Finishing what you start. Chapter 2. Disclaimer. I don't own them. So what? I haven't been this excited since my claws grew in. I read the summons, a psychicly endowed rock with the imprinted time and place, again. It was real. An honest summons to the Lord, He-Who-Remembers. Me, a lowly creature of the third phile, to serve the Lord. I almost preen as I enter the palace. The guards, members of the second phile, had tried to stop me, but when presented with the rock, they had no choice but to move aside. It's a sweet feeling. As I continue my trip through the corridors, nobles and lords see me and sniff. Let them sniff. Hah. Worthless buggers. They weren't summoned to the Lord. They don't get to... Another explosion has the opportunity to remind me that while these memories are sweet, now is not the time to be visiting memory lane. Now is the time to be very careful. I creep, quickly but quietly, up the side of the final building between me and the action. When I gain the roof I peer over the edge, masking my presence with every fiber of my skills. That's a lot of masking. I study the seen before me, and then I groan, completely spoiling my hiding effect. Them. Boots, bows, and skirts. In a variety of pastels. Oh bleeding lords of piss. The Sailor Scouts. I mentally bash myself upside the head. I knew there was a reason why I didn't come into Juuben often. There are only five of them: blue, yellow, green, red, and multi. I think the multi one was Moon, but the other ones escape me. The five are putting on a prismatic light show for... Shit! I began moving the instant I recognize what the scouts are fighting. Its big, dark, and scaly. It's a member of the second phile. A member of my species. I have no choice but to help, and I do so even as the meaning of this event begins to penetrate. Others of my race are beginning to arrive. The scouts have no colorful attack, no speech, and no warning before I am on them. I back hand the blue one as I pass, my other hand in a fist burying itself into the stomach of the green. I make certain not to use my claws. I want to avoid injuries if at all possible. If I wound any of them, but fail to kill them all, then they will be certain to hunt me down. And I'm not even going to attempt to kill them unless they're all present, unsuspecting, and I have a really big projectile weapon. As the other three begin to turn, the shouts of pain from the two I have already dealt with alerting them, I begin my own message to my kindred. Its not so much speech, the scouts my be able to recognize the message if I used a spoken language. Its more of a set of sounds combined with my aural admissions. Flee. Meet me at the park, by the lake, tomorrow, at this time. Recover. That's kind of inaccurate. I didn't actually say park, more 'trees surrounded by city', and lake was more like 'midsize water', but the message seems to get through. The scaled thing turns tail and begins to flee immediately, as I continue through the scouts like a bowling bowl through pins. The yellow one begins to shout and glow, while the red one jumps away from me. I crouch low in my run and sweep the feet of the yellow one out from underneath her, and then straighten myself out and jump into the air, to land on Moon's head, before continuing on past them, up onto a building and then as fast as I can into the night. I don't want to fight them yet. I jump from roof to roof, a shadow against the moon, moving in a random pattern in order to assure that I had escaped from any attempts at pursuit. What a night. I think it really would be better off if I just go home tonight. *** A creak is my early warning. My eyes are instantly opened into slits and I extend my perception to the doorway to my room. A figure, women, holding a large metallic object filled with water. It could only be one thing. I groan in my head and prepare myself for an early bath. "Ranma, you idiot, wake up!" Akane screeches as she propels the liquid at me. I hold my breath as the cold water hits, and sit up, making groggy noises. "Huh? Wha?" I sputter in a superb imitation of someone who had just woken up. Akane continues on, her voice shrill and annoying enough to break glass. "Its time to wake up you dolt. Do you want to be late?" She turns around and begins to stomp off when I respond. "Umm, Akane," I say, "-its Saturday. We don't have school today." I have the pleasure of seeing her freeze, and she begins to admit a decidedly embarrassed aura. She quickly masks it with anger. "Nabiki!" she yells. I should have known. I crawl across the floor of the room I share with Genma to my dresser. Nabiki enters as I pull out a change of clothes. "Well," she smirks. "Are you ready to talk?" Bah. Stupid woman. I ignore her as I brush past to take a relaxing bath. My mind is far away. That other. What could he have been doing here? Have my years of effort finally paid off? Is the invasion eminent. I hope so. I really need to get away from all of these fools. A lesser creature would have killed them and ran off, but I always finish what I start. I started this, and now I'm not going to leave until I finish it. I enter the front chamber of the bath room. There, I disrobe, tossing the soggy clothes into the hamper, placing my dry clothes aside. As I had shut the door, I had noticed Nabiki smirking. What could that mean? I take a quick inventory of my surrounding. Lets see, extra clothes in the hamper, occupied sign missing, humming noise coming from the bath. I quickly take a mental check to see who it would be. Akane was downstairs, the old men are still asleep, Nabiki lurking by the door of the bath. Must be Kasumi. Oh well. At least she won't hit me, and to be quite frank, I'm too concerned about the ramifications of last nights events to care. I slide open the door of the bath. "Hey Kasumi. Want to wash my back?" An hour later, after a relaxing soak and a pleasant conversation with Kasumi, who was producing an insane amount of lust vibes, I head downstairs for some breakfast. I notice the look Nabiki is giving me (suspiciously puzzled, no doubt by my actions at the bathroom), but I pretend to ignore her. I help myself to some cold miso soup in the fridge, made by Kasumi a few days earlier, when I have a sudden premonition. I shudder briefly as I slurp. .Something climactic was about to happen. Knock. Knock. Knock Even as I turn towards the door I hear Akane get up from where she was in the living room and move to answer it. Even as I enter the hallway that leads to the door I see Akane opening the door. "Hello," Setsuna said, with Hotaru standing next to her. "We're looking for Ranma. Is he in?" Heh. I never thought they would take me up on my offer. Well, put your best foot forward. I wave to them from behind Akane as she begins to glow. "Hey girls," I get out before I'm propelled into the stratosphere by a mallet and a shout of 'Idiot'. If they didn't believe my explanation before, they will now. That's for certain. I hope those two manage to stay alive until I hit the ground. Two minutes later, and a splash that killed three gold fish, I'm back in the house, watching Akane act as though she didn't just try to kill me. "I'm sorry for shouting at you," she says with a vacant smile. "I thought you might be some more of that idiot's fiancés," she says, not even having the decency to call me by name. Setsuna's face remains expressionless, but I can see Hotaru's disapproval. She obviously didn't agree with the treatment I had received, and I decided that I rather like the little girl. Setsuna answered. "So I gathered," she said dryly. I can't read her expression, but despite all of her self control, I can make out her disapproval too. "We're just here because Ranma offered to show us around Nerima." "Oh, don't worry. I can show you around," Akane brightly offers. "I know just as much as that idiot knows. He'll probably just take you to that bimbo, Shampoo." I bristle slowly. I really don't like Akane trying to take them up on my offer. I started this, and I sure as hell don't want her interference. Luckily, Setsuna seems to agree. "No thank you," she smoothly interjects. "I'm sure you have other things to do, and I wouldn't want to interfere with your day." I can see Akane starting to insist, so I move to cut her off. "Well then," I say cheerfully, springing to my feet. "Times a wasting. Why don't you two just head out and I'll be out right after I get some hot water." Setsuna also rises, with Hotaru shooting Akane dark looks as she gets up. "Very well," Setsuna agrees and turns to leave. Akane glares at me, but I pretend to ignore her as I jog off to the kitchen. Kasumi was still upstairs in the bathroom, recovering from the sexual frustration of having me naked and within her grips and her unable to do anything, so I help myself to the water and let myself out. The two are wait for me. Hotaru is glowering at the house, while Setsuna just waits patiently. As I join them Hotaru snaps. "I can't believe her! You could have got hurt, Ranma! Are you okay?" she asks, looking me over. I wave off her attention with the casual air of long practice. "Right as rain," I cheerfully quip. "So you two decided to come and visit? I didn't really think you would. Where are the other two. Haruka and Michiru?" I look around the street as though they might be hiding. "Oh, papa Haruka had a race to attend, and mama Michiru had to practice for a concert to practice for," Hotaru chirped cheerfully, her displeasure already forgotten. What a cheerful girl. She must have a lot of friends. Setsuna smoothly cut in. "You offered to show us around, and while Michiru and Haruka were busy, Hotaru and I decided to take you up on the offer." I grin at her impishly. "Well, now do you believe how I ended up crashing your picnic?" I am vaguely proud of the fact that I actually managed to make Setsuna crack a small smile at that remark. I began to walk, the other two following. They hadn't asked to be shown anywhere in particular, so I decide a general tour would do. The Cat Café, Ucchan's, Furinken, maybe a couple of other places. I head off towards the Cat Café. "I can't believe she actually hit you!" Hotaru said, her mouth making a cute little moue. "How can anyone be that mean?" I shrug. "You get used to it after a while. The path of the martial artist is fraught with peril, yadda yadda yadda," I flippantly put out. Setsuna gives me a sideways glance. "Why do you put up with it?" she asks me in quiet tone. I look at her once before answering. "What could I do? If I tell her to stop, she'll just hit harder. Actually, she's not as bad as her sister, Nabiki," I add. "Akane only hits me physically. Nabiki is more subtle, but a lot more vicious." "Why don't you just leave," Setsuna asks. Hotaru looks at me with that one. Oh boy. Why don't I just leave? A question I have asked myself a couple of times, but this is the first time anyone else has. I guess I should think before answering. After a couple minutes of remaining silent and looking introspective I answer. "Because it would be dishonorable." "Dishonorable?" Setsuna asks. "Why would it be dishonorable?" "Because my pops and Mr. Soun made an agreement that the two schools should be joined. Since I'm the heir of my side, I have to marry one of them. Neither of the other two would except, so I end up with Akane." "But what about your other fiancés? I can't remember what you said about them," Hotaru questions, "But why don't you just marry one of them?" "Because then the contract with the Tendos would be broken, and my honor lost," I tell her. Setsuna is looking at me intently, Hotaru questioningly. "Is honor really that important?" Setsuna asks. I look at her sharply, a little too sharply actually. I can see it's a serious question. I guess it deserves a serious answer. How to phrase it. After another two minutes of silence, I speak, in a very serious tone of voice. "There have been times," I begin. "There have been times when I have been without clothes, food, friends, or hope. Throughout it all, I have had my honor. If I were to lose my honor..." I trail off for a moment. "If I were to lose my honor, then I would really have nothing." Silence is their only response. We walk on. *** "Alright," I say in a pathetic attempt at cheerfulness. "So far we've seen Ucchan's, the Cat Café, Furinkin, Dr. Tofu's, and Ryouga." I'm limping, I have bruises all over the left half of my face, I'm a girl, and I'm still stiff from the paralysis powder. Pretty tame day all said. Hotaru has long ago given up even attempting to close her mouth from its perpetual gape. Setsuna was struggling valiantly with the effort of remaining cool and aloof, but I could see her beginning to fall into numbers of the perpetually shell-shocked. I don't really blame them. Ucchan's had been an okay stop with Konatsu being really nice and Ukyou really understanding, but after that attack by Mousse and the glomp by Shampoo, followed by the encounter with the Kunos at Furinken, that final assault by Ryouga that left me a women, and Tofu's impromptu lesson in ball room dancing (aided by Kasumi and Betty) Hotaru must be almost numb from all those face faults and Setsuna had what looks like a nervous tick by her left eye. "I must say, Ranma," Setsuna begins. "I had been convinced that you were exaggerating in the park. But now..." she trails off. I shrug. Behind us the sun was starting to set. The incipient night reminded me that I had an appointment to keep, and I couldn't do it with these two standing around. "Don't worry about it," I tell her. "Look, I don't want to seem like an rude host, but its getting late. Do you two need a lift home?" Setsuna seems to shake herself and glances at her wristwatch. She seems startled by the time. "Indeed, it is late. Do you know when the next bus will be coming in?" I grin at her. "It's in a couple of hours, but I could give you two a lift if you want one." Setsuna raised an eyebrow. "You don't look old enough to drive," she states skeptically. Hotaru was still too stunned by the days events to speak. I take a moment to stretch away the last vestiges of the paralysis powder. Those two look pretty light, and I want to do something nice for them... "Of course I can't drive. I was offering you a lift, not a ride," I grin at Setsuna's uncomprehending look and continue. "After all, what trip to Nerima is complete without a guided tour to the roofs?" Using my vastly superior speed to forestall argument, I pick Setsuna up and sit her on my shoulders with one hand, and give Hotaru the same treatment with my other. Leaving my arms up to support their waists I leap. I hear Setsuna's startled inhalation and the jump seems to have woken up Hotaru. She gives a startled squeak, even as I alight on the roof and begin to run. "Use your legs against my chest to keep your balance," I instruct as I hop from one roof to another. "Put your hands on my head to help. And relax," I tell them as though being carried on someone's shoulder at close to twenty-five miles an hour over the roofs of the city was normal. "I do this all the time." Two roofs later I feel Hotaru loosen up, and I grin when I actually hear her start to laugh. Setsuna begins to loose her ridged ness a little after that. "I wouldn't mind this nearly so much," she tells me in a tight voice, "If I wasn't wearing a skirt." "Don't worry," I tell her, breathing easily. "You'd be surprised at how little people look up these in a city." I have to make sure to pace myself. The two might be light, but Juuban is a fair distance away, and it just wouldn't do to get tired on something as routine as this. The trip continues in much the same vein. Me making idle conversation with Setsuna while Hotaru gleefully points out land marks from out elevated position. "So was today pretty typical?" Setsuna asks me. "Yup. Sometimes a day or two will go by when I won't run into a specific person, but that usually means they're training to beat me or something. You were actually pretty lucky." "Why's that?" I smirk to myself. "You managed to come at a day when Happosai wasn't in. *** Hotaru throws herself at me and gives me a warm hug. "Thanks for the ride Ranma," she laughs happily. Then she seems to realize that she's hugging me, and blushes while she darts into her house. Oh boy, I think she has a crush on me. Setsuna offers me a much more sedate farewell. "Thank you for an interesting day," she tells me as she offers me her hand. I grin like an eighteen year old kid, (what a coincidence) and take her hand. "Nah, the pleasure was all mine," I laugh as I scratch behind my head with my other hand. Once more, I'm treated with one of Setsuna small smiles. I could really grow to like those. "While I don't think that you deserve any of the treatment you receive," she says, her face suddenly rather serious, "I respect your dedication to your duty. If you ever need some help with it, please ask. I won't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do." She turns and gracefully enters the apartment she shares with Hotaru and the other two ladies. I stand staring after her for a minute. There was something about the way she had said the word 'duty'. Something... I crack a grin. I could definitely get used to having her around. Maybe I'll keep her as a slave after we invade and conquer. I start to whistle, and walk away with my hands in my pockets. Full dark has set in by now, but I still have some time before I need to make my appointment. Why not enjoy the night? *** I stare at Saffron's broken body, jaw agape, unable to comprehend what had just happened. I won? How could I have one? It should be impossible. Saffron was a god, I'm a lowly third phile. I was chosen because I was so weak. The battle should have been pathetically one sided. Well, the battle had been pathetically one sided, but it should have been me that was the one broken. Not that I'm complaining or anything. What could this mean? Was Saffron nothing more than a faker, a lowly demon merely aspiring to divinity? Even as this thought crosses my head, Saffron's body goes up in ashes, like a phoenix. A pathetic mewling noise sounds from amid the blaze, and a second later the fire and Saffron are both gone. A crying babe lies where the two had been a moment before. No, Saffron had been a god. A fairly powerful one if he had been able to almost instantly rebirth himself. The implication of this strikes me like a blow. I just killed a god. How powerful have I become?... A churning noise to my right shakes me out of my reverie. It is now very late into the night. I am slouched against a tree, hidden in shadows with the lake to my right. I haven't moved in almost two hours while I was waiting. A quick glance to my right tells me what the churning was. The lake is a pool of boiling diamonds, as the moon reflects off of its bubbling surface. From the depths of the lake, the scaled thing from the second phile, a second philer, rises from the depths where it had laid covered in mud. I have to admit, it was a good place to hide with its coloring and the texture of its skin. The second philer looks around, and quickly detects the 'here I am' aura I'm admitting. The moon outlines its sneer when it catches its first good look at me. I conceal a scowl. The reason behind its dislike of me is very simple. I'm from the third phile, he's from the second. It's kind of like a social caste system. At the top of the ladder is He-Who-Remembers. Kind of a like a personified god. After the Lord is the first phile. They are, for the most part, fairly powerful, minor lords and ladies and whatevers. Important, but not as important as the Lord. Below that are the second philers. They function as commanders and guards, elite soldiers. And below them, our the third philers. Peons and cannon fodder. When the barrier drops, the third philers will be the first ones through, to absorb the brunt of the humans' weaponry. The biggest problem I have with this is the fact that the third philers are treated like dirt. The reason we are considered third philters, the reason that we're at the bottom of the rung was because of a weird aural anomaly. While most aura's have a kind of descending counter clock wise spiral, human, creature, or demon, third philers have a descending clock wise spiral. Because of this we're considered weaker and dirtier than the others, and scorned accordingly. Its kind of like assuming someone is inferior because of the color of their skin or the slant of their eyes. Humans do that a lot. "Third," it snaps arrogantly. "What are you doing here?" It looks me up and down, and I stop myself from straightening into a threatening stance. "My name is Ran," I instead answer. "I am one of the original agents that our," I emphasized the word, "Lord sent to begin the unraveling of the barrier." The second sneered at me, well sneered as best something with no lips can. "Well, now you don't have to worry," it tells me. "Seconds are taking over that task. My Lord has finally worn enough of it away so that the Seconds can take care of the job, and lead the invasion." That condescending snot. He wouldn't admit that the Thirds are just as responsible for the weakening of the barrier. He wouldn't admit if tortured. "Your task is done, Third." I feel a warm feeling run through me. A finish to what I started. Finally I could leave those annoying humans behind. The Second continues. "Now you can return to the rest of your kind." I have no warning. The only thing that saves me are the years of unexpected attacks on me by dozens of super powered martial artists. I throw myself away from the tree even as the explosion showers me with splinters. I roll and come up in a ready position, hunched forward so that one hand was on the ground, both my feet spread far apart for stability. "What in the name of the Lord are you doing?!" I snap at him. The Second merely gives me a disgusted look. "It's simple, Third. I'm sending you to visit the rest of your kind. You weren't here when we had the cleansing." I go cold. "The cleansing?" I ask, already afraid of what the Second was going to say. "The cleansing. The glorious hunt that rid the multiverse of you and the rest of your pathetically deviant race." The Second attacked physically. Despite the growing cold in the pit of my stomach, I easily fend off its attacks. "You lie," I snap. The Second is still arrogantly confident of its superiority, ignoring the fact that I'm matching its best attacks like they weren't even there. "It was a beautiful thing," he tells me, "-when the final Third fell, obliterated by the Lord himself. The celebration lasted a week." I have to get away from here. The scouts could show up at any second, and I don't want to explain why I'm speaking with this creature. Shrugging aside one of the Seconds feeble assaults, I tightened my fingers flat, and thrust them at Imperial Roasting Chestnuts speed into the unsuspecting creatures chest. I close my fist around the slimy mass that would more or less be the creatures equivalent of a heart. One quick tear and the startled creature is lying on the ground, its energy leaking out of the hole in its chest. It probably never even felt the strike. All I can feel is coldness. All of the Thirds. My people. My race. My friends. My family. Dead. The last one obliterated by my Lord himself. I tilt back my head and roar, a hideous tearing noise that shouldn't be able to come out of a human throat. With that, and a coldness penetrating into my very soul, I flee into the night. I flee from the body and what it represents. I flee.