato. He said he loved me before I left for America."

< Flash back >

"I have to go with my family to America. I won't forget you."

"I won't forget you Clow here take this."

"Oh... your mother's necklace!I can't take that!"

"My mother told me to give it to the girl I loved."

"I ...I ... I ... Arigato. I love you too."

Both cried.

"I have to leave this afternoon .I need to go pack and leave."

"Good-bye!" she yelled as she ran.

"Good-bye Clow" he yelled.

< end flash back >

"Clow-chan why are you crying?"

"Huh? I am?"


She wiped them away.

"No reason" she said.

"You must really of cared for that boy..."

"Hai, very much!"

He gave her a concerned look.

"You ok?"


She smiled. She motioned for him to follow. He led him to her room. She handed him a picture of a boy.

"Who・s this?"

"That・s him."

Syaoran looked at him. He looked familiar.

"Hmmmm he looks familiar... How old were you?"

"10 and he was 13."


"Well I think we should get to sleep."


Syaoran woke up to a delicious smell.

"Who・s cooking?"

He got dressed and went to the kitchen. He saw her there in an apron. She smiled and got him a plate.



She came back with coffee for them both.

"So how did you sleep?"

"Good. Mm this is very good."

"Did you try the pancakes yet?"


She smiled. He took a bite. They had chocolate chips.

"My fav" said Clow.

He gave her one of his oh-so-rare smiles. He finished eating and they cleaned up.

"Syaoran you want to go downtown with me?"


They walked around then went to the theater. The sign said Cinderella auditions today.

"Want to try for fun?" asked Syaoran.


They were great.

"Ms. Clow Raye you・re our Cinderella. Mr. Syaoran Li you・re our Prince."

He nodded. Then he thought about what happened in Cinderella. The kiss. She laughed as they left. She saw his face.

"What・s wrong?"


"At least I・m not the princess this time."

Clow started laughing so hard she almost fell over.

"What? You a princess?!!"

She laughed even harder. He told her about it. She laughed and so did he.

"Hey I would of liked to see you be the Prince."

They laughed and went home. Dinner was ready. No one was there though. From the kitchen came a furious Meiling.

"Where have you two been?"


"Well you have a few guests."

"Huh" said Syaoran.

"Go see them Syaoran and Ill talk to Meiling."

"Good job keeping him out of the house."

"I know."

"Hi!" everyone yelled.

"Hi Syaoran" yelled a overjoyed Sakura.

He looked to the kitchen.

He said "Hello."

There was Sakura, Tomoyo, Kero, Eriol, and Touya. Clow walked in. Syaoran ran over to her and hugged her. She smiled.


"Arigato Clow-chan."


"So who・s that Syaoran."

"That・s Clow-chan."

Sakura lost the joy on her face. When she looked at her she was looking at .... Touya.

"Does she know him?"

"There・s food so let・s eat!" says Meiling.

"Hai" say Clow and Syaoran in sync.

Syaoran sat at the head of the table with Sakura to his left then Tomoyo. Touya sat opposite Syaoran to glare at him. To Touya's left was Meiling and Clow next to Meiling. They didn・t talk much.

Then Clow said "I'll be right back."

"OK" said Syaoran with Sakura getting madder by the second.

She came back with lots of bowls. Everyone got three. One with chocolate, sugar, and white chocolate. Next she came in with a huge tray of fruits. It had strawberries, blueberries, mango, banana, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honey dew melon.

"Looks good" says Tomoyo.

The whole time Clow stared at Touya.

"Does he remember?" she thought.

Send all comments about this to Crystal! Except if you have a review! Send your review to ME! ^^

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