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Nabiki Owned

Silverbreeze <>
This is a Lemonish BDSM one shot. You are warned

Ranma came as he often does in many universes. As a girl carried on the
shoulder of a wet panda. But this is a different Ranma, highly skilled in the
Martial Arts, some would say better skilled then he was at the same time in the
original universe but skilled in other things as well. The biggest change is
that Ranma has a honorable, loving but highly dominate soul. Which makes
Shampoo unsuitable unless there are major changes in the amazon. Ranma comes in
and things happen as we are familiar. Until Ranma is in Male form standing
before the three Tendo girls. Soun speaks, "Your problem is not so bad. Meet
my daughters, pick one and she will be your wife." Ranma sighs and looks at the
three girls with the sight of a chi master.

Kasumi - Age 19, Peaceful, Strong submissive . A good choice.
Nabiki - Age 17, Manipulative , a repressive submissive even stronger then
Kasumi. A challenge to get.
Akane - Age 16, Angry, Dominate, good friend maybe. Possible butch lesbian.
Ranma shakes his head and looks back at Nabiki. As their eyes meet Nabiki feels
happiness and smiles. In the blue eyes of Ranma Nabiki sees: Intelligence,
Power and Control.

She feels her knees go weak and quickly steps forward to sick to her knees
and speak clearly. Her poker face and years of practice hiding her emotions from
all but Ranma for whom her aura is a open book, "Daddy, How about we let Ranma
chose in a few months, I personally would like to know him better before he is
forced to chose." Soun nods, "All right but he has to live here." Ranma looks
into Nabiki's eyes and smiles, His chi senses notice the flash of her submissive
side. Ranma smiles to Kasumi, "Could you show me where I will be staying? "
Kasumi meets Ranma's eyes and looks down blushing, "This way Ranma-dono" Soun
blinks and shrugs, not sure why his eldest reacts so to the boy but thinking it
a good sign shrugs letting it pass.

Time passes .. Chaos happens.. A month later maybe a bit more

Nabiki is at her table. She is being mean and spiteful for the sake of
being mean and spiteful. The poor freshman girl in front of her is in tears.
Suddenly Nabiki feels a hand rest on her shoulder. She doesn't want to look up
knowing who it will be. Knowing she went to far and he would be displeased.
Afraid what his displeasure would mean.
Sighing Nabiki looks up into the blue eyes of her fiancée. He doesn't speak but
she knows she is to follow him. Her submissive side wanting to grovel and beg.
To beg forgiveness. All the happens is she whispers one word as she gets up to
follow him, "Ranma-sama". The honoric is not lost on Ranma who shoots Nabiki a
smile as he waits for her to catch up. It is not lost on the crowds getting
ready to go home either. "Wow did you hear what she called him?? Oh man how did
he get the Ice Queen??" "Damn she is so lucky??"

Ranma sweeps Nabiki up and jumps up onto the roof of the school. Where
few could follow and fewer would dare. Finding a hidden area behind a condenser
he sweeps Nabiki over his lap and firmly spanks her. Nabiki begins to sob her
walls crumbling. When he is done, Ranma cradles Nabiki. At first she is stiff
and unresponsive. Slowly she begins to mold herself to his body. Resting her
head on his shoulder, "I am sorry Ranma-sama! Please don't give up.. Please
don't leave me"

Ranma strokes her hair. "I am not leaving Nabiki-chan. I won't let you
fail. After all you will be my wife. And I know you have a submissive side. I
won't let you hide from yourself." Nabiki hugs herself tightly to Ranma and
arches her back to kiss his chin. "I think my soul belongs to you Ranma-sama.
Please accept it. I know I am not the best at this. But I want to be yours."
Ranma leans down to kiss Nabiki hard then smiles. "We need to go back Nabiki-

Ranma stands up and picks Nabiki up in his arms. Hopping off the school
he lands near her table and sets her down. For a moment she doesn't move just
lets herself stand in his arms. Not caring for once what it would do to the
opinion of others. Then she nods, "Thank you, Ranma-sama." Slowly he sits down
on her chair. Figiting as if the chair was suddenly uncomfortable. Turning to
the girl who still stood there not having moved for fear of what Nabiki would do
if she left, "I owe you an apology. I was being meaner then I need to be."
Nabiki looks over her shoulder at Ranma then back at the young girl, "In way of
apology, I will lower your interest to 10% for the next 90 days." There is a
collective gasp as this is heard. The girl kow tows again and again backing
away from Nabiki, "Thank you, Tendo-san. Thank you" Nabiki sighs and looks at
Ranma most don't notice that her eyes are lowered, "Only for you Ranma-sama."
Nabiki folds up her things and heads home. The crowds don't really understand
what happened but they know better then to stop Nabiki or Ranma.
Time passes