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Welcome to Manga-Hype!!! This site is sister to Spectural Anime ( but only covers Manga ^_^

Please read this legal agreement:
If you are viewing ANY of these then you are certifying that you own them.
ONE copy of each Manga (Japanese Comic) may be downloaded for backup. (I know how annoying it is when your Manga's get damaged! - Its why I made the site ^_^)
Kitty Kitty Fancia is translated to english by fans. You may download it if you don't own it ONLY IF you delete your copy and purchess it in non-electronic form when it has been licensed/released in your country.
Parasite Eve is in Japanese (I keep it for collectors sentiments). As its project was scapped (to my knowledge) it is unaviable in any other language apart from Japanese. If you DO NOT live in Japan, you may have it and keep it.
If there any laws that you know of that apply to you and/or your country that would make downloading these files illegal, then DONT.

This page was created for fans to get hard to find Manga. It was also designed to reach people via the net who dont have a clue about Anime/Manga and get them introduced to it. It is not my intention to upset anyone or break any laws.
If any problems arrive or you have any issues to bring up with me (no requests) then you can email me at I will reply asap.
Now, heres the Manga!

Title: Angelic Layer
Issue 1

Title: Kitty Kitty Fancia
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5

Title: Record Of Lodoss War
Issue 1

Title: Parasite Eve
Issue 2

Title: Sirius Scars
Issue 1
More on the way.

Not Enough for you? Go check out the Manga at urban-fx!
They have: Tenchi Muyo, more issues if Lodoss, Slayers and Dark Angel.
