The Darkness Of One

Chapter 1-A new adventure

By Clarissa (Mika)

CLAMP owns Cardcaptor Sakura and all the characters not me. I just write fanfics with some of my characters thrown in!

"Hi Sakura!" smiled a dark haired girl, getting out her indoor shoes.

"Oh hi Madison!" Sakura smiled back. Next month Sakura would be 11 and she would have been a keeper of the cards for a year.

"You decided what you’re doing for your birthday?" Madison asked as the girls entered the classroom.

"Not yet. I haven’t even decided what I want for my birthday." Replied Sakura sitting next to Li.

"Hi Li!"

"Oh Hi Sakura." Blushing at the same time he said her name.

"Hi Li!"

"Hi Madison."

"Good Morning class."

"Good morning Ms Kinsaki." Ms Kinsaki was their teacher. She had dark hair often in a sleek plait with green eyes, with stylish glasses.

"First we will be working on our class project, this season we’ll be doing Natural Disasters. We will do some work in class but by the end of the 2 months I want to see a personal project from each of you." Ms Kinsaki carried on but Sakura wasn’t paying any attention. She was looking out the window, thinking. She felt something, was she sensing a new magic or was it just her imagination. It looked like Li had felt it too.

"Hi Tory! I’m home."

"It’s about time squirt. How long does your cheerleading take anyway?"

"About half an hour to forty five minutes."


"Look I’ve got lots of homework to do, see you at dinner." With that Sakura grabbed her bag and ran into her room.

"Hi Kero." What looked like a small yellow teddy bear with wings sat up.

"Hi Sakura."


"Yes Sakura?"

"Did you sense something today, like a new magic? It seemed very familiar to the cards."

"Hmm. Interesting, your magic has developed so you’re coming more sensitive to other magic, I did feel a strange force but the source of it, I can’t put my finger on it."

"Thanks for your help Kero." Then she sensed it again. "Kero."

"Yes, I felt that too but much stronger than it was earlier. Let’s go."

A tall girl with long blonde hair tossed her golden hair back and laughed as another tree burst into flames. She twirled her staff between her fingers and looked at 3 cards, the moon card, the star card and the sun. But one was missing, the planetary card. This body had been hard to take control of but within it, great power could be generated, laughed Jolie. She had been ordered to get the cards back by all means possible, this way just happened to be very entertaining.

Sakura looked up to see he girl hovering high. Was this the energy she had been sensing? This should be fun thought Jolie smiling.

She held out her staff and the sign of clow appeared below her.

"Power of Ancients upon my staff.

Share your power on my behalf


The staff grew longer and a grin spread across her face.

"FIREY!" Shouted Sakura, before the other girl could attack. "Yue?" Yue had pushed the girl aside so the fiery card missed her.

"Don’t hurt her." He said. Cerberus nodded in reposition. "Trust in your powers, there are ways of attacking without harming the opponent.

The girl laughed. "Energy cards!" Two cards were released, the moon and the sun cards, binding Yue and Cerberus.

"Now for you my little card captor." She grinned. Spikes flew from her hand and Sakura raised her arms to defend herself but was surprised to find herself floating, the spikes below her.

"Energy Card, STAR!" Sakura started to become weary as her energy was drew into the card. Soon she began to feel faint, she was high up, but felt herself falling. Before being emerged in total darkness.

Sakura was falling quickly towards the spikes. A dark shadow was pushed from the girl who made the spikes body. "NO I WON’T LET YOU DO THIS!" the shadow looked at her and smiled before fading away. Mika rushed down using her energy to slow down Sakura and make the spikes disappear. The spell lay Sakura down gently, against a tree, draining Mika of her energy, thus she collapsed.

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