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Sailor Jupiter


Name: Japanese: Mako Kino; English: Lita
Birthday: December 5
Blood Type: O
Favorite Color: Pink
Hobbies: Cooking
Favorite Food: Cherry Tarts
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Home economics
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Strong Point: Cooking
Fear: Planes
Dream: To marry, and become a cook

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Lita was the fourth person to become a Sailor Scout. She is the tallest of the five inner scouts. Her parents died in a plane crash (at least in the manga). She is Sailor Jupiter, the soldier of thunder. She can be blunt with her feelings, yet she is vulnerable, which may have been from a broken heart. Because she thinks that almost every boy looks like her old boy friend. She is a very strong person and a very good cook.

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