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Ranma Saotomoe here... I am from the hit anime Ranma 1/2. the 1/2 is for the fact when i am hit with cold water, i turn into a girl, the red head in the picture above... the pig is Ryoga's form when HE gets hit by cold water... See, we were in China on a training mission when me and my pop (he turns into a panda) fell into the cursed springs... and we accidently knocked Ryoga in as well, then Pop tried to eat him... so he doesn't exactly like us anymore... don't know why! *ehem* anyways, i also hate cats and Shampoo turns into one when SHE gets hit by cold water- *shampoo glomps ranma* shampoo: you say shampoo name? *bats eye lashes* ranma: and she is one of the many who think i'm engaged to her... Shampoo: shampoo make good wife! ranma: uh... right. Well, in the review korner, i'm usually making fun of Heero, i still think he's a yaoi! and then he usually tries to kill me- shampoo: but ranma would never leave Shampoo! *giggles* ranma: ... no comment. shampoo: why no comment? is ugly girl Akane stealing shampoo man again? *growls* ranma: calm down Shampoo! See ya in the reviews! *waves*