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Ranma : The Silent War

Silverbreeze <>
20011026 Minor changes

Author's note: Yes this story is a twist of the "War fought in silence" No I am
not trying
to undermind other authors. It just seemed a possible break point in the Ranma
- Akane
story line.

I get up slowly, stretching and making a human purr. Softly I pad through
my morning toiletries. As I begin to make breakfast, senses trained over years
of cleaning this house alert me to the first of the residents of the dojo
getting up. At first I don't notice my genuine smile, knowing Ranma will come
help soon.

For the past year since Phoenix Mountain we have gotten closer. I have
watched the daily battles. I know Ranma's worth. So I turn and smile as my
Warrior comes down. The front line man.
The last best hope. Ranma comes in and takes over chopping the veggies. His
voice soft and tender not like the battle voice he uses when defending himself
or trying to show others their errors, "Good Morning, Kasumi-chan". I blush,
even though he had taken to calling me Kasumi-chan when we are alone, it still
affects me. Ranma finishes his part of the breakfast and goes to set the table.

That is when the first fight starts. Ryoga appears blaming Ranma for some
deed that I am sure was caused by his own stupidity not Ranma, "Ranma, prepare
to die!" Then while Ranma is trying to get Ryoga to leave, Shampoo and Mousse
attack. One meaning to attack Ryoga the other Ranma, "Pig boy leave Arien
alone", "Soatome release my Shampoo"

All the noise wakes the others and of course Akane has to come fight,
"RANMA NO BAKA" They fight no one watching what is around them. Grandfather and
Elder Cologne come by to stand with Father and our TRUE ENEMY. Oh my I didn't
think I could hate anyone so much as I do Mr. Soatome, who sired such a man!
But such it is. I see Mousse's dagger head for the picture of the three of us
with mother. Before I can even gasp Ranma is there to deflect it. One of
Uyko's throwing spatulas heads for my mother's china vase.

I yell, "STOP!" Knowing it will be too late. They stop and turn
toward me, I am staring at the vase it takes three blinks for me to see Ranma's
hand two fingers holding the thrown weapon showing a level of skill I am not
sure even Grandfather could match. Slowly I step toward Ranma. Reaching out I
pick up the china vase, my voice is soft, barely a whisper but I know everyone
can hear it, "Thank you my beloved Warrior. As always you alone have protected
my heirlooms, my family and my sisters."

I walk past Father and Uncle Enemy shooting them both looks as begin to
set the vase down on the stairs where it is safe. I notice Nabiki staring at
me. I hand her the vase, "Put this in my room Nabiki-chan."

I move back to the kitchen door and stare at everyone but Ranma, "Ryoga
get out now. You are no longer welcome in my house. If you must fight Ranma
allow him to lead you outside like he always tries to." I turn to stare at
Shampoo not even looking at what my words do, "Xain Pu , Leave and take Dagger
Buffon with you. Then I turn to Uyko, "And you! You call yourself a woman! You
should kiss Ranma-sama's feet that he was fast enough to save that vase! IT IS A

Akane steps up to say something. I just stare at her, "Don't even open
your mouth, If you hadn't joined the battle Ranma-sama would of herded them out
into the yard. Like he always does. But know you have to add chaos. And he has
to spend many times the energy to keep the things I value and myself safe. But
do you think, NO. You blame everything on a man so honorable he rather be the
target then let anyone else get hurt."

I stare at the child before me, realizing I made a grave error years ago
when Ranma first came, "Go to your room Akane. I have waited for you to grow up
but then only person in this house that has even matured in the last three years
is Ranma-sama. Go all of you. I need to calm down." They all leave in shock.
Akane guided away by father who is crying
up a waterfall again.

Ranma looks down and starts to head to his room, I guess he thought I was
mad at him too. I know it would spook him but I hug him from behind resting my
head on his shoulder my angry tears soaking his the shoulder of his shirt,
"Thankk youuu Ranma-sammaaa. Thank you for being you. For being so careful, for
defending my heirlooms." Ranma doesn't shiver when I say it. I have seen how
that Kuno girl saying it affects him. He seems to relax, His hands falling to
cover my own at his waist.

Cologne comes up moving to tap one of us with her staff. I don't know
which, but she fails. I hear the hiss. I look up to see the flash of chi claws.
For the first time I see Ranma use the Neko-ken while in his right mind.
Cologne backs up her eyes wide as Grandfather hops over, "Leave him alone Kon-
chan, You are threatening the one being he will protect on pure instinct. Can
you face the Neko-ken used by with the full skill of Ranma?" Cologne shakes her
head, "He shouldn't be able to do that!" Father had come back in time to see
this, he was in tears sobbing about Ranma protecting his little girl again, oh
father if you only knew!

I look at Cologne over Ranma's shoulder, "Honored Elder, I ask you to
leave. Two of your own nearly aided in the destruction of my most valued
possession, only Ranma-sama's skill saved the vase. Leave now. And I will keep
the Cat away if you leave now. Attack me again and all your age will not help
you." I tighten my arms around Ranma-sama and his hands again fall to mine,
covering them. Giving me reason to hope.

Elder Cologne and Grandfather look at me and leave calmly deciding it
better to leave in peace then risk what Ranma-sama could do. As soon as
Grandfather and the Elder are gone I let go of Ranma. But before he can move
off I walk around and hug him close again looking up into his eyes, "Just hold
me please, Ranma-sama." He does after tensing for a moment. I feel peace as
his arms enclose me. Resting my head on his chest I suddenly blush and look up
at him again.

Turning around in his embrace and take his hand and whisper, "Come with me
Ranma-sama." I lead him upstairs and into my room. When we come back down the
family turns from the table where they were eating. Nabiki blinks then puts on
a pair of shades. She smirks kindly, "Wow sis I thought after-glow was a state
of mind." I blush the golden pink aura visible around me gives away what reward
I gave my beloved warrior. The reward for always taking up the battle. Still
blushing a drag Ranma-sama to the table. Sitting down beside him. I begin to
steal food from the enemy's plate. He is too shocked to eat anyway. I poke
Ranma-sama softly until he eats as well. Nabiki watches us with a grin. Still
wearing her sunglasses. Akane squints and looks at me, "Does this mean I don't
have to marry the Pervert Baka?" I sigh as Father finally closes his mouth and
begins to cry again.
Looking at Akane, I nod, "You go find your own man. I want to marry
Ranma-sama." This sets the one True Enemy dancing and father is now wailing
wailing 23, "My little girl is getting married." Nabiki smirks, "I think we
should call Kasumi a woman now." She looks at Ranma, "Isn't that right little


Sorry it refused to leave until I wrote it. I like it myself though