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*giggles* me is Shampoo of the Chinese Amazon tribe! Me first came to Japan to kill girl Ranma, she beat me at fight! Then i got beat by boy Ranma and by Amazon Law, me marry Ranma, or no be a Amazon. *glomps ranma* ranma: Shampoo! Would'ja pay attention t what ya doin'? shampoo: Ranma love me, my airen! Me no like Ugly girl Akane, or squealy girl Kodachi or spatuchula girl Ukyo. Me is followed by Mousse, a Amazon. He turns to a duck when him hits water cold. Me also live with Great Grandmother Cologne, she a amazon too! In the Review Korner, me usually glomp Ranma, but somehow end up in cat form and scare Ranma away! This is all on I, Shampoo!