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*glares* ... *sighs* ... Yuy. Heero Yuy. Hnn. *glares at LizBethy* Omae o koroso LizBethy! *Cordy sighs and pulls out the Heero Dictionary* cordy: guess it's up to me! Heero is from Gundam Wing, and works a Gudam, 01 and Wing 0 i believe... the Hnn means don't bother me, i'm playing FFVIII on my computer... *giggles* and Omae o koroso means, i'm gonna kill you! *ranma leaps up on the couch* ranma: and he's a YAOI! *Heero growls* Omae o Kor-- kusottare! *grabs Shampoo and kisses her, hard* heero: I am _NOT_ a yaoi! shampoo: ... ooooh.... *gets all dreamy eyed* cordy: some girls get all the luck! ranma: HEY! that's my girl! legolas: i thought you didn't like her that way? ranma: Well-but, hey! She's still mine! *heero smirks* LizBethy: oh boy... *sighs* This is all on Heero!