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-The Wacky Webmisstres
-Ann's Top 50 Rocket Sites
-Weird Things

 The Gossip Column
-People You should know...
-James is...Gay?
-Jessie is...Evil?
-Meowth is...A cyborg?
-Add Your Thoughts and Speculations

 Shipper Sectiona
-Why I'm a Rocketshipper
-The Evidence
-Diffrent Ships

 Movie Maniac Mania
-First Movie
-Second Movie
-Third Movie
-Mewtwo Returns
-The Fourth Movie...Or what we know about it >o< Oh yeah...

 The Games
-Pokemon Red & Blue
-Pokemon Gold & Silver
-Pokemon Red Jessie Version
-Pokemon Crystal

 For the Game Freaks
-Breeding Guide
-Red Vs. Blue & Gold Vs. Silver

 Cheats Cheats Lalalala
-Battle Tower Tips For Trainers
-Modifier Codes
-How to Catch...
-Gameshark Codes
-Places to vist for cheats, w.t.'s, and codes...

 Stuff That Doesn't Go in ther Other Sections and Stuff like that....
-How Pokemon Started
-Find a place in your heart for...ADOPTIES
-Our Site Mascots

 Place, And Spaces YOU Should vist...Yes you over there.
The Rocket Directory

Sex: Female
Age: 17/18
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Rocket Position: White
Rocket Uniform: White/Blue/Gray
Pokemon: Arbok, Lickatung, Wobbafet
Japanese Name: Musashi

Jessie is Jessie lets say that right now. Short fuse, emotionally volitle, and well...lovingly scarred-Okay so not lovingly but you get the point-in just about every single prior relationship. Not as much is known about Jessie as it is about James, who had his own episode. But what we do know gives us a okay kinda blurry picutre of how it went.

Jessie grew up poor. VERY poor. So very very poor her mother, Miyamoto, made her food out of snow with soysauce. When Jessie was around 7 her mother went out on a mission in order to provide for her young daughther. Before she left she took a picture of Jessie. The thing was she was crying so hard not wanting her mother to leave that the picture shows her wailing.

Miyamoto dies on her mission in an avalanche. (In case your wondering the mission was to find mew) After that we got a fog of what happened between the time of her mother's death and when she met James.

There a number of diffrent rumors, and ideas of how she got to Pokemon Tech, how old she was when she did go. My guess is she was about 10-12 when she went. Funded by Team Rocket. How very nice. As her mother was the best rocket in the history of Team Rocket they had high expectations for Jessie.

She wasn't the best in her class instead she got the worst score in the history of the school. She supposedly, by her own words, spent the night before the exams partying. Supposedly people supposedly. Her and James dropped out became members of the bridge bike gang, and were eventually picked up by the rockets: Who had been looking very avidly for her.

Surprise surprise James went with her to Team Rocket went into training became a Damin rocket before turning into a white rocket or field agent. When they were paired up together they were also teamed up with Meowth. You know what happens from there.