By Krystal Sato
An Evil is Released
Part One-Page One



key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.) black=story , blue= author & character comments


disclaimer: i don't own _ANYTHING_ so don't sue!!!!! i'm _VEEEEERY_ poor. i can't afford to be sued.


kawaiisayurichan: hello minna-san!!!! This is my very first fanfic so don't kill me if it sucks!!!! (PLEASE!)

kero-chan: of course it'll suck, I mean YOU wrote it.

kawaiisayurichan: _how_ _did _ _you_ get in here?

kero-chan: the back door.

kawaiisayurichan: oh, well, if you're gonna be here then you havta help me with this story.

kero-chan: what!?

kawaiisayurichan: you heard me, I said you have to help me with my fanfic

kero-chan: what is it about? (eying kawaiisayurichan warily)

kawaiisayurichan: well . . . . . it's about sakura and syaoran and how they get rid of some bad guys and maybe get the guts to tell each other how they _really_ feel

kero-chan: and what is _that_ supposed to mean?

kawaiisayurichan: Ohohohohohoho! nothing, nothing at all

kero-chan: WHAT IS IT???!!!!!!!!!

kawaiisayurichan: ahhhh. . . . . . (sweatdrop) let's get started

kero-chan: noooooooo! tell me what you mean!!!

kawaiisayurichan: and on with the story

(fades out with kero-chan yelling and screaming at kawaiisayurichan)


A young girl sat on her bed on a starry night in Tomoeda. . . . . . .

'It's been a while now,' thought Kinomoto Sakura. 'All the cards are captured and we're in 12th grade.

*sigh* Now the most exciting thing is the math test tomorrow.' She frowned at the thought. 'I hate math.

Oh Syaoran, those times were the best, when I could be near you, when you would protect me from all the bad stuff. I love you. . . . . . . . . '^_^

Kero was asleep in his little "room" thing. (if that's what you call it.

kero: what do you mean? my "little room thing"?)

She sat on her bed looking frustrated.

"I wish I had the courage to tell you, Syaoran-kun-" she whispered softly,

"That I . . . love . . . you . . . ."

Suddenly, Touya walked in.

"What's up kaijuu?" he asked, not noticing what special moment he had walked into. "And whom do you love?"

"Argh!!! GO AWAY TOUYA!!!!!" yelled Sakura. "AND I AM NOT A KAIJUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!"

She stomped on his foot very, _very_ hard. He cried out in pain. Hopping up and down.

"Fine, fine, fine, I'll go away, Kaijuu," Touya left the room looking irritated but triumphant at the same time. He was still hopping on one leg and holding his injured foot. He looked _very_ silly.

"Stupid Touya," Sakura muttered.

She flopped back onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. Then she sighed contentedly, swinging her feet on the side of the bed, deep in thought.

"Syaoran. . . . . . . ."

Meanwhile . . .

Syaoran was taking a walk, alone, in the park. He needed to clear his head, he had been thinking of Sakura, of how he felt for her. Was it love?, he wondered. His thoughts were interrupted by a shout.

"Syaoran!!!" called a girl's voice.

"Hmmm?" Syaoran turned around to see Sakura running towards him. "Oh, hey Sakura, what's up?"

"I. . . I have to tell you something, something that I've been meaning to say for a long time," Sakura began.

"Yeah, and?" Syaoran asked, puzzled.

"Syaoran I. . . . I . . . . . . . ."

"Yes, Sakura?" asked Syaoran.

"Syaoran I . . . . .I l- I love you Syaoran!" she exclaimed hurridly.

Staring at him, wide-eyed and expectant. Hands clasped tightly together.

"I-I, Sakura, I . . . . ." Syaoran was in utter shock.

"Say somethin- AAAAAHHHHhhhhhh!" she exclaimed as a bolt of lightning narrowly missed them both.

"What was that?" Syaoran asked.

The sky turned a dark ugly purple. Black storm clouds filled the sky.

Bolts of lightning and deafening claps of thunder filled the air.

Syaoran saw a brilliant flash of light, headed straight for Sakura. She dodged it just in time. Syaoran looked toward the sky, a dark figure laughing malevolently with four cards floating in front of it was floating in the sky.

As Syaoran looked on in wonder, Sakura was dodging lightning. But he realized her danger too late. A bolt of lightning was headed straight for her.

Amid a brilliant flash of light Sakura fell to the ground, motionless.

"Sa-Saku-ra," Syaoran held her in his arms. "Sakura, say something, open your eyes!" He was frantic now. "Sakura!! I have an answer now!! Wake up and I'll tell you!!! Sakura!! I love you too!!! Don't leave me!! Sakura! SAKURA!!!"

"AAAGH!" Syaoran bolted upright.

'It was just a dream,' he thought. 'It's okay, Sakura is okay, it was just a dream. Thank God it was just a dream. Sakura will be okay. It was just a dream.'

He was in a cold sweat.

"Sakura. . . . . . . . .please be okay, don't ever leave me, please. . . . . I-I love you," he whispered softly. "I love you. . . . . . . ."


At the Kinomoto residence, Sakura smiled in her sleep. She had been dreaming about _him_.

She sighed happily.

"I love you Syaoran. . . . . ."


kawaiisayurichan: well minna-san, what did you think of the very first part of my very first fanfic?

kero-chan: well I thought it sucked.

kawaiisayurichan: you're still here?!!

kero-chan: yah, and your story sucks

kawaiisayurichan: shut up kero

kero-chan: who's gonna make me? oh, and did I tell you your story sucks?

kawaiisayurichan: well I didn't ask _you_.

kero-chan: well too bad, I'm answering

kawaiisayurichan: well if anyone _else_ has any comments please send them to

kero-chan: why would they have any comments except it sucks?

kawaiisayurichan: oh shut up!

(kicks kero out and brings. . . . . .Tomoyo in.)

-well thankies to neone who e-mails me!-

Tomoyo: hey! what is this?

kawaiisayurichan: now i havta explain my Sakura/Syaoran story to Tomoyo. . .

Tomoyo: did you say Sakura and Syaoran?! we have to get them together!!!

(fades out on kawaiisayurichan explaining to tomoyo who is looking very excited and happy.)

Chapter 1:The deceit


key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.)

black=story , blue= author & character comments


kawaiisayurichan: hey! you're still reading!!! ^_^ now I have just finished telling tomoyo about my story and writing chapter one. right tomoyo?

tomoyo: . . . . and after we get them to tell that they love each other, of course I'll have taped it, they can kill the-

kawaiisayurichan: TOMOYO!!!!!!!

tomoyo: huh? did you say something

kawaiisayurichan: we have to start the story now

tomoyo: oh. . . . . . . . .

kawaiisayurichan: well, you can help me do the story and when they say "I love you" I'll make it so you can see the moment.

tomoyo: YOU MEAN I CAN TAPE IT?!?!?! ^_^

kawaiisayurichan: ahhh, maybe, or I, I think I might just make you stay here and see it.. . . . .

tomoyo: oh. . . . . . I guess that's ok too.

kawaiisayurichan: good

tomoyo: but, CAN I TAPE IT FROM HERE????

kawaiisayurichan: agh! fine then.

tomoyo: yayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!!

(fades out with tomoyo looking VERY happy and kawaiisayurichan looking freaked out.)


"RRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" went the school bell.

"Alright, hand in your homework," said Kirei Sensei.

Everyone was busy finding and handing in their homework. Kirei Sensei began counting the papers to make sure that she got them all. She didn't.

"Ahh, Tomoyo, where is your homework?" asked Kirei Sensei.

"I, Ah, my mom threw it away," replied Tomoyo coolly.

"Well then , Tomoyo you must turn in another copy of it tomorrow, understand?" asked Kirei Sensei. (she is nice, ne?)

"Yes Kirei Sensei," replied Tomoyo.

Just then, Sakura and Syaoran sensed a Clow Card.

Sakura scribbled a note and passed it back to Syaoran.

( Sakura's and Syaoran's writing will be every other. Sakura starts.)

'I sense a clow card, do you?'

'yeah, I do too. but I thought we got them all.'

'we should talk to kero and yue about this.'

'you're right'

'shall we invite tomoyo?'



'she might get in the way if this is something dangerous.'

'oh, ok then'

'meet at my house after school, bring kero and try to bring yue'


'don't forget.'

Sakura nodded her head to show she understood. She also secretly crumpled up the note and hid it in her bag.

'Because Syaoran wrote on it and he was writing to me,' she thought. ^_^

At Syaoran's apartment. . . . . . .

"Sakura said you two sensed a card," said Kero.

"We did, in school today, but I thought we got them all," said Syaoran, confused.

"It must be one of the dark cards," said Kero gravely.

"Yes, I agree with Kerberus (is that how fo spell um'??????)," said Yue.

"H-HOEEEEE?! Dark cards?????" asked Sakura, just as confused as Syaoran.

"What are 'dark cards'?"

"Yes, you captured the light cards; THE HEAL, THE LOVE, THE WONDER, and THE ETERNITY-" began Yue.

"Now you must capture THE DECEIT, THE HATE, THE EVIL, AND THE DOOM," Kero finished.

"These cards were created by Clow Reed's first apprentice. He used to be good and created the four light cards. Then he took a journey and became evil. After that he made the four dark cards. Clow Reed had to lock him up in the center of the earth forever to keep him from wreaking havoc on earth," said Yue.

"Yeah, and he locked each of the dark cards away in the far corners of the universe. the only way for Michio, that's the guy, to escape would be for each of the dark cards to input some of their magic on the lock to his prison. Then he will be free," Kero explained.

"HHHHOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE??!!!!!!!!?????????????" yelled Sakura. (Again)

"You must capture the cards in this order so listen carefully. DECEIT, HATE, EVIL, DOOM. ok?" asked Yue.

"Ahh, o-k," said Sakura.

"Oh, and Sakura, the DECEIT and HATE cards will possess someone very close to you, so be on guard. Since this is a different power we're dealing with, meaning a evil power instead of good, you will both need different incantations. Sakura, you will need a new incantation for your wand. Syaoran will need a new incantation for his Mandela Board." warned Kero.

"Thanks Kero," said Sakura.

Syaoran had been very quiet all this time. Now he spoke.

"Sakura," Syaoran said cautiously,

"Doesn't Tomoyo _always_ finish her homework?"

(tomoyo: you're darned right I do!!!!!!!)

"Yeah, but what's that got to do wi-" Sakura began.

"I think I know where the DECEIT card is," Syaoran looked at Sakura.

Sakura nodded.

Sakura stood up and took out her wand, in the necklace form. She thought really hard.

"Power of light. I, Sakura, the Card Mistress command you! Reveal the hidden powers within the wand! Release!!" Sakura watched her wand begin to glow.

Suddenly, there was her wand! ^_^ "YAY! I did it!" ^_^

"Magic wrought by Clow Reed, I Syaoran, the card captor chosen to help the card mistress, and descendant of Clow Reed, beseech you! Seek out the darkness and send out the light!" The board shot out a green light towards the school.

"FLY! RELEASE!" exclaimed Sakura.

Syaoran got on the FLY with Sakura. They flew towards the school.


At the school. . . . . . . . . .

"TOMOYO!!!!" called Sakura.

Tomoyo stopped. "I don't know you, do I?" she asked.

"T-tomoyo?" Sakura began.

"THE DECEIT is making her lie," whispered Syaoran.

"Oh, WINDY CARD! RELEASE!" cried Sakura. "WINDY, hold Tomoyo!"

Then they saw a shadow emerge from Tomoyo as she fell to the ground.

Sakura used the Sleep card to put all the people at the school to sleep.

Then the card went after the two card captors.

"Help *dodge* me *jump* please *duck* Syaoran!!!!!!" yelled Sakura.

"I'm *dash* kinda *jump* busy *duck* too!" he yelled back.

Then. . . . . . . . . .

"Hey, are you guys done yet? I want some ice cream!!"

"Kero!" cried Sakura, "Get away!!!"

"Whaaaaaaa- hi my best friend in the world," he said, flying over to Syaoran. (Who looked very uncomfortable.)

"Awwwww man! Get offa me, ya stuffed animal!!!" said a very annoyed Syaoran. "Sakura!! _do_ something!"

"Alright, alright," Sakura replied as she raised her wand. "DECEIT CARD!

Return to your true form! DE- ahh!"

"The card ran away again! You let it get away!" yelled Syaoran, immediately repenting _seriously_ for yelling and stuff.

"Come on," she said defiantly, but a little hurt. (I mean he just yelled at her, very mean.)

The card cornered them, just about to attack. . . .

'Sakura, get it now!" Syaoran yelled as the card went for her.

"I gotcha now! DECEIT CARD! Return to your true form! DECEIT CARD!" she cried bringing the wand down, just as the card was about to strike.

A card very much like a Clow or Sakura card, but black all over the back, floated between the two. The card had the smoky silhouette of a woman on it. It hovered between the two before going to Sakura.

"That was tough!," said Sakura. "I wonder if all the other cards are like that. . . ."

"Probably," said Syaoran. "Or even harder." They pondered the thought for a while. "But I'll always be there to help you, Sakura. . . . . because I-"

"So how about that ice cream, huh?" asked Kero, popping up, very inconveniently.

Sakura and Syaoran sweatdrop and fall down.

"Ahhh, fine," said Sakura, pulling her wallet out of her purse.

"No," said Syaoran, "I'll get it." he took her hand and they walked to the nearest ice cream parlor, followed by a fuming Kero.

"Why I oughtta. . . . ." Kero began fiercely.

"C'mon Kero! I'll buy you a triple scoop!" yelled Syaoran happily. (guess why. *coughhesholdingSakurashandcough* ^_^)

All things forgotten Kero flew up to Syaoran and said, "Better be chocolate, double chocolate, and chocolate chip."

"Fine," said Syaoran, smiling.

'I wonder what he was gonna tell me,' wondered Sakura.


kawaiisayurichan: bwahahahahaha, you all know wut Syaoran was gonna say rite?

tomoyo: he was gonna say I love you and it would have been sooo romantic and-

kawaiisayurichan: TOMOYO!!!!!!!!!!! (vein pops out, anime style)

tomoyo: ahhh, yes (looking scared)

kawaiisayurichan: i'm very sorry but you can just go back into the story now.

tomoyo: what?!

kawaiisayurichan: you were here while you were possessed, but now you have to go back into the story.

tomoyo: oh. . . . . . who will help you now? and how come (looking forward in the story) Li-kun gets to be here while he's in the story?

kawaiisayurichan: ahhh, cuz he's magic.

tomoyo: oh

kawaiisayurichan: and im gonna get (runs out bringing touya in) touya to help me! ok?

tomoyo: yah, but that's not such a good idea, cuz he don't like-

kawaiisayurichan: i'll handle it. he has to listen to me cuz I'm riting this darned fic. o, and comments e-mail @ ja ne minna.

Chapter 2:Hate and Repentance


key= "talking" 'thinking' (f.y.i. or a.n.)

black=story , blue= author & character comments


kawaiisayurichan: hey minna-san!

touya: what am I doing here?

kawaiisayurichan: you're here so you can learn to respect Syaoran-kun

touya: WHAT?! you must be joking

kawaiisayurichan: nope

touya: *sweatdrop* noooooooo!

kawaiisayurichan: or, i could always tie you up and leave you till the "i love you" scene. . that would be so much fun!

touya: nonononono! anything but that

kawaiisayurichan: see, there, all worked out ^_^

*smiling evilly*

touya: SAKURA!!!! get me out of this!!!

(sakura appears with a "poof") sakura: no you must learn to respect Li-kun, just like she says

kawaiisayurichan: ha! in your eye! (pointing at touya)

touya and sakura: in you _eye_?

kawaiisayurichan: ahh, my friend highteqgirl54's saying. . . . . . hehe hehe. now, on with the show!

(sakura disappears with another "poof")


"Morning Sakura. You're not late today I see, something on your mind?" asked Tomoyo smiling.

"Ahh, errrr. . . . . ." Sakura stammered, she and Syaoran had promised not to tell Tomoyo about the new enemy.

"Hehe, don't worry, I have a sixth sense about these things. So I asked Syaoran if something was up and well, he broke," said Tomoyo giggling. "Now I'm gonna make super kawaii little costumes for both of you!!!"

Syaoran and Sakura sweatdropped.

"Ahhhh. . . . ."

"So, we have to capture THE HATE card next, right Sakura?" asked Syaoran, trying to change the subject.

"Ummm, Yeah!" she said, catching on.

"Ohhh! I'll make the MOST _kawaii_ outfits _ever_!" Tomoyo squealed.

Syaoran and Sakura sweatdrop and fall down, anime style.

"Quiet now! Class will start in two minutes!" said Tanaka Sensei.

Switching classes. . . . . . . . . .

Sakura sensed some evil presence. Unfortunately (for numerous reasons) Syaoran was not in her next class.

"Tomoyo, I sense a card," she whispered.

"Shouldn't we tell Li-kun?" asked Tomoyo.

"Yeah, but he's not in our next class," replied Sakura. "Kero told me that the HATE and DECEIT cards would strike the people I care about."

"Well, who do you care about?" asked Tomoyo. (as if she dosen't know. touya: what does that mean?!)

"Ummm, you, Rika, Naoko, Chiharu, Eriol, Takashi, Yukito, Yue, Touya, Dad, Kero, Nakuru, Suppi-chan, Mizuki Sensei. . . . . . ." Sakura trailed off.

"I think you forgot someone," said Tomoyo.

"Like who?" asked Sakura.

"Like Li-kun," Tomoyo then broke into a fit of laughter, some of which brought strange looks.

Sakura blushed and shutted up.

'But since I really do care about Syaoran,' she thought, 'what if the hate card got him? I don't think I could do this without him. . . . . . .' She sighed.

After school. . . . . . . . . .

"There's Syaoran!" said Tomoyo. "Come on, we can walk with him."

"Ummm, ok," Sakura replied. "Hey! Syaoran! Wait up!"

Sakura began to feel a dark presence around. She was beginning to think that Syaoran could be. . . . . . . .

"Go away," Syaoran said coldly, breaking Sakura's thoughts.

"H-hoe?" asked Sakura, hurt.

"I said, leave me alone," he replied, just as icily as before.

"O-ok, if that's what you really wa-" Sakura thought for about five seconds. "Hey! You're THE HATE card!"

Syaoran, or THE HATE card I should say, ran.

"Sleep card! Put everyone to sleep!" yelled Sakura, running after Syaoran, closely followed by Tomoyo.

'Stop right there HATE card!"

Syaoran turned around. "Why are you calling me THE HATE card Kinomoto? My name is Li Syaoran. . . . . . . and I am running away from you because I don't like you. In fact, little card captor, I. hate. you." Syaoran's voice began to warp.

'NO!' the _real_ Syaoran thought (wherever _he_ is) 'No Sakura! Don't believe me or it or whatever! Please! I. . . . I don't hate you! You're the best friend I ever had! I know I don't show it but, I care for you! uh-oh. . . oh well, she can't hear me anyway. . ."

'Syaoran. just. said. he hated me? No! No, that's not true! I-it's THE HATE card! It's not really him! I can't-I won't believe it!' she thought in frustration. She gasped as a tear slid down her cheek.

'No Sakura, don't cry, I can't bear to see you cry,' thought Syaoran. He wished with all his might that he could reach up and wipe it away, but at the moment, he was a prisoner in his own body.

(*sigh* poor Syaoran.

touya: whaddaya mean? you feel sorry for that GAKI?! please tell me none of you out there feel sorry for that gaki!

kawaiisayurichan: oh shut up touya.)

"Firey! Release!" Cried Sakura. "Firey! Make a barrier around me and Syaoran. Make sure THE HATE card doesn't escape. Okay! Go!"

The Fiery formed the barrier. Meanwhile, Syaoran is getting very uncomfortable because he is surrounded by smoldering heat. (Touya: good for him! kawaiisayurichan: shut up! how mean!)

"Little card captor, hehe, why do you believe you are the card mistress? You are weak, you are powerless. hehe. You should just give the cards to me, so I can go back home and get away from you!" said THE HATE.

"Oh yeah? Just watch me!" Sakura said, boldly.

"Windy! Release! Hold Syaoran and make sure THE HATE doesn't escape! Still so tough HATE card? Well?" she laughed as the card struggled.

"Let me go little card captor!" shrieked THE HATE.

"Ahhhh, no. HATE card! Return to your true form! HATE!" said Sakura.

A black shadow was sucked out from Syaoran, who collapsed. The card floated to Sakura. It had a woman on it dressed form head to toe in black.

You could only see her face. It was a deathly white and had an evil expression.

Sakura ran over to where Syaoran had collapsed. She looked really worried and Tomoyo thought it best to congratulate her on the capture later.

"Syaoran! Oh my god! Syaoran! Are you okay?! Come on Syaoran! Wake up!" she screamed frantically.

"Sa-Sakura?" Syaoran replied.

"Syaoran! Thank god you're okay!" she cried, hugging him.

Syaoran blushed a bright red. Tomoyo was happily taping the whole scene, giggling uncontrollably.

"Sakura, I'm sorry for all the mean things I said to you!" said Syaoran miserably. "I never meant to say them and I never meant to make you cry. . . . . ."

"What stuff. . . . . oh. That stuff, well, I forgive you," Sakura replied releasing him from her hug.

"I'm really sorry," said Syaoran sadly.

"It's okay, really," Sakura replied, smiling. "I have to go home now.

Touya might get worried. (touya: you're darned right!!! I'll kill him! kawaiisayurichan: TOUYA! stop it!) I'll see you at school tomorrow though."

"Huh? Oh, uhh, yeah. Ja ne Sakura," said Syaoran.

"Ja ne Syaoran-kun!" Sakura ran off smiling.

'Ja ne Sakura, I love you,' Syaoran thought as he walked home.

Tomoyo finally came out of hiding. 'What a great shot!'


kawaiisayurichan: well, thankies for reading all you peeps!!! ^_^ e-mail all your comments(even flames) to

touya: grrrrrrrrrrrr

kawaiisayurichan: what's wrong?

touya: that GAKI was spending time with Sakura. and she hugged him.

kawaiisayurichan: be nice or I _will_ tie you up and make you sit through a kissing scene

touya: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

kawaiisayurichan: then be nice

touya: fine then, I hate you

kawaiisayurichan: then I hate you too

touya: *starts a glaring contest*

kawaiisayurichan: ha! *accepts challenge*

(10 min. later. . . . . .)

touya: agh!

kawaiisayurichan: HA! I won!!! In your eye!!!!

touya: *runs out*

kawaiisayurichan: well when you come back i'll have someone else. so Ja ne.

touya: *runs back in* there's a black hole out there!

kawaiisayurichan: oh yeah. . .I forgot I put it there

touya: send me away!

kawaiisayurichan: fine, fine. ja ne everyone *poof*

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