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I am Legolas Greenleaf, a skilled Elvin archer. cordy: a fine looking one at that! legolas: I am not sure exactly how i got into the Review Korner... all I know is that I am here, when I should be in Middle Earth. *van looks up at Cordelia* van: hey Cordy, who did Legolas get here? cordy: that's MY secret! *giggles insanely* legolas: Well, i am often the only one that knows what is going on in this choas. ranma: i wouldn't call this choas! goku: *Comes runing in* look all! I found a blue sock! shampoo: let shampoo look! *peers at sock* cordy: hey! its even a toe sock! Van: see? Chaos! Legolas: why is everyone excited for a sock? liz: who knows? heero: hN. cordy: *whips out dicitonary* heero says: isn't this suppose to be about legolas? legolas: I do not mind, i fear i have become acostumed to the madness. This is all on I, Legolas Greenleaf!