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The LAST 3 Episodes!

Major Major Spoilers!!! Dont' read if you don't want to know EVERYTHING!
The first of the last episodes-cuz I forget that title.

Surprisingly, Carrot doesnt' seem too mad that Big Mama jsut tried to kill him. In fact, he's ready to go take Zaha on! The Sorcerer Hunters do what they gotta do no matter the sacrifice. Of course Zaha has to make several little speeches and then shows them their past and how they all knew him as children. Carrot gets so pissed he's about to change and then Marron makes the ultimate sacrifice to keept his brother from changing.

That's when Marron dies and all hell breaks loose. Zaha makes sure to stick marron up on a very sharp pole hanging there and then to make it more dramatic you get to see it again from every angle. It's like this-Marron on pole-Carrot's wide eyed face. Marron on pole-Gateau's face. Marron on pole-Chocolate's face. Then you have to see it for like two minutes at the end. They want to make sure it's really in your head that Marron is dead.

My take: I was so shocked to see Marron die right away that I couldn't do anything. Then I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" All Superman-lik in the first Superman movie when Lois Lane dies. I'm sure all MArron fans will understand.

The Destruction God

Okay, so you get to see Marron again on the pole to begin with. Then the rest of the episode is "Kill off all the Sorcerer Hutners one by one" You may think that ":You can't kill them all! They are the sorcerer hunters!" Well, sorry, they all die. Except Carrot. Of course Zaha is jsut loving how absolutley heartbroken Carrot is that his teammates are all impaled on poles. And of course we get to see it from every angle. But will that cause him to change? No. CArrot refuses to give up. He will not let his friends die in vain. Still, he's goign a bit nuts by now.

Easter's Eve.

All of the impaled Sorcerer Hutners are impaled once again. (from every angle) and then it's the cool parts. You get to see them in OUR world, in their past lives. Tira and Chocolate stare at a guy who looks just like Carrot and they obsess over him. GAteau plays basketball. Marron reads a book. Then on the Spooner Continent Big Mama kills herself! Dota freaks out! MEanwhile, CArrot is still tryign not to change.

Then its the music montage! The entire MASK song is palyed with a cool reawakening of all the sorcerer hunters in THEIR OAV costumes! I still don't understand the shirt-ripping off thing that Gateau and MArron do, but it's cool anyway. Tehy all join Carrot and Zaha has lost. Then by some means I don't understand, Big Mama is alive again. Go figure.

That's it! That's all the sorcerer hunters episodes! I can now die a happy and fulfilled life! Hope you enjoyed them all!