An Evil is Released

by kawaiisayurichan

Chapter 3: The Essence of Evil


key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.)

black=story , blue= author & character comments


kawaiisayurichan: hi again!

touya: why am I still here?

kawaiisayurichan: oh! I forgot!

(*poof* touya disappears and yukito appears in his place.)

kawaiisayurichan: hi yukito!

yukito: what am I doing here???

kawaiisayurichan: you are gonna keep me company while I rite a story

yukito: ahhh, ok

kawaiisayurichan: when ppl start reading I'll explain it to you, ok?

yukito: ahhh, ok.

kawaiisayurichan: hmmm, but i dunno what to write!

yukito: sweatdrop

kawaiisayurichan: oh wait! *brainstorm* i have an idea!

yukito: great!

kawaiisayurichan: NOW we can start the story

yukito: yay!

kawaiisayurichan: well minna, hav fun!

yukito: bye everyone

(fades out with kawaiisayurichan telling yukito about her story and yukito

not getting it so kawaiisayurichan has to explain very slowly. ^_^;)



"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Kero.

"Wha- huh?" Sakura asked sleepily.

It had been a couple of weeks since she captured THE HATE. Now she and

Syaoran were on the lookout for THE EVIL. Tomoyo had made outfits for

Sakura but Syaoran said he wouldn't be caught dead in them. (poor Tomoyo.


"AAHH! I have to meet Tomoyo!" screamed Sakura, looking at the clock.

"Keep it down kaijuu!" yelled Touya from the other room.

"You be quiet!" Sakura yelled back, resisting the urge to go into his room

and stomp on his foot, before running out the door.

Sometime later. . . . . . .

"Gomen-nasai Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura had just shown up at the Daidouji

residence, panting for breath. She had run all the way from her house.

(forgot her skates. ^_^)

"It's okay," Tomoyo said. "Now, it's time to try on your newest


Sakura groaned and fell down, anime style. Tomoyo grabbed her and dragged

her into the house.

After a few hours. . . . . . . .

"Ding-dong!" Tomoyo opened the door.

"Oh, hi Syaoran!" she said cheerfully.

"Sakura, I sense a card nearby," he said.

"Hoe? Okay, let's go!" Sakura replied.

"Wait!" yelled Tomoyo.


"What is it?"

"Wear this," Tomoyo handed her an outfit.

Ten minutes later. . . . . . .

Sakura was dressed up in a light pink Chinese silk top, short sleeved, with

darker pink Sakura blossoms embroidered on it. She had white gloves that

reached to her elbows and white boots that reached to her knees which were

both trimmed in the pink embroidered material of Sakura's top. She wore a

straight white miniskirt and pink hair ribbons.

"_NOW_ can we go?" asked Syaoran impatiently.

"Yes, now we can go," said a smiling Tomoyo.

At King Penguin Park. . . . . . . .

"EVIL CARD! Show yourself!" shouted Sakura.

A woman with blue highlights in her black hair, a black leather tank top

and miniskirt, and black leather gloves and boots appeared.

"Sakura, be careful," Syaoran warned. "She had the power of shadow and

fight, plus who knows what else."

Sakura nodded.

"Fight card! Release!"

The fight card began to fight THE EVIL card. But THE EVIL played dirty.

When the fight card was preparing for another attack, EVIL used the shadows

around them to surround Sakura. Slowly turning her to black marble.

"Syaoran! Help me!" she cried frantically.

"Sakura! Hold on, I'm coming!" he yelled back.

He ran towards her but the card blocked his way. Syaoran cried out in

frustration. Meanwhile, Sakura was a statue up to her waist.

"Syaoran!" she cried, reaching out to him. At that moment, her arms froze.

"Sakura! I'll be right there! Hold on Sakura!!!" Syaoran yelled, trying

desperately to get past the card.

"Sy-" was all Sakura got out before her mouth froze. Tears ran down her

cheeks as she became, from head to toe, a lovely marble statue.

"Sakura! Nooooooo!" Syaoran turned to THE EVIL. "You. . . . . . you. . . .

. . . . ."

"I, I what?" Asked the card, cackling.

Syaoran snapped and attacked the card with newfound strength. Kicking,

punching, dodging, blocking, until he knocked down the card.

"Freeze card! Freeze THE EVIL!"

Syaoran ran to Sakura, or what was left of her.

"Sakura, I'm sorry, I-I couldn't- save you. . . . . . . . ." he trailed

off. "I'm sorry."

He leaned toward her, kissing her softly as a tear slid down his cheek.

Somewhere. . . . . . . .

"Syaoran? Syaoran where are you?" Sakura ran through the darkness. "Where

an I? Syaoran! Please rescue me!"

'It's so cold,' she thought. 'Like I'm freezing. Oh Syaoran, where are

you when I need you?'

That was her last thought before collapsing.

Back at the park. . . . . . . . .

As Syaoran pulled away, he felt Sakura change from hard marble to a living

breathing person. She was falling, he quickly caught her.

"Sakura, you okay?" Syaoran asked, worriedly.

"Hmmm? Oh, yeah, I guess so," she replied.

Just then EVIL broke through the Freeze's barrier of ice. (What bad

timing, oh well, that's the way it goes.)

"You! You took my energy source!" THE EVIL screeched at Sakura and


"What?! You were draining Sakura's energy?! Is that why you turned her to

stone?!?!" Syaoran yelled furiously.

"I-I will c-capture you, EVIL card," stuttered Sakura, trying to get up.

She collapsed again.

"Sakura, let me help you," Syaoran said tenderly.

He held Sakura by the waist as she rose her sealing wand into the air.

(You can tell he was feelin' good.)

"EVIL card! Return to you true form! EVIL!!"

A screech was heard as THE EVIL was transformed into it's card form. In

this card, THE EVIL was looking over her shoulder at some unknown enemy, and

giving them the death glare.

"I-I'll help you home S-Sakura," said Syaoran.

"Oh, ahhhh, okay, Syaoran, if you want, ahh, if you really want to," Sakura


"Oh, ah, it's no trouble, really," Syaoran stammered.

"O-kay, ahhh, thank you Syaoran," said Sakura.

Both of them blushed a bright red as they walked out of the park. Syaoran

steadying Sakura by slinging one arm around her waist and Sakura blushing furiously.



kawaiisayurichan: Well?????

yukito: I think it's great you're trying to get Sakura and Syaoran together

kawaiisayurichan: I'm not trying, I am

yukito: ???

kawaiisayurichan: in the story I will (starts to whisper to yukito)

yukito: ohhhhhhh.

kawaiisayurichan: yeah

yukito: can I help??

kawaiisayurichan: ahhh, why not

yukito: yay

kawaiisayurichan: don't forget to e-mail comments to

yukito: and IM her at kawaiisayurichan or yumenotenchichan

kawaiisayurichan: you didn't have to say that

yukito: so, I wanted to, it makes me important

kawaiisayurichan: ahh. ok


eriol: what's going on?

kawaiisayurichan: you're here to help me with (whispers to eriol)

eriol: oh. how fun

kawaiisayurichan:k, ja ne everyone

eriol: ja ne



back to fansection prologue/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

An Evil is Released

by kawaiisayurichan

back to fansection prologue/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

Chapter 4: The Trip


key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.)

black=story , blue= author & character comments


eriol: hey! what's up minna???

kawaiisayurichan: hey! I say that

eriol: but I wanted to say something

kawaiisayurichan: too bad

eriol: why?

kawaiisayurichan: cuz this is mah fic

eriol: too bad. *blah blah blah blah*

kawaiisayurichan: alright! now i'm mad!


kawaiisayurichan: I don't feel like talking to eriol. I locked him in a box

till later. now Suppi-chan will keep me company.

Suppi-chan: i'm not gonna talk

kawaiisayurichan: fine then.

Suppi-chan: . . . . . . .

kawaiisayurichan: enjoy minna


Kero, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Sakura are meeting at Tomoyo's house. . . . . .

"THE DOOM is the only card that will not find you, you must go and find

it," Kero was explaining. "You must use THE WONDER card to locate THE DOOM.

Simply say 'WONDER! Show us where to find the card called DOOM!'"

"Yeah, okay Kero. If you say so," said Sakura, summoning her wand.

After repeating the phrase Kero had said, She and Syaoran (who she just

_Happened_ to be sitting next to. ^_^) were surrounded by a veil of golden

sparkles. A little model of the globe appeared between the two. It began

to glow. Brighter and brighter, to an almost blinding glare.

"Syaoran?!. . . . . ."started Sakura.

"Ahh, don't worry Sakura, it's supposed to work this was," he said. 'At

least I hope it is, or we're in trouble.'

Suddenly, all the light on the globe began to move. Slowly at first, then

all the light moved at the speed of light (^_^) to one spot on the globe.


HOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" yelled Sakura. "HOW will

we get there! WHERE will we stay! WHOSE idea was this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Sakura, _CALM_ DOWN_," said Syaoran. "We can use THE WONDER with THE

CREATE to make lasting money. We'll just have to get permission from your

dad and Tomoyo's mom. Okay?"

"But. . . . . . . ."

"_TRUST_ _ME_."

"Okay. . . . . . . . ."

"Well?" said Tomoyo, popping in.

"When the school year is over (1 week) we're going to Readington, Oregon!"

yelled Syaoran.

One week later at the airport. . . . . . . . . .

"It's too bad Tomoyo couldn't come and Kero wouldn't be separated from his

video gamed," sighed Sakura.

"Yeah," said Syaoran. 'But since they didn't, to save money, I'm sharing a

room with you.'

"Hmmmmm," Sakura sighed again, leaning against him.

"What's wrong Sakura?" Syaoran asked.

"Hmmm, you smell nice. . . . . . . ." she said.

"Ahhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh," stammered Syaoran, blushing like mad.

During the flight. . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ummm, Syaoran," said Sakura.

"Y-yes Sakura," he replied.

"Well. . . . ."



"For what?"

"For, being there for me I guess, I just felt like thanking you for all the

times you've helped me during the card capturing days, and now. . . . . . ."

"Oh, ahhh, your welcome, Sakura. I'm always happy to be of any help."

This time, it was Sakura's turn to blush. It made her cheeks a soft pink.

To Syaoran, it looked like she was glowing with radiance.

"You're so nice Syaoran. . . . . ."

"Well, thanks, but I'm really not _so_ nice Sakura, I'm just, ahh, errrr.

. . . . ."

"No, I said you're nice so you're nice, okay?"

"Ahhh, okay." 'Man, I just can't say no to her.'

Sakura then snuggled up to Syaoran and fell fast asleep, or so he thought.

Syaoran grinned and blushed like crazy as he saw what she was doing.

"Man, you're so sweet, Sakura," he said.

She opened her eyes and said, "Really?"

"Ahhhh. I, ah, weren't you, ahh, sleeping?"

"No, not really, but I was gonna fall asleep. You're a good pillow,"

Sakura said, totally forgetting about the whole point of her opening her


"Oh, ahh, thanks. I guess," said Syaoran.

"Mmmmmm, wake me up at the end of the flight," Sakura mumbled, really

falling asleep this time.

'Sakura, you're like-like an angel. So caring and understanding. So

gentle and sweet. Why can't I tell you that I love you? *sigh* Because

you're a coward Syaoran. Because you'll die if she rejects you. Just tell

her already!!!! damnit!' he thought to himself.

"Oh, Sakura, I love you" he whispered, barely audible.

He gently stroked her hair. Eyes shining with all the love that he could

not tell her he had. Inwardly cursing himself for not telling her.

'This is gonna be a long flight Syaoran,' he thought. 'Yup, a loooooong

flight. For you anyway.'

Sakura smiled in her sleep. She was having a good dream. She was dreaming

she was with Syaoran.

'I hope this is real,' she thought. 'and if it's not, don't let me wake up

for a long time.'

"Sleep well, Sakura," Syaoran sighed as he went back to stroking her hair

and cursing himself for being a coward.

At the hotel. . . . . . .

"Well, when the card gets near here, we'll sense it sooooooo. What do you

want to do tomorrow Sakura?" asked Syaoran.

(Every girl knows that if a guy asked you this the first thing that comes

to mind is shopping. poor Syaoran. He was just trying to be nice. . . . .


"Wellllllll. . . . . . . why don't we go. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Sakura.

Syaoran sweatdroped and fell down, anime style.


"Shopping. I said we should go shopping. ^_^" Sakura replied. "Is that


">_< Oh fine, whatever. Good night okay?" said Syaoran.

"Okay!" said Sakura. Very excited.

Syaoran turned off the light.

Next morning, precisely 7:00 in the morning. . . . . . . .

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!" yelled a very energized Sakura

while jumping up and down on Syaoran's bed.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Syaoran groaned.

"Time. To. Go. SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sakura squealed.

Syaoran lazily rolled over to look at the clock on his bedside table, he

groaned again.

"No way!" he said.

Sakura began to make puppy dog eyes. Syaoran sweatdroped.

'No, not that! Anything but that!' he thought vainly.

Then, Sakura's lower lip began to quiver uncontrollably, adding to the

puppy dog eyes and making Syaoran totally helpless.

'Ahhhhhh! I can't resist!' he thought.

"FINE, FINE, FINE, FINE, FINE!!!!!!!!!" he yelled. "Just _PLEASE_ stop


"YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Syaoran!!!" Sakura exclaimed, hugging Syaoran,

who turned an odd shade of red.


kawaiisayurichan: hey minna!!!!!!

suppi-chan: hello everyone.

kawaiisayurichan: if you liked it, e-mail me at

suppi-chan: whatever

kawaiisayurichan: or im me at kawaiisayurichan or yumenotenchichan

suppi-chan:. . . . . . . . . . .


kawaiisayurichan: I decided suppi was too boring. and i still don't feel

like talking to eriol

(camera goes to a box. eriol: help me! help me!)

kawaiisayurichan: sooooo, here's syaoran!

syaoran: what am I doing here

kawaiisayurichan: *smiles evilly* you'll find out later

syaoran: *gulp*

kawaiisayurichan: well, bye till next time minna

syaoran: help!

kawaiisayurichan: ja ne minna

syaoran: save meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!



back to fansection prologue/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

An Evil is Released

by kawaiisayurichan

back to fansection prologue/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

Chapter 5: Shopping


key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.)

black=story , blue= author & character comments


kawaiisayurichan: hey minna

syaoran: anybody! help meeee!

kawaiisayurichan: if you tell sakura right now that you love her, I'll let

you go

syaoran: ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh

kawaiisayurichan: well?????

syaoran: I'm thinking!

kawaiisayurichan: wow, touchy!

syaoran: shut up

kawaiisayurichan: someone is trying to hide their true feelings. . .

syaoran: fine

kawaiisayurichan: you'll tell her?!

syaoran: no. I'll stay here and be tortured

kawaiisayurichan: oh

syaoran: I can't tell her

kawaiisayurichan: okay strangeoid

syaoran: what?

kawaiisayurichan: nothing

syaoran: awww, man!

kawaiisayurichan: well, enjoy minna!


At the nearest mall. . . . . . . . . .

"We have to go there and there and over there too!" squealed a very excited


Syaoran groaned. "Sakura?"

"Come on! We're wasting time!!"

Ten minutes later. . . . . . . . . . .

(Sakura is trying on clothes)

"What do you think of this one Syaoran?" Sakura asked.

"It's fine," he replied.

One hour later. . . . . . . . .

"How is-"


Sakura pouted before going back into the dressing room rater sulkily.

Syaoran smiled.

Two hours later. . . . . . . .

"What about-"


"Okay then!"

A question mark appeared on Syaoran's forehead.

"Huh?" he asked, confused.

"We're gonna eat lunch," said sakura, picking up her purchases. (five or

six bags full. ^_^)

"Ooohhh . . . . . . ." said Syaoran.

"Let's go then!" Sakura cried suddenly, dragging Syaoran with her.

At the nearest restaurant. . . . . . . . .

"Sakura!!!" Syaoran falls down. "This is _the_ single most expensive

restaurant in the mall!!!!!!!"

"Hmmmmm . . . . . . . . . . . . I've got good taste!!" she replied, smiling

at Syaoran, who, of course, couldn't stay mad at her.

Time passes. . . . . . . . . . . .

"More shopping!!!!!" yelled Sakura, after they finished eating.

Syaoran groaned, sweatdroped and fell down.

In the next store. . . . . . . . .

"Come on Syaoran!" Sakura pleaded.

"NO way!" Syaoran said.

"Just try it on!"

"But it's-"

"Trust me," she said, pushing him into a dressing room.

Five min. later. . . . . . . .

"Lemme see," said Sakura.

Syaoran emerged from the dressing room wearing a green long sleeved turtle

neck shirt, a pair of black slacks, and a black leather bomber jacket.

'He is sooooo hot,' Sakura thought, staring intently at him.

"Well?" Syaoran asked, trying to avert Sakura's steady gaze, before his

legs turned to jelly.

"Oh, I, um, errr. . . . . . ." she trailed off lamely. 'How can I say 'Oh

my gosh, you look so hot!!!'??' "You look great. I have more stuff to try


Syaoran sweatdroped.

'This is gonna be a long day. . .'

Some time later. . . . . . . . . . .

PLEASE Syaoran!" Sakura pleaded, making her puppy dog eyes.

'Ahhh! no!' Syaoran thought. "NO!"

Sakura's lower lip began to quiver.

Syaoran closed his eyes.

Sakura ( A.N.: sakura can cry on cue. ^_^ hehe. Syaoran: what??? no fair!

kawaiisayuichan: shuddap!) began to cry and sniffle.

Syaoran opened one eye.

'Ahhhhh! No that! Stop it! You're gonna make me give in! HELP!!!!' "FINE,

FINE, FINE, FINE, FINE!!! Just stop that!!!"

"YAY!" said Sakura, who was smiley and happy again.


"I am _NOT_ coming out!" Syaoran yelled.

"Oh yes. You. Are!" cried Sakura, dragging him out.

He was wearing a pink gown, kinda like the one Belle wore in "Beauty and

the Beast." (Disney movie. If you never saw it think puffy, frilly, and

pink. Like a Tomoyo thing.)

"Ahhh! So kawaii!" said Sakura. She snapped a picture of him. ( She had

been doing that all day.)

"We're leaving as soon as I get this thing offa me!" said Syaoran, stomping

back into the dressing room.

After Syaoran left to change. . . . . . . . .

Sakura pulled out a laptop and the pictures.

'Tomoyo will love these!' she thought as she pushed the send button.

At the hotel that night. . . . . .

"Kinomoto Sakura, You shop way too much!" said Syaoran, looking at all the

thing she bought.

"So?" she asked.

"Well . . . . . . . . now we'll have to buy like three more suitcases,"

Syaoran replied.

"So?" Sakura asked again. "I had fun! ^_^"

"Never mind, good night," Syaoran replied, muttering something under his

breath about "girls."

"Night," Sakura yawned and turned out the light.

Somewhere. . . . . . . .

"Sleep well card captors, bwahahahahahahahaha, sleep well!!!!"



kawaiisayurichan: hey minna.

syaoran: help meee!

kawaiisayurichan: you know the drill, if you have comments, e-mail to or im at kawaiisayurichan or


syaoran: anyone??? help meee!


sakura: hey syaoran

syaoran: *blushes* h-hey s-sak-kura

kawaiisayurichan: hehe

syaoran: *glares at kawaiisayurichan* I hate you

sakura: that's not nice syaoran!

syaoran: but-I- fine sorry

sakura: there. that's better

kawaiisayurichan: till next time minna! ja ne!




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