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Hello! I am Cordelia. I am the star of Saturns Korner, a comic stip done by LizBethy! *lizbethy glares* liz: you are NOT the star!!! cordy: *glares back* This is MY time to talk! Okay, so i'm not the 'star'. Saturn (not Sailor Saturn, Saturn) is the Star... I am also known as LizBethy's evil twin! *cackles Madly* but the question is, am -I- the evil twin, or is LizBethy? liz: *rolls eyes* oh hyne! cordy: And for that matter, am i even a real person? that's for me to know, and LizBethy, and you all to wonder! *grins* Well, in the reviews, i LOVE to drool over Van! van: Stay away! *cordy glomps van* cordy: he just LOVES to play hard to get! Heero too! *cordy turns to Heero* heero:! cordy: ah, in my picture, i'm holding the Heero Dictionary that gets us all through every review! *opens it up* well, Heero just said: if you glomp me, i'll -- that's best not to be known! *turns to Heero* really! Such language! *legolas yawns* leggy: This is getting frightfully long. cordy: *Shrugs* oh well! liz: Thank you Legolas! It's time to say "bye" cordelia! cordy: what? but- hey! *lizbethy grabs cordy and hauls her out of the room*