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Last Updated 11?24 @3:45 pm

NEW ISSUE!  ISSUE SIX IS NOW ONLINE @ bottom of the page.  Next month, catch the exciting climax of NEEDS! Also, starting next month, I'll start posting those other doujinshi and fanfics I promised.

11/08 @ 4:28 PM.

Updated my links, fixed the broken ones and what not.  By the way, I added some frame to earlier issues, in particular issue 3 frame 7 and issue 4 frame 6 which, for some reason, I completely forgot to put on the original.  Silly me.  -_-S Oh well.  BTW, I'm going to add a fanfic section here too, soon, and also some of my original doujinshi "Chibi-Chibi Evangelion" a series of short comic strips. Oh, also, there's another thing I would like to announce:

CONTEST! he-he, well, actually, it's not really a contest, I'm sure I don't have enough visitors for that.  But I'd like to give my issues titles but I'm really not poetic at all so if you nice people out there in internet land have a suggestion for a title for one or all of the issues, could you drop me a letter at and tell me what they are? Don't worry, you'll get credit for your ideas if I decide to use them. Thanks, you're all dears.     


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 Issue One

Issue Two

Issue Three

Issue Four

Issue Five

Issue Six    NEW!

Next Month....

Issue Seven

  •  Frame One | Frame Two | Frame Three | Frame Four | Frame Five | Frame Six 



In the year 2015, the Angels, huge, tremendously powerful, alien war machines, appear in Tokyo 3. The only hope for Mankind's survival lies in the Evangelion, a humanoid fighting machine developed by NERV, a special United Nations agency. Evangelion is capable of withstanding anything the Angels can dish out.

But Mankind's true enemies are themselves.  In 2016, the Earth has been laid to waste by the very people who swore to protect it; NERV.  The hopeless masses have abandoned reality in favor of becoming one with Lillith and Adam, thinking they would find inner peace.  It was always Mankind's destiny to succumb to 3rd Impact.  Or was it...?

Shinji Ikari doesn't believe it was. He is the last human being, the only human being who completely resisted becoming one with Lillith, and now he exists in a world without reality, time, space or other people.  Never aging, he spends the centuries carefully scrutinizing the events that led up to the 3rd Impact and considering what he would do differently under the same exact circumstances if he only had a second chance.

Kaworu concludes that if someone as stubborn and immature as Shinji could change, then everyone could, and thus deserved a second chance.  So he decides to briefly return reality to what it was and place Shinji in it, in the worst of circumstances, and see what happens. If indeed, Shinji proves himself to be a better person, the world will resume uniterrupted.  However, if Shinji fails, all Mankind will be doomed to return to Lillith's womb forever, and Shinji along with them...

Is this the end?

Or just the begining?

Find out! In Neon Exodus Evangelion Doujinshi Sequel: NEEDS.


This is where I make noise.  My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you a little something about N.E.E.D.S.  Fist of all, I want to point out to you what's going to become painfully clear in just a minute when you begin to read this doujinshi: It's not really a doujinshi.  That is, this doujinshi isn't hand drawn but a series of various computer manipulated screen shots made to look like a doujinshi.  It's black and white, about six issues long and 4-8 pages per issue.  So it's pretty long.  It's been my pet project since Nov. 2001 and I've put a lot of work into it and I'm very proud of it and I hope you enjoy reading it.  I made it in good fun but I don't profess to owning Evangelion nor do I intend on infringing the rights of the people who it does belong to. So to Gainax and ADV: Don't sue me.  I have no money.

If you want to contact me, with praise, flames or note of a broken link, just call me at:

"Let's make biscuits! LET'S MAKE BISCUITS!" -GIR, Invader Zim

"Rei Ayanami just kicked you in the balls and stole your lunch and you STILL wanna risk it?" Kensuke to Touji, How the Caffeine Club Saved the Earth