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I am Van Fanel, King of Fanelia, a kingdom on my home world, Gaea. I am from the series The Vision of Escaflowne. I am often the reasonable one in the reviews ... unless Ranma gives me everclear cherries again. *glares at Ranma* Ranma: sorry man! it was just to tempting! van: *sighs* Anyway, as you can tell by my picture, i have wings... i am a Draconian, a decsendent of Atlantis. I never show my wings unless it is a dire emergency. In a review, i am usually the leader of the reviewee's and- *cordy glomps Van* cordelia: and is SOOOO cute! van: ...urk... Cordy, get OFF! *throws cordy off* cordy: ahhh! you're playing hard to get! I LIKE this game! *giggles* van: ...uh... gotta go! that's all you need to know about me! *runs off* *Cordelia follows yelling "Wait!"*