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The mind behind the madness

Reasion behind the "thing"
O.k. as I created this "thing", and yes it is a "thing", and not a "story", I though it would be best to use this time to tell you a bit of the history and reasons behind the "thing".
Well basically it all started when I was 15 and bored. Really bored, you know the 2 weeks off, haven't done anything for 3 day's bored! Well I started to think of what would be cool to do… and the first thing that came into my head was TV. Anyway I sat, watched and fell asleep during sailor moon. When I woke up I said to myself, “self, wouldn’t it be fun for earth to have a decent scout?”, (Tuxedo isn't that great 'a scout in the anime!) and so it started.
This is my latest (and hopefully final) version of the story. Writing this has kept me sane through many things and occupied during others.
I hope you enjoy my story, it is special to me.

English English
A few of you may be a bit confused with the lingo I use for the characters speech. The thing is I’m English, and I thought that I would set it in Britain as it is such a great country.
Hopefully the language barrier won’t cause a problem, it is only English English after all!

People and places
It is inevitable that all writers put a bit of there own experiences in there writing. However I would like you to note that none of the characters or opinions are based on real people (or lessons). I only chose the sights and places in Teesside as I was familiar with them, though I use a lot of artistic liberty at times while describing them.
This was never written to upset anyone so if you have any complaints don't sue me, instead leave a note in the guest book and I will deal with the problem asap.